The real story of German naturopath, Ellinor Kolbeck on how she Ayurveda helped to strengthen bones and muscles and relieving pain.
One day when Ellinor was turning side in her bed, her rib got cracked and that is the time she realized what Ayushakti vaidya saying 3 months ago was absolutely right – she has osteoporosis. Ellinor, then without wasting time, straight away came to Ayushaktia Mumbai for “Arthrox” treatment.
Within 3 weeks of treatment with herbs, oil & dhara with special enemas. She got a remarkable relief in her pain. Then she flew back to Germany and continued Arthrox herbs with the diet for 2 years. Slowly her bone density became better and better and she recovered remarkably in 2 years. This made her very curious to learn Ayurveda and started coming to ayushakti to learn Ayurveda and pulse reading.
Watch the real story on Youtube.
What is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a silent illness. Slowly over a period of 8-10 years, bones become week and osteoporosis develops. Suddenly one day there is the fracture and then you will come to know that you have osteoporosis.
So first important thing is to prevent osteoporosis by checking bone density once a year when you cross 47 years of age. This will indicate if any osteoporosis is developing or not. If yes, then you can immediately start preventive measures. Ayushakti provides Ayurvedic medicine for Osteoporosis treatment. This blog will explain to you all about Osteoporosis treatment. Ayurveda Osteoporosis treatment is most effective.
As per Ayurveda, why osteoporosis?
As per Ayurveda, all the food that you eat converts into different tissues because of Dhatu Agni (Metabolism). Calcium and vitamin D conversion to bone tissues happens with the help of Asthi Dhatu Agni. When this Asthi Dhatu Agni or metabolism does not function very well in spite of taking lots of calcium and vitamins, bones start degenerating and lead to osteoporosis.
Besides that, excess vata (air) in the body also cause degeneration. As in the atmosphere, when there is a lot of wind, everything dries up, just like in Autumn.
What can be done naturally to reverse the osteoporosis?
In osteoporosis, it is very important to increase metabolism, nourish bones constantly and reduce vata constantly. Then, Stimulate dhatu Agni and metabolism. Thus, your own calcium and vitamin D is then starting working and producing bone tissues again and Improving bone density.
How does Ayushakti’s Arthrox treatment work in osteoporosis?
Arthrox treatment is a combination of diet, herbal remedies, home remedies and deep nourishing treatments.
What is the Arthrox diet for osteoporosis?
1. To activate metabolism, mung diet is the best. Every month for 5 days, just eat mung and vegetable soup. This will burn toxins and improve metabolism remarkably.
2. For improving metabolism, daily take ¼ Tsp. ginger powder, ¼ tsp black pepper powder and 1 tsp. of coriander powder in half glass of water twice a day after eating your food. This mixture helps improving metabolism in every situation like obesity, high cholesterol, or uric acid and of course osteoporosis too.
3. Your daily Calcium intake should be 1000 to 1200 mg.
Milk, soy milk, tofu, soybeans, white beans, kale, collard greens, broccoli, almonds and almond butter, leafy vegetables, fish, sesame seeds, rajgira (kamut).
In order to have 1000 mg. calcium every day, at least take one of the following:
One tablespoon of the sesame seeds daily morning with water.
5 soaked Almonds
One cup of cooked spinach
One cup dried fig puree
2 Cups Milk
These are the best source of calcium for your bones.
Ayushakti herbs remarkably improve bone density and help prevent degenerations.
Painmukti MJ 2 -2 (tablets in the morning and two tablets in the evening after food)
Relieves pain, stiffness, inflammation & promotes joint flexibility
Painmukti Sandhi-cal 2-2 (tablets in the morning and two tablets in the evening after food)
Improves joint strength, promotes calcium to bones, prevents bone degeneration
You can write to Ayushakti vaidyas and get a free advice on how to manage your health naturally.
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Get Osteoporosis treatment in Mumbai at Ayushakti. Ayushakti provides herbal medicine for Osteoporosis.
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