Summertime colds and the flu
Why do we have summertime colds and the flu? In general, colds and the flu are more common in Winter, when the cold weather and closed spaces makes us more susceptible to getting ill.
However, even in the Summertime the viruses are in the environment (generally different those common in Winter), and respiratory diseases at this time may be even worse.
Virus transmission
Transmission can be done by saliva and contact with objects touched by someone who is contaminated. For example: putting your hands in a contaminated place and scratching the eyes can cause conjunctivitis. Thus, a little care can help prevent this type of problem, such as avoiding touching mouth and eyes, and washing your hands as soon as you get home. Abusing the use of air conditioning and cold water, especially when the body is hot, can quickly cause symptoms like sore throat, sneezing and heavy head.
The role of the immune system
The degree of susceptibility to catch a disease varies greatly from one person to another. Two friends may be around someone coughing, and one of them gets the virus while the other does not. Why does this happen? There is no doubt that the person who caught the virus has low immunity. In fact, viruses are all around us all the time, and usually if we are vigorous we have good defenses and do not get sick easily.
Low immunity is linked to chronic diseases, poor diet, lack of exercise, and emotional problems. Feelings of anger, fear, hatred or any other negative emotion don’t happen on an abstract level. All our internal chemistry changes – some hormones accelerate production, others stop, the blood becomes more acidic. A physical illness is very common after some kind of suffering or negative emotion.
Emotional health to prevent disease
Surely we all have some negative feelings at some point, but it’s important to learn how not to identify very closely to them. Take a walk, do a few minutes of meditation and trust that if you did the best you could, the result is not in your hands. If you didn’t do the best, do it again if it is possible, or take advantage of the lesson and do it better the next time.
Do not spread your viruses
To finish, it is good to remember to take extra care when we are sick so we don’t spread our viruses to others. Hot ginger tea, resting, light foods and plenty of liquid help the body to regain balance. Homeopathic remedies help you recover faster or even prevent a cold from going forward, if taken as soon as you feel the first symptoms.
This post is for educational purposes only, and it is not intended to replace medical treatment.
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