Aug 202018

The real story of German naturopath, Ellinor Kolbeck on how she Ayurveda helped to strengthen bones and muscles and relieving pain.

One day when Ellinor was turning side in her bed, her rib got cracked and that is the time she realized what Ayushakti vaidya saying 3 months ago was absolutely right – she has osteoporosis. Ellinor, then without wasting time, straight away came to Ayushaktia Mumbai for “Arthrox” treatment.
Within 3 weeks of treatment with herbs, oil & dhara with special enemas. She got a remarkable relief in her pain. Then she flew back to Germany and continued Arthrox herbs with the diet for 2 years. Slowly her bone density became better and better and she recovered remarkably in 2 years. This made her very curious to learn Ayurveda and started coming to ayushakti to learn Ayurveda and pulse reading.

Watch the real story on Youtube.

What is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a silent illness. Slowly over a period of 8-10 years, bones become week and osteoporosis develops. Suddenly one day there is the fracture and then you will come to know that you have osteoporosis.
So first important thing is to prevent osteoporosis by checking bone density once a year when you cross 47 years of age. This will indicate if any osteoporosis is developing or not. If yes, then you can immediately start preventive measures. Ayushakti provides Ayurvedic medicine for Osteoporosis treatment. This blog will explain to you all about Osteoporosis treatment. Ayurveda Osteoporosis treatment is most effective.

As per Ayurveda, why osteoporosis?

As per Ayurveda, all the food that you eat converts into different tissues because of Dhatu Agni (Metabolism). Calcium and vitamin D conversion to bone tissues happens with the help of Asthi Dhatu Agni. When this Asthi Dhatu Agni or metabolism does not function very well in spite of taking lots of calcium and vitamins, bones start degenerating and lead to osteoporosis.
Besides that, excess vata (air) in the body also cause degeneration. As in the atmosphere, when there is a lot of wind, everything dries up, just like in Autumn.

What can be done naturally to reverse the osteoporosis?

In osteoporosis, it is very important to increase metabolism, nourish bones constantly and reduce vata constantly. Then, Stimulate dhatu Agni and metabolism. Thus, your own calcium and vitamin D is then starting working and producing bone tissues again and Improving bone density.

How does Ayushakti’s Arthrox treatment work in osteoporosis?

Arthrox treatment is a combination of diet, herbal remedies, home remedies and deep nourishing treatments.

What is the Arthrox diet for osteoporosis?

1. To activate metabolism, mung diet is the best. Every month for 5 days, just eat mung and vegetable soup. This will burn toxins and improve metabolism remarkably.
2. For improving metabolism, daily take ¼ Tsp. ginger powder, ¼ tsp black pepper powder and 1 tsp. of coriander powder in half glass of water twice a day after eating your food. This mixture helps improving metabolism in every situation like obesity, high cholesterol, or uric acid and of course osteoporosis too.
3. Your daily Calcium intake should be 1000 to 1200 mg.


Milk, soy milk, tofu, soybeans, white beans, kale, collard greens, broccoli, almonds and almond butter, leafy vegetables, fish, sesame seeds, rajgira (kamut).

In order to have 1000 mg. calcium every day, at least take one of the following:

One tablespoon of the sesame seeds daily morning with water.


5 soaked Almonds


One cup of cooked spinach


One cup dried fig puree


2 Cups Milk


These are the best source of calcium for your bones.

Ayushakti herbs remarkably improve bone density and help prevent degenerations.

Painmukti MJ 2 -2 (tablets in the morning and two tablets in the evening after food)
Relieves pain, stiffness, inflammation & promotes joint flexibility
Painmukti Sandhi-cal 2-2 (tablets in the morning and two tablets in the evening after food)
Improves joint strength, promotes calcium to bones, prevents bone degeneration

You can write to Ayushakti vaidyas and get a free advice on how to manage your health naturally.                                    Website: Visit.

Get Osteoporosis treatment in Mumbai at Ayushakti. Ayushakti provides herbal medicine for Osteoporosis.

For powerful health transformation stories, subscribe to Ayushakti YouTube channel:

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Aug 192018

Water is the sustainer of life of all living beings. The entire world is full of it. Water acts like nectar either pure or medicated, cooked or uncooked , hot or cold if used wisely. Ayurveda, a 5,000 years old holistic system, believes that the choices we make on a daily basis effect our bodies ability to develop or destroy disease. Most of us consider cold water as rejuvenator and more energiser and are not fond of drinking warm water unless caught by common cold, fever and other hazards. Well, being an ayurvedic medicine student while going through types and health benefits of all the liquid foods in some classical ayurvedic texts, there I got to find warm water has much of health benefits. I had the crave for it I decided to research it to see whether there were any benefits associated with it. The feel of warm water is amazing; it transforms your whole body system.

Ayurveda views agni as the very source of life and has mentions that impaired agni is at the root of every imbalances and diseases. Ayurveda endorses the fact that drinking warm water the secret to good health and clear skin. Warm water is nature’s most powerful home remedy and minimizes digestive problems.

Acharya Vagbhat has explained about Ushna Jala (warm water) on his text – Ashtanga Hridaya (Classical Ayurvedic Text- 7th century) Sutrasthana chapter 5 as:

dīpanamaṃ pācanaṃ kaṇṭhyaṃ laghūṣṇambastiśodhanam ll (A.H.S 5/16 )

hidhmādhmānānilaśleṣmasadya:śuddhinavajvarekāsāmapīnasaśvāsapāśrrvarukṣuca śasyate ll (A.H.S 5/17)

This classical verse states that:
Warm water has the properties of :
Deepana : Stimulates hunger,
Pachana : helps digestion,
Kanthya : good for the throat,
Laghu : easily digested,
Basti shodhana : cleanses the urinary bladder,


Hidhma : relieves hiccup,
Adhmana : flatulence
Anila : aggrevation of vata
Sleshma : aggravation of kapha
It is ideal on the days of Panchakarma Therapy.

Navavjara: fever of recent origin
kasa : cold, cough
Ama : accumulation of undigested materials,
Peenassa : rhinitis(running nose)
Shwasa : dyspnoea and
Parshvaruja : pain in the flanks.

Acharya Charaka has also described the role of hot water in management of Jvara (Fever):

jvaritasyakāyasamutthānadeśakālānabhisamīkṣya pācanārthaṃ pānīyamuṣṇaṃ prayacchanti bhiṣajaḥ| jvaro hyāmāśayasamutthaḥ, prāyobheṣajāni cāmāśayasamutthānāṃ vikārāṇāṃ pācanavamanāpatarpaṇasamarthānibhavanti; pācanārthaṃca pānīyamuṣṇaṃ, tasmādetajjvaritebhyaḥprayacchanti bhiṣajo bhūyiṣṭham| taddhi teṣāṃ pītaṃvātamanulomayati, agniṃ codaryamudīrayati,| kṣipraṃ jarāṃ gacchati, śleṣmāṇaṃpariśoṣayati, svalpamapi ca pītaṃ trṣṇāpraśamanāyopakalpate; tathāyuktamapicaitannātyarthotsannapitte jvaresadāhabhramapralāpātisāre vā pradeyam, uṣṇena hi dāhabhramapralāpātisārā bhūyo:’bhivardhante, śītenacopaśā, śītena copaśāmyantīti ||               (Cha.Vi. 3/40)

As the fever is relieved by cold articles, hot water is prescribed to the patient suffering from fever instead of cold water to help them with their digestion. Moreover, fever arises from amashaya (stomach) and the remedies usually used for disorders arise from the stomach with digestive, emetic and depletive properties.

Ingestion of hot beverages helps to expel gas, stimulates digestive power, digests (the ingested beverage) quickly, dries up the mucus, and relieves thirst when taken even in a smaller quantity.

Nevertheless, hot drinks should not be administered in fevers which are due to exacerbation of pitta-dominant symptoms such as fevers accompanied with excessive burning sensations, giddiness, delirium, and diarrhoea, since these disorders are greatly aggravated by hot measures. Such ailments require cold fomentation or cold treatments.

Some mentions and indications of warm water are found in classical ayurvedic texts as:

  1. Hot water shouldn’t be used for Achamana (intake of a sip of water). Achamana is done before commencing worship of god and after riding a chariot. (A.S.S. 3/12)
  2. Luke warm water is indicated for Gandusa Therapy (gargling with mouth full of liquid). Gandusa is useful to prevent cracking and roughness of the lips, dryness of mouth, diseases of teeth and disorders of voice. Luke warm water will make the mouth clean and healthy. (A.S.S. 3/31)
  3. Water from different source should not be drunk till the digestion of first water; & if uncooked water taken previously has not been digested, cooked water should bot be taken over it and vice versa. (A.S.S. 6/29)
  4. Water undergoes Madhura Vipaka and sita veerya even though used hot. So, hot water should be avoided as it is Laghu (light) and causes no harm in small quantity. Patients of Ama (indigestion), and other digestive problems should drink warm water to moisten the food. The food liquefied by hot water undergoes quick digestion. (A.S.S.6/35)
  5. Warm water is considered as the best Anupana (after drink) after consuming foods made from pista (flour) and are hardly digestible. (A.S.S. 10/44)
  6. Warm water mixed with salt should be given for emesis to the patient suffering from indigestion. (A.S.S. 11/22)

Many individuals are becoming health conscious and many tends to stay healthy with their daily intakes.I have been prescribing people to drink warm water as it rejuvenates and energizes the body. Also it maintains electrochemical balance in the body and also continues the calorie burning process.

You can maintain your optimum health with regular intake of warm water. Lastly, I’d recommend you to take warm water and be healthy.

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Aug 172018

As you age, your bone density starts decreasing.  If not enough bone mass is created or bone loss occurs later in life, you have an increased risk of developing fragile bones that break easily. Consumption of healthy foods for bones can avoid such issues.

A good lifestyle habit can help you build strong bones and maintain them as you age. Adults over 50 should get 1000-, 200 milligrams of calcium and 400 to 600 IU of vitamin D. Hence, the addition of ayurvedic calcium supplements or calcium-rich foods is a must in one’s diet.

Here are 10 natural ways to build healthy bones with natural calcium supplements.

Eat Lots of Vegetables

One cup of cooked spinach contains almost 25% of your daily calcium, plus fibre, iron, and vitamin A.

One cup of cooked cabbage contains more than 25% of your daily calcium.

200 gm Cooked broccoli provides more than 25% of your daily calcium and protein and is rich in bone protective antioxidants.

100 gm amaranth in any form.  It is a good source of calciumprotein and amino acids and is rich in iron, magnesium and Vitamin A, B and C.


Getting enough protein is important for healthy bones. About 50% of bone is made of protein. Eat minimum 100 gms of any protein food daily.









Include Foods High in Magnesium and Zinc

Along with Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc also important for bone health.  a Magnesium and zinc help in converting vitamin D into the active form that promotes calcium absorption to the bones.


Nuts like almonds, cashews 20 gm per day or Brazil nuts 2 per day are the powerhouse of essential vitamins, minerals and healthy fats.  Walnuts are the great source of omega – 3 which helps to strengthen bones.

The proven powerful home remedy to take daily:

  • 1 Green ripe Banana
  • ½ glass Pomegranate juice
  • 1 pinch Cardamom Powder
  • Mix very well and take every day after the age of 40 compulsorily.
  • This remedy contains 600 mg calcium and pomegranate is helping to boost metabolism too.  So calcium is converted into bones naturally and faster.

The amazing remedy for pain in knee, hips and back an improve bone density:

Tinospora cordifolia (Rasna) powder                                     1 teaspoon

Boswella serrata (Shallaki) powder                                        1 teaspoon

Cissus quadrangularis (Asthishrunkhala) powder              1 teaspoon

You can write to Ayushakti vaidyas and get a free advice on how to manage your health naturally. Email:  Website: Visit.

For powerful health transformation stories, subscribe to Ayushakti YouTube channel:

For regular health tips & updates, like us on: Facebook

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Jul 112018

Summer Health Maintenance
by Justine Myers, Lic. Ac.

Come in for some acupuncture tune-ups and enjoy a more comfortable, active life this summer! If you are limiting the activities you love due to nagging aches and pains and limited range of motion, acupuncture can help alleviate your discomforts and loosen up your muscles and joints so you can be more active. Have travel plans including long car or plane rides? Prevent, reduce and manage low back pain that comes from prolonged sitting. Struggling with jet lag or insomnia? Acupuncture can help get your sleep back in order. Feeling stressed and anxious? Acupuncture is great for calming down the nervous system so you can feel more relaxed and walk through difficult situations more serenely. For chronic digestive disorders that get in the way of daily life and make traveling more difficult, acupuncture can smooth it out. A series of acupuncture treatments can reduce the frequency and severity of headaches and migraines so you can enjoy life with less pain and prevent debilitating episodes. There are many more conditions that can be helped by acupuncture. Wondering how much acupuncture would be helpful? Ask your acupuncturist at your next visit. Here’s a chart with some helpful guidelines for various health conditions. Take good care of yourself this summer – your body and mind will thank you and reward you by feeling better!

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Jul 102018

Throat pain

 Throat pain and the “Like cures like” principle

One of the homeopathic principles is based on healing by the similar. That means that the remedy cures if it causes, in a healthy person, an effect similar to that of the disease symptom. In the example below, a stinging throat pain is cured by bee venom. Conventional medicine is based on the opposite, and so they have anti-inflammatory, anti-fever, and several other “anti” symptoms drugs. The disease is not understood, and its symptoms are attacked and suppressed.

The homeopathic remedy is intelligent and acts as a stimulant of the body, and can lead to healing without side effects. As homeopathic remedies are very diluted and dynamized, they do not intoxicate the body.

Stinging throat pain

In my many personal experiences with homeopathic remedies and quick and definitive cures, the fastest cure was a case of throat pain. I took a warm bath before bed, and I remembered that I had to get something in the yard. It was Summer, and I did not imagine it could be cold, but it had rained, it was windy, and I went out with light clothing. As soon as I came back inside and laid down, I began to feel my throat sore.

A lump formed on the right side of my neck and the pain started extremely strong, as if caused by hot needles. I had never felt anything like that before and it was almost unbearable. It was late at night, I was sleepy, and it was difficult to have the courage to get out of bed to look for a homeopathic remedy.

Choosing Apis mellifica

However, I got up and opened one of my first-aid kits, where I found Apis mellifica, a remedy made from bee venom. I had never taken Apis before,  and I thought “this should cover my pain that is burning and sharp like a bee sting”. I put four globules under my tongue, and laid down. The result was the most incredible I’ve ever experienced: before the globules just finish melting (about two minutes) the pain had totally gone.

I was amazed, slept well and woke up in the morning without any swelling or pain! This remedy actually covers a wide range of symptoms including urinary problems, arthritis, prostate diseases and various other symptoms where there is an inflammatory process. Except in acute cases, it should be used only under the supervision of a homeopathic health professional.

Homeopathy for acute or chronic cases

Although I have been treated with homeopathy for some thirty years, I never cease to be amazed at how wonderful it is. Taking the homeopathic remedy as soon as you feel the first symptoms is very important, because it allows for very quick cures.

In chronic and long-term diseases, it takes patience to achieve improvement, but in general the results are also spectacular. People who suffer from chronic diseases usually need to improve their lifestyle in order to remove possible causes that sustain the problem. changing the homeopathic medicines as the symptoms change is important.

This post is for educational purposes only, and it is not intended to replace medical treatment.

Homeopathic consultations

Full homeopathic consultation (90 minutes of consultation and two free follow-ups for 180 CAD) or emergency and recent problems consultation (30 minutes of consultation and a free follow-up by 50 CAD).

E-mail: [email protected]

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Jul 102018

According to Ayurveda, during monsoon, Vata (air) is aggravated and pitta (heat) is accumulated in the body. Too much humidity creates fermentation and acidic mucous or a cough and congestion. During monsoon, many people suffer from vomiting and diarrhea because of high pitta or a cough and congestion because of humidity. By the end of monsoon, many people start feeling a lot of gas formation or joint pain, because of aggravated Vata (air).

How to balance your Prakruti during Monsoon to stay Healthy?

1. For cough, cold and congestion:

Diet: Avoid taking wheat items and milk.
Home remedy:

  • Fresh Basil leaves – 20
  • Cinnamon sticks – 1 inch long
  • Black peppercorns crushed – 3
  • Fresh ginger crushed – 2 inches long
  • Fresh turmeric – 2 inches long (or 1 tsp. turmeric powder)
  • Jaggery (optional) – as a sweetener
  • Water – 4 cups
  • Boil the ingredients in water and reduce it to two cups. Filter and drink warm, 3-4 times a day.

2. For vomiting and acidic feeling :

Diet: Avoid spicy, sour and fermented foods and pickles.
Home remedy:

  • Black Raisins (Manuka) 20 Nos.
  • Liquorice (Jeshtimadhu) powder ½ Tsp.
  • Mirobalan (Amla) powder 1 Tsp.
  • Cumin seed (Jeera) powder ½ Tsp.
  • Fennel seed (Badi saunf) powder ½ Tsp.
  • Dry Ginger (Sont) powder ¼ Tsp.
  • Cardamom (Elaichi) powder ¼ Tsp.

Soak black resins in one glass of water overnight. In the morning, smash the raisins well and filter. Add all other ingredients in the filtered raisins water and drink in the morning on empty stomach.

3. For Diarrhea:

Diet: Stay on khichadi

Home remedy: Pomegranate juice (3-4 glasses daily).

4. For Joint Pain:


Diet: Avoid wheat, maida, fried and fermented foods, red meat. Have lots of vegetables.

Home remedy:

  • 1 tsp cumin seed powder
  • 1/2 tsp dry ginger powder
  • 1/4 tsp ajwain seed powder
  • 1/2 tsp Black Salt
  • 1 pinch of asafetida
  • Mix well in half a glass of water and drink 2-3 times a day.

General Dietary Guide Lines for Monsoon


Spice up your food, not just with chillies, or by reducing the chillies. Use garlic, ginger, cumin, coriander, asafetida, turmeric. Keep the gas away and the keep the immune system normal.

Many people get swelling in the body during monsoon. Hence, avoid wheat, rice, and sour food, as they create more swelling.

  • Have more of Mung Daal, Chickpea lentil, Oats, Corn, Ragi, Khichadi, Millet Rottis.
  • Vegetables like snake gourd, bottle gourd, green gourd, soft gourd, pumpkins.
  • Fruits: Seasonal fruits like pomegranate, apple, litchi, cherry, Banana, papaya.

Good Lifestyle

  • Fasting 3-5 days in a month only with mung and vegetable is very much recommended.
  • Once a week, follow only-water fasting. This burns all the toxins and keeps digestive fire active.

These were some proven natural monsoon health care tips which can safeguard your body.
Stay safe this monsoon, with our monsoon health care tips, backed by the power of Ayurveda!

To know more about the benefits of Ayushakti’s Panchakarma and other 31-year-old treatments, Click Here.

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Jul 042018

summertime colds

Summertime colds and the flu

Why do we have summertime colds and the flu? In general, colds and the flu are more common in Winter, when the cold weather and closed spaces makes us more susceptible to getting ill.

However, even in the Summertime the viruses are in the environment (generally different those common in Winter), and respiratory diseases at this time may be even worse.

Virus transmission

Transmission can be done by saliva and contact with objects touched by someone who is contaminated. For example: putting your hands in a contaminated place and scratching the eyes can cause conjunctivitis. Thus, a little care can help prevent this type of problem, such as  avoiding touching mouth and eyes, and washing your hands as soon as you get home. Abusing the use of air conditioning and cold water, especially when the body is hot, can quickly cause symptoms like sore throat, sneezing and heavy head.

The role of the immune system

The degree of susceptibility to catch a disease varies greatly from one person to another. Two friends may be around someone coughing, and one of them gets the virus while the other does not. Why does this happen? There is no doubt that the person who caught the virus has low immunity. In fact, viruses are all around us all the time, and usually if we are vigorous we have good defenses and do not get sick easily.

Low immunity is linked to chronic diseases, poor diet, lack of exercise, and emotional problems. Feelings of anger, fear, hatred or any other negative emotion don’t happen on an abstract level. All our internal chemistry changes – some hormones accelerate production, others stop, the blood becomes more acidic. A physical illness is very common after some kind of suffering or negative emotion.

Emotional health to prevent disease

Surely we all have some negative feelings at some point, but it’s important to learn how not to identify very closely to them. Take a walk, do a few minutes of meditation and trust that if you did the best you could, the result is not in your hands. If you didn’t do the best, do it again if it is possible, or take advantage of the lesson and do it better the next time.

Do not spread your viruses

To finish, it is good to remember to take extra care when we are sick so we don’t spread our viruses to others. Hot ginger tea, resting, light foods and plenty of liquid help the body to regain balance. Homeopathic remedies help you recover faster or even prevent a cold from going forward, if taken as soon as you feel the first symptoms.

This post is for educational purposes only, and it is not intended to replace medical treatment.

Homeopathic consultations

Full homeopathic consultation (90 minutes of consultation and two free follow-ups for 180 CAD) or emergency and recent problems consultation (30 minutes of consultation and a free follow-up by 50 CAD).

E-mail: [email protected]

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Jun 062018

Chinese Herbal Medicine Cabinet
by Justine Myers, Lic. Ac.

These Chinese herbal remedies are great to have on hand when you’re feeling ill.  Here’s what I always keep at home in my medicine cabinet and take as soon as I need them in order to feel better and recover quickly:

Yin Chiao: this is truly a miracle remedy for a sore throat at the start of a common cold.  With its powerful anti-viral properties it can help fight off a cold within 1-2 days when taken as directed so you don’t go on to suffer for 10+ days with a full-blown cold.
Indications: sore throat at the start of a cold.
Instructions: The key to success is to take 5 pills as soon as possible when your throat starts feeling sore, then repeat doses of 5 pills every 2-4 hours until your throat is no longer sore.  Your sore throat/cold should resolve within 1-2 days if you take it as directed.  (Note: if you don’t take it right away, it’s still worth taking it within 24 hours of the onset of a sore throat – but the likelihood of it preventing a cold progressing altogether is better the sooner you take it.  If your cold doesn’t resolve after 2 days of taking Yin Chiao, discontinue taking it.).
Helpful Tip: I keep a bottle at home and I also keep one in my purse, which I take with me to work, when traveling, etc.  You might want to keep one at home, and an extra bottle in your backpack, car, office or other location where you spend lots of time – so it’s with you when you need it.
Potential Side-effect: loose stools or diarrhea may occur 1-2 days after taking Yin Chiao, especially in people who are easily prone to these conditions.  If you have some Curing Pills on hand, taking 1 dose of 2 Curing Pills 1-2 times a day for 1-2 days can help mitigate the digestive side-effects and keep your digestion running smoothly.

Upper Chamber Pills (Cang Er Zi Wan): for colds and allergies with sinus symptoms and headaches, sinus infections
Indications: sinus congestion with thick nasal discharge, post nasal drip with thick phlegm, frontal/sinus headache and/or sinus pain/pressure associated with common cold, sinusitis or allergic rhinitis.  It can also help dizziness associated with sinus congestion.  Unlike Xin Yi Wan, these don’t help with loss of sense of smell.
Instructions: 12 pills, 2x/day (that’s a total of 24 per day) until symptoms resolve (may be several days to a week).  Or you can take 8 pills, 3x/day as directed on the label (I prefer twice a day for simplicity – it will work well either way).
Helpful tip: When I’m all stuffed up I will take these and use some saline nasal spray and/or neti pot and find it very helpful.  I never take other drugstore over the counter medications as I prefer this treatment much more and there are no side-effects.

Clear Wind-Heat Teapills (Sang Ju Yin Wan): these pills are helpful for an irritated/scratchy throat with a dry cough (different than the sore throat without cough, in which case Yin Chiao is more appropriate).
Indications: a dry cough and irritated throat typically occurring at the onset of a common cold or flu
Instructions: 12 pills, 2x/day (that’s a total of 24 per day) until symptoms resolve (typically 1-3 days), or you can take 8 pills, 3x/day as directed on the label (I prefer twice a day for simplicity – it will work well either way).
Helpful tip: These pills work best when taken as soon as possible after the onset of symptoms, and may help prevent the progression of the illness so you feel healthy again after 1-2 days.

Clean Air Teapills (Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan): these pills for coughing with phlegm/mucous help reduce the severity of coughing and lessen phlegm/mucous production.
Indications: coughing with thick phlegm that typically happens with a chest cold/upper respiratory infection
Instructions: 12 pills, 2x/day (that’s a total of 24 per day) until symptoms resolve (this could be a few days up to a week), or you can take 8 pills, 3x/day as directed on the label (I prefer twice a day for simplicity – it will work well either way).

Curing Pills: a classic Chinese formula for curing a variety of acute digestive conditions.
Indications: stomach virus, food poisoning, upset stomach, nausea, gas, bloating, diarrhea, loose stools.  Also useful as remedy for hangovers and overindulgence of heavy foods.
Instructions: 3 capsules, 1-3 times per day for 1-2 days depending on the severity of your symptoms and how quickly they resolve.
Potential Side-effect: constipation may occur 1-2 days after taking Curing Pills, especially in people who are easily prone to it.

Suan Zao Ren: for insomnia with anxiety
Indications: difficulty falling asleep and/or difficulty staying asleep with anxiety, also useful for night sweats.
Instructions: follow instructions on the label.  Can be used occasionally for acute bouts of insomnia, or nightly ongoing for chronic insomnia.

Dr. Guo’s 37 Healing Salve: a topical salve for musculoskeletal pain, stiffness and muscle tension.  Contains a blend of Chinese herbs and Western herbs, as well as arnica, camphor, menthol, Vitamin E and essential oils which help reduce inflammation, improve circulation and relieve pain.
Indications: for musculoskeletal pain, stiffness and muscle tension.
Instructions: apply 3-4 times per day to affected area.

Other remedies you may find helpful to have on hand:

Eight Righteous Teapills (Ba Zheng Wan): treat and prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs)
Indications: If you tend toward frequent UTIs, keep them on hand in your medicine cabinet and during travel and take them when you feel like your risk for getting a UTI is high, or when you start to experience symptoms of burning/painful urination.
Instructions: 12 pills, 2x/day (that’s a total of 24 per day) until symptoms resolve, or you can take 8 pills, 3x/day as directed on the label (I prefer twice a day for simplicity – it will work well either way).

Bi Yan Wan: for allergies/hayfever with itchy/watery eyes and/or sneezing, and allergic rhinitis and sinusitis with nasal discharge.
Indications: unlike Upper Chamber Pills and Xin Yi Wan, these pills address the itchy/watery eyes and sneezing aspect of allergies, along with runny/stuffy nose.
Instructions: 6 pills, twice a day (that’s a total of 12 per day), or if you prefer you can follow the instructions on the label and take 4 pills, 3 times per day.  Take them as long as you’re experiencing allergies.

Magnolia Flower Pills (Xin Yi Wan): for colds and allergies with sinus symptoms and headaches
Indications: common cold, sinusitis or allergic rhinitis with congestion, runny nose, post nasal drip, frontal/sinus headache and loss of smell.  Does not address thick nasal discharge or dizziness associated with sinus congestion (Upper Chamber Pills are better for those symptoms).
Instructions: 12 pills, 2x/day (that’s a total of 24 per day) until symptoms resolve (may be several days to a week).  Or you can take 8 pills, 3x/day as directed on the label (I prefer twice a day for simplicity – it will work well either way).

Free and Easy Wanderer (Xiao Yao Wan) and Free and Easy Wanderer Plus (Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan): these formulas are helpful for general physical and emotional balance with a variety of symptoms, and is also good for Women’s Health.  The plus type is better for people who tend to feel hot, and for stronger irritability.  Ask us which type is right for you.
Indications: reduces stress and irritability, improves poor appetite, reduces tension headaches, regulates digestion, and is useful for PMS and irregular menstruation.
Instructions: 12 pills, 2x/day (that’s a total of 24 per day) until symptoms resolve, or you can take 8 pills, 3x/day as directed on the label (I prefer twice a day for simplicity – it will work well either way).  This formula can be taken for 1-3 days for acute symptoms, or for chronic conditions it may be taken for several weeks or months.

Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan: helpful for menopausal and perimenopausal hot flashes and night sweats
Indications: perimenopausal/menopausal symptoms of hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety and insomnia.
Instructions: 6 pills, 2x/day (that’s a total of 12 per day).  This formula can be used long-term until symptoms resolve.

Tao Hong Si Wu Wan: for menstrual irregularities and and menstrual cramps.
Indications: irregular periods, late periods, scanty menstrual flow, menstrual cramps.
Instructions: 12 pills, 2x/day (that’s a total of 24 per day) until symptoms resolve, or you can take 8 pills, 3x/day as directed on the label (I prefer twice a day for simplicity – it will work well either way).  I recommend taking it daily through at least 3 cycles for irregular, late and/or scanty periods.  If cycles are regular with mild to moderate pain, take it 1 week prior to period and first 2 days of period.

Stasis in the Lower Palace (Shao Fu Zhu Yu Wan): for painful periods with PMS and premenstrual depression, endometriosis, fibroids and other menstrual irregularities.
Indications: moderate to severe menstrual pain, heavy periods, irregular periods.  Often helpful for the above manifestations which commonly occur with endometriosis and fibroids.
Instructions: 12 pills, 2x/day (that’s a total of 24 per day), or you can take 8 pills, 3x/day as directed on the label (I prefer twice a day for simplicity – it will work well either way). This formula can be taken long term.  It’s recommended to try it for at least 3 months, and may be continued as long as it’s needed.

Margarite Beauty Pills: for acne
Indications: primarily for acne, but may also be helpful for certain manifestations of eczema, rosacea, skin rash or hives, particularly when there is redness and pimples.
Instructions: 6 pills twice a day (that’s a total of 12 per day) until skin is clearer.  May be used short term for acute bouts of acne/hives/eczema, or longer term for chronic skin conditions, but only if it is tolerated well.  Ask Justine whether this formula is right for you.
Potential side-effect: loose stool or diarrhea.

Please ask us for help selecting the best herbs for your particular health conditions.  You’re welcome to come by anytime our office is open to ask for assistance and purchase herbs.
All doses listed above are for adults; please ask Justine for the recommended doses for children.

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May 172018
The edible oil we use in cooking is generally hot pressed oil. However, it is only in the recent period, once people gained awareness about the importance and benefits, cold pressed oil became very popular.
The major difference lies in preparing the input material used to press the oil, rather than pressing techniques. The input we feed to the press the oil has overall influence to a great extent on the properties of the oil. Of course, the way of pressing also impacts the benefits and properties of the oil.
  • Cold pressed oil means the inputs are pressed in a low temperature. To put in a lighter note, the seeds are pressed raw without roasting.
  • Hot pressed oil means the seeds are roasted and pressed under very high temperature.

Benefits of Cold Pressed Sesame Oil

Sesame oil is also known as gingerly oil, extracted from the sesame seeds. Sesame oil is prominent in Asian cuisines, especially Indian cuisine and alternative therapies.
Cold pressed sesame oil is extracted by simply pressing and crushing the seeds without toasting or roasting. It looks pale yellow and carry different flavor than hot pressed one which is darker. It retains the maximum nutrients possible during processing. It has higher quantity of essential fatty acids, which are literally reduced when the sesame seeds are roasted and heated.  Unlike other cold pressed oils, sesame oil has longer shelf life due to an ingredient called Sesamolin prevents oxidation of the oil.
  • Good source of vitamin E and also rich in antioxidant
  • Has the highest concentration of the fatty acids – Omega 3 fatty acid, omega 6 fatty acid and omega 9 fatty acid.
  • Rich in minerals which includes iron, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc.
  • All these minerals support healthy growth of tissues and prevents bones and muscles related deformities like arthritis, osteoporosis etc.
  • Supports cardiovascular health and controls hypertension
It is used widely in ayurvedic therapies as healing oil. It contains antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which nourish the skin, hair and body. It contains nourishing, detoxifying and rejuvenating effect to the body.   It is the best moisturizer and the best massage oil. It helps delay aging process and prevents skin health from sunburn and damages. It is the best remedy for most of skin problems from dryness of skin to eczema.
Needless to say the culinary benefits of cold pressed sesame oil as it is a versatile one to use on regular cooking

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May 152018
Our bodies are approximately 72% water, 12% earth, 6% air, 4% fire and rest is space. How these five elements behave within you determines your health and wellbeing.

The five element theory

In the five element theory, the first element in this universe is space. The vibration of space creates wind. Blowing wind leads to friction and creates the fire element. Transformation of the fire element creates water and solidification of water elements produce earth. From earth, all organic living creatures, plants, animals, and human beings are created.

Water is highly significant for our health because most of our body is water. Consuming good water is the source of wellbeing and good balance. But for Kaliyuga (the age of ignorance and disease), most of the diseases come from the water. None of the modern chemical and electrical systems can purify the waterenough.

What is the best source of water?

Lake water is considered to be good because it is open to the influence of the sun and the moon. Every day it is purified by the sun energy (fire). In unpolluted environments, rainwater is pure but for most of us living in cities, the pollution in the atmosphere contaminates the rainwater. The local water where you are living is the best water for you providing you sterilise it.

How to purify the water?

According to Ayurveda, only the fire can purify the water elements properly. The main source of fire in this universe is the sun. The next best way to purify our wateris to boil it.

Boiling is an effective way to sterilise and disinfect water. Just taking the water up to the boiling point is enough if the source is pure. Otherwise, it is necessary to boil the water up to 10 minutes.
You can observe the purification process and how it aligns with Ayurvedic philosopy. At first, you will observe bubbles which are heavy like kapha. After some time, they become lighter like pitta and at the end, they become light and airy like vata. When the water reaches the vata level all the toxins have disappeared.

Detox with water

Ancient science says hot water is a universal antidote to every disease. Sipping warm to hot water frequently is vital for treating any health condition. Warm to hot water dilates the channels, removes the blockages, and improves digestion and agni (metabolic fire). Frequency is more important than quantity.

Plain hot water is good enough. But if you want to add flavour or medicinal value to your drink, ginger water is an excellent choice for everyone. It is also pleasant to add turmeric, cumin, fennel, or lemon. Even in the warmer seasons, sipping warm waterin small quantities is good for cleansing and balancing.

Note: Re-boiling water or mixing cool water in hot water is not recommended as it produces ama toxins.

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Apr 232018

Compiled by Meghan Gemma with Juliet Blankespoor

10 of our Favorite Resources for Spring Herb Gardening

We’ve been growing medicinal herbs for decades, and their return to the garden each spring is still one of the season’s great joys. At the tail end of winter, cold-hardy herbs like motherwort and lemon balm will start showing off new green leaves—followed shortly by purple-tinged anise hyssop, plush stinging nettles, and fragrant peppermint. Although it will be many more weeks before harvesting commences, their presence is a grand and hopeful sign of warmer days to come.


Growing medicinal herbs can be your gateway to building a truly fresh and nourishing home apothecary. You’ll be hard-pressed to find herbs that are of higher quality than those grown by your own hand. And tending these plants is one of the very best ways to develop a deep and meaningful relationship with your medicine. To celebrate this love affair with garden-grown herbs, we’ve pulled together the best herb gardening resources from our blog, plus five muse-worthy resources that have enlivened and inspired our own gardens.


Five Herb Gardening Guides from the Chestnut School Archives

The Top Ten Medicinal Herbs for the Garden 

These are our top ten must-have medicinals for the garden, including how to get them growing. It’s not easy choosing favorites, but we picked these for their medicinal usefulness, beauty, and adaptability to a wide range of climates.

9 Tips for Planning the Herb Garden of Your Dreams

Your herb garden is a space for exciting creative expression—where medicine and beauty can flourish side by side. Here, Juliet shares her tips for creating a garden that fulfills all your herbal hopes and botanical desires.

Guidelines to Growing Medicinal Herbs from Seeds

Everything you ever wanted to know about starting herbs from seed! Medicinals can be trickier to germinate than veggies—they often require special pre-treatment and some extra pampering. All of which is worth the wonder of watching these unique plants push their first sprouts into the world. Plus, you’ll save money and be able to cultivate herbs you might not be able to purchase otherwise.

Root Division: The Easiest Way to Propagate Medicinal Herbs

Root division is a simple way to add herbs to your garden. It’s handy for propagating dozens of well-loved plants, including mint, bee balm, Echinacea, comfrey, lemon balm, calamus, and elecampane. Learn how to make your own divisions and share the abundance with your friends!

7 Medicinal Herbs for Urban Gardens

Even in urban spaces, you can turn your garden into a productive medicinal paradise! If you have limited outdoor space—or just a patio or balcony—Juliet has a number of tips to help you reap the most from your plantings. Plus, seven herbs that will bring home the bounty in small spaces.

California poppy seedlings interspersed with cooking greens

Five Fabulous Herb Gardening Resources

The Medicinal Herb Grower: A Guide for Cultivating Plants that Heal (Volume 1) by Richo Cech.

A good beginning book to cultivating plants in general, but with a focus on medicinal herbs. Filled with herbal anecdotes and cultivation details for many of our most treasured medicinal allies. Propagation, germination, soil preparation, harvesting, and seed-saving are all covered. Richo is a long-time herb gardener and seed-saver, and owns Strictly Medicinal Seeds, our favorite source for herb seeds and many medicinal plants—including trees, shrubs, and cacti (shipping is available).

Herbal Renaissance: Growing, Using and Understanding Herbs in the Modern World by Steven Foster.

An excellent all–around reference for popular Western herbs. Includes information on medicinal use, processing and cultivation for each herb. This is one of my top-shelf references; the detail and experience Foster shares so gracefully makes this an indispensable source for any herb gardener.

Illustrated Herb Encyclopedia: A Complete Culinary, Cosmetic, Medicinal, and Ornamental Guide to Herbs by Kathi Keville.

One of my long-time favorite herb references. Provides more cultivation information than most general herbals, accompanied by beautiful illustrations. Kathi includes loads of recipes, historical references, medicinal uses, and aromatherapy tips.

Deb Soule of Avena Botanicals on YouTube

The videos on Deb Soule’s YouTube channel are a joy to behold, as she truly loves and connects with plants. She shares invaluable wisdom on garden herbs, including information on cultivation, medicinal uses, harvesting, and preparation. Deb is the founder of Avena Botanicals, a handcrafted herbal remedies business that grows nearly all of their own herbs on a certified biodynamic farm in Midcoast Maine. She also writes a fantastic blog and is the author of How to Move Like a Gardener: Planting and Preparing Medicines from Plants.

Joe Hollis of Mountain Gardens on YouTube

Joe Hollis’s YouTube channel shares an incredible collection of videos on Western and Chinese herbs that can be cultivated in the garden. Joe lives at Mountain Gardens, a botanical paradise featuring the largest collection of native Appalachian and Chinese medicinal herbs in the eastern United States. Joe sells plants and seeds, shares a self-serve library and herbal apothecary, and offers plenty of incredible classes, which you can check out here.

We know there are plenty more fantastic herb gardening resources on the web.

If you have a personal favorite, we’d love to hear about it! And if you enjoy following herbal writers online, check out the blog roll of Rosalee de la Forêt: A Complete List of Herbal Blogs.

Jiaogulan Gynostemma pentaphyllum an exuberant spreader

Want to take a deeper dive into medicinal herb cultivation?

Our 1,000-hour Herbal Immersion Program is the most comprehensive handcrafted online herbal course available, covering botany, foraging, herb cultivation, medicine making, and therapeutics.

Online Herbal Immersion Program

Looking for more blog articles about medicinal herb cultivation?

Remember, we’ve got a wheelbarrow-full of herb gardening and seed starting resources on the blog. Come on over to browse, pick up our personal gardening tips, and learn about our can’t-live-without garden medicinals.

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Apr 092018

By BloggerKhan

My profession is Management and Marketing and it revolves around outsourcing, ecommerce and marketing on the internet. Wise men say identify what you are passionate about and then see if ...

Ecommerce Case Studies / Success / Examples

  1. The base premise is that the more people see your products, the better your chances of making a sale.

  2. You can do that by encouraging more people to visit your website via SEO and SMM,
    You can go where the crowds are

  3. Both are good strategies and you can deploy both simultaneously. However; SEO and SMM takes time to implement and start generating traffic.

  4. We adopted the second strategy, that is, go where the crowds are, that is, online malls or marketplaces Amazon, eBay, Walmart.

  5. Steps:

    1. Prepare your data. SKUs, UPC codes, shipping weights, dimensions, lag times, Free or Paid shipping, T&C

    2. Compare your pricing to those of competitors.

    3. Start Listing

    4. Start with a few products, get your feet wet.

    5. List accurately, ship quickly, do your best to get 5 Star ratings

    6. When you are ready to list in bulk, use tools like:



    7. Sign up for eBay‘s Global Shipping Program

    8. List on and

    9. Without increasing or broadening your product line, you can significantly increase your sales by simply getting in front of more people.

Good Luck!

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Mar 262018

The human gut plays host to more microbes than any other part of the body, with an estimated ten million bacterial cells- and these are just the ones we know about so far. While it is commonly known that these bacteria help maintain our health by improving our digestion and absorption of food and by enhancing our immunity against infections, recent studies have also suggested that gastrointestinal bacteria may influence children’s behaviour.

Researchers from the Ohio State University studied microbes from the digestive tracts of toddlers aged between 18-27 months and found that an abundance and diversity of bacterial species is linked happy, sociable, curious and impulsive behaviours when compared with less variety and fewer numbers of bacterial species.

An interaction between intestinal bacteria and stress hormones is proposed to be the mechanism behind this. Through a complex network of nerves and tissues, the gut can communicate with the brain and influence its functions. This communication pathway is a two-way street and, conversely, the brain can influence digestive function.

What can we do to help our children grow healthy gut flora?

Firstly, say no to sugar!
And by sugar, I mean refined and processed foods. This includes canned foods, breakfast cereals, baked goods, desserts, sweetened dairy products, condiments, fruit flavoured beverages, lollies and fast food items. Instead, shift your child’s diet to include less processed and more complex sources of carbohydrates. Incorporate whole grains, lean proteins and let them enjoy liberal amounts of fruit and vegetables.

How they eat is just as important.
Have your child do their part to take some of the burden off their digestive tract;

  • Encourage your child to sit down and relax when eating, and avoid doing so at moments of stress.
  • Encourage children to chew their food thoroughly- digestion begins in the mouth.

Avoid unnecessary use of antibiotics.
Antibiotic treatment dramatically destroys the microbial balance within the gut, so keep use of these to a minimum.

Nourish their intestinal bacteria.
Invest in good quality probiotics and prebiotics. Probiotic supplements inhibit harmful pathogens from thriving and can help maintain microbial balance within the digestive tract. Alternatively, prebiotics are beneficial foods that stimulate growth of the beneficial gut bacteria. Prebiotics are health supporting and have been found to increase numbers of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria whilst decreasing counts of potential harmful bacteria. Prebiotic food sources include whole grain foods, fermented vegetables, chicory, artichokes, garlic, onion, banana and leeks.

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Mar 262018

The human body requires rather steady and frequent intakes of essential vitamins and minerals in order to perform the biological functions that it needs to. A balanced and varied diet is the preferred means of obtaining essential vitamins and minerals, however nutrient deficiencies can occur even amongst those populations with a bounty of food. As such, supplementing your diet with vitamins and minerals is an effective means of fortifying one’s diet and boosting nutrient content in a consistent manner.

Are you struggling to prioritise your nutrients? Here are my top 3 recommendations:

One of the most abundant minerals in the body, magnesium is used for a variety of functions including energy production, nervous system function and stress management, muscular relaxation, blood pressure maintenance, blood glucose maintenance and bone health. Avoid taking formulations that include magnesium oxide and magnesium sulfate as they are poorly absorbed and can have a laxative effect. Instead opt for magnesium glycinate, magnesium malate and magnesium citrate which are better absorbed.

B Group vitamins
These include vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, folate (B9) and B12. This group of nutrients have wide spread effects and are used for energy production, nerve tissue conduction, neurotransmitter synthesis (chemicals that regulate mood, concentration, memory, pleasure), red blood cell formation, hormone synthesis and heart health. Whenever possible, select a product that contains B group vitamins in their active forms as these are easily absorbed and can be readily used by the body.

Omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFAs)
EFAs cannot be produced by the body, yet they are essential for good health. Fish oils are particularly rich in this unique fatty acid. The active ingredients that give fish oil its therapeutic benefits are EPA and DHA. EPA is an essential nutrient that reduces inflammation within our bodies and helps to regulate our mood, whilst DHA supports our central nervous system health and our cardiovascular function. Heavy metals and other impurities easily contaminate fish oils. Thus, when selecting fish oil ensure that your choice of manufacturer maintains a high standard of quality control.

If you’re after additional food and nutritional alternatives, book an appointment with our Naturopath, Julia. Available for consultation on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

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Mar 262018

A balanced and varied diet is the preferred means of obtaining essential vitamins and minerals, however nutrient deficiencies can occur even amongst those populations with a bounty of food.

Whilst it is true that use of supplements generally has few adverse reactions, they are not completely devoid of side effects.

Due to fewer regulations, poor quality control and less stringent regulatory processes, contamination issues can pose a threat to the manufacturing process, tarnishing the safety of supplementing with natural medicines. Contaminants including heavy metals, pesticides, microorganisms, insects, prescription drugs or cheaper substitute materials are not uncommonly found in over-the-counter natural medicines and are believed to account for the some of the side effects associated with supplement use.

Such cautions are easily avoided by choosing your supplements wisely. When it comes to selecting safe yet effective natural medicines, it is best to stick to the following guidelines:

  • To guarantee a high-quality product, familiarise yourself with reputable brands that maintain quality assurances and quality control procedures. If you are unsure of where to turn to, seek the guidance of a healthcare practitioner that is knowledgeable in nutritional medicine.
  • For individuals with a complex health history, those taking prescription or over-the-counter medication, and those planning surgery, it is best that you consult with your healthcare provider before supplementing with natural medicines. This will help to avoid any unwanted side effects and will also provide you with an opportunity to discuss the type of supplement that is best suited to you.
  • Nutrients taken in excess over long periods of time can overwhelm the body and lead to toxicities. To avoid this, be sure that you do not exceed the stated recommended daily dose.
  • Even the use of vitamin and mineral supplements may provide an insufficient supply of one or more nutrients, particularly if an individual’s nutrient requirements are in high demand. When checking the label on your chosen supplement, make sure that the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for each nutrient is listed at 100% or above. This will not only prevent nutrient deficiencies from occurring, but also cover differences within the individual need.
  • Be cautious with the following nutrients: Vitamin A, Vitamin D, copper, iron and zinc. These nutrients maintain a very narrow range between the RDA and the upper limit of what is tolerable to the body. Avoid taking any of these as individual nutrient formulations, as high dosages can cause unwanted side effects. Instead, use a broad multivitamin supplement, where the dosages of these nutrients will be lower and less likely to cause adverse reactions.
  • Above all else, remember that dietary supplements are intended to supplement the diet and should not be relied on as a food substitute. For best results pair your chosen supplement with a well-balanced and varied diet.

If you’re after additional food and nutritional alternatives, book an appointment with our Naturopath, Julia. Available for consultation on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

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Mar 042018

By BloggerKhan

My profession is Management and Marketing and it revolves around outsourcing, ecommerce and marketing on the internet. Wise men say identify what you are passionate about and then see if ...

  1. Ecommerce presents a whole world of potential customers. It can be very lucrative.
  2. You should sell on Marketplaces like eBay, Amazon, Walmart and others to further enhance your earning potential.
  3. Just like good people, there are bad people who are lurking to take advantage of weaknesses in the system.
  4. You will face fraud – sooner or later. In fact you will often face fraud.
  5. While you must take all the precautions that are suggested by your bank and payment processor like PayPal etc., you will still get defrauded.
  6. If you get a massive hit, you may not be able to recover from that.
  7. How to avoid that?
    1. Figure out how much of a risk you can handle. That is a figure that may hurt you but not run you out of business.
    2. Let’s say that figure is $2,500
    3. On your own website, manually process such orders. Ask the customers to send a wire transfer or certified check before you will ship.
    4. On Marketplaces, it is harder to control. If you get orders for large ticket items and then keep canceling them, marketplaces would lower your rating. Also, if on a marketplace if you ask a customer to send a wire transfer, the marketplace will suspend you because they think you are circumventing their commission.
    5. We use a service called to block products that are over our risk threshold, in this example $2,500. We get data feeds from distributors all day long but we don’t have to worry. We setup once and the software keeps blocking such high ticket items from being listed on marketplaces.
    6. Do we lose some business this way? Certainly. But we minimize the risk of being brought to our knees by fraud.
    7. Helps us manage risk for our long term survival and success.

Ecommerce can be very lucrative. However; you must protect yourself and don’t take a risk that you cannot recover from.

Good Luck!

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Mar 032018

By BloggerKhan

My profession is Management and Marketing and it revolves around outsourcing, ecommerce and marketing on the internet. Wise men say identify what you are passionate about and then see if ...

  1. Marketplaces like eBay, Amazon, Walmart are big – you are not
  2. Companies with trademarks to protect are also generally big and have lawyers – you don’t
  3. Marketplaces have their own rules – whether you like them or not, you have to play by their rules
  4. If they don’t want you to sell what they consider weapons, don’t. You may think it is a small knife but if they think it is a weapon, they are right, you are not.
  5. If they don’t want you to sell what looks like a confederate flag, don’t.
  6. If they restrict your account or close it – you can be in serious financial trouble.
  7. Avoid the wrath of marketplaces and save your account
  8. Block what needs to be blocked for a specific marketplace – why lose all sales
  9. Use a service like to block based on:
    1. Distributor
    2. Manufacturer
    3. Category
    4. Product:
      1. Title
      2. SKU
      3. GTIN
    5. Keyword

Play it safe, stay within the rules and maximize your chances of success.

Good Luck!

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Feb 252018

Practical Genius – The Real Smarts You need to Get Your Talents and Passions Working for You.
I picked up this book at the library, yes, I still like going to the library and I also like reading the foreword. As I started reading the foreword intrigued me. It is by Kevin Carroll and I liked it so much, I took pictures of it and am uploading them here. I think we can all learn from it.

Business books

Foreword by Kevin Carroll – a

Business Books to read

Foreword by Kevin Carroll – b

Business Books to read

Foreword by Kevin Carroll – c

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Feb 212018

By BloggerKhan

My profession is Management and Marketing and it revolves around outsourcing, ecommerce and marketing on the internet. Wise men say identify what you are passionate about and then see if ...

  1. Saves you time and time is money especially if you have hundreds and thousands of products
  2. Synchronize inventory several times a day
  3. Avoids order cancellations & negative feedback
  4. Avoid the wrath of marketplaces and save your account
  5. Send only selected products to certain marketplaces
  6. Block products that may be disallowed on certain marketplaces
  7. Set separate prices for marketplaces
  8. Set margins based on price tiers
  9. Allocate for shipping based on weight tiers

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Feb 012018

We treat people with acupuncture for chronic pain every day at Acupuncture Together, usually with successful outcomes.  Chronic pain is defined as any pain lasting 3-6 or more months.  There are various types of chronic pain, such as pain from past injuries or surgeries, arthritis, nerve damage, headaches/migraines and fibromyalgia.  According to WebMD, “the feeling of pain comes from a series of messages that zip through your nervous system.  When you hurt yourself, the injury turns on pain sensors in that area.  They send a message in the form of an electrical signal, which travels from nerve to nerve until it reaches your brain.  Your brain processes the signal and sends out the message that you hurt.  Usually the signal stops when the cause of the pain is resolved — your body repairs the wound on your finger or your torn muscle.  But with chronic pain, the nerve signals keep firing even after you’ve healed.”

A meta-analysis of nearly 18,000 randomized patients in high quality randomized controlled trials (RCTs) provides solid evidence that acupuncture is a useful treatment for chronic pain.  Acupuncture was shown to be more effective than both sham acupuncture and no acupuncture, with patients experiencing less back and neck pain, osteoarthritis and chronic headaches.

Acupuncture helps alleviate pain by activating the nervous system and stimulating the immune response.  This article explains these processes nicely.    Research has shown that acupuncture increases the response of opioid receptors, helping the body process its own endogenous opioids, thereby relieving pain.    Studies have also been done on the use of acupuncture for autoimmune related pain.  This study on arthritic mice showed acupuncture being effective for anti-arthritic, anti-inflammatory and immuno-regulatory affects of acupuncture with the stimulation of just one acupuncture point.   More research is being done on the mechanisms of acupuncture, but we hope that this information is a good start in educating you about the efficacy of acupuncture for chronic pain.

If you’re struggling with chronic pain it is certainly worth trying acupuncture, and we at Acupuncture Together will do our best to help.  With regular acupuncture treatments you may be able to reduce or possibly even eliminate your pain, or use acupuncture for pain management.  With the reduction of pain you can live a fuller and more active life.

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