May 022019

Hepatitis B is a contagious liver infection caused by a virus HBV. It is a serious infection with no permanent cure, but it can be prevented by getting a Hepatitis B vaccination. It can spread through sex but can be prevented by using condoms. Sometimes the virus just remains in the body and one remains as a “carrier” of virus for the rest of his life. That is called Chronic Hepatitis B (when infection lasts for six months or longer) and it may lead to liver failure, liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma) or cirrhosis that permanently scars the liver.Take Control of hepatitis B natural

Newborn or children less than 5 years of age, with Hepatitis B infection, have higher chances of getting the infection which can become chronic.

Acute Hepatitis B (HBV) is not treated with medications, it heals on its own with time, especially by taking adequate rest, a fat-free diet and avoiding alcohol.

How does one get Hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B is transmitted through contact with semen, vaginal fluids, blood, and urine. Sex without precautions, sharing toothbrushes and razors, needles and syringes contaminated with infected blood used for piercing, tattoos, acupuncture, etc. can spread Hepatitis B from one person to another. Babies may also get infected if their mother has Hepatitis B.

Sharing foods or drinks do not spread Hepatitis B. Sneezing or coughing also do not spread the virus.

Symptoms of Hepatitis B:

Hepatitis B infection does not show early symptoms. Only after few months an infection, symptoms like abdominal pain, dark urine, fever, joint pain, muscle soreness, loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting, weakness, fatigue, jaundice (pale skin and yellow eyes) show up. Hepatitis B symptoms are close to flu symptoms and jaundice symptoms.

Diagnosis of Hepatitis B:

Blood work, liver ultrasound, and liver biopsy are some of the procedures that help doctors diagnose Hepatitis B infection.

How to Control Hepatitis B naturally?

When diagnosed with Hepatitis B the first thing one wants to do is to take something that could help the liver in its functioning. There are Herbal remedies to reduce Hepatitis B naturally. Some of the herbs that show good results are listed below:

  1. Milk Thistle: Milk Thistle is an herb with lots of medicinal properties that can help to promote liver health. It is a powerful detoxifier. It also helps in rebuilding liver cells and inhibiting the binding of toxins in liver cells. The ingredient silymarin found in milk thistle has anti-oxidant properties. Milk Thistle is proven to treat both acute and chronic Hepatitis B along with other liver diseases.
  2. Bhringraj (Eclipta prostrata): The herb Bhringraj has compounds like dimethyl wedelolactone and wedelolactone that help to revive liver cells and clear toxins from the body. It protects the liver from harmful chemicals that can damage it. It also helps in relieving symptoms of abdominal pain, nausea. The herb may be taken as a decoction or the juice of its leaves may be consumed with some honey.
  3. Sharpunkha (Tephrosia purpurea): The herb is a well-known blood purifier and is very effective in case of the swollen liver. It helps in relieving symptoms like loss of appetite, jaundice, weakness, and fatigue. It also helps with abdominal pain and swelling. The herb detoxifies the liver and helps in regenerating new liver cells.
  4. Bhumiamlyaki (Phyllanthus niruri): Bhumaiamlyaki is a classical Ayurvedic herb for liver support. It pacifies both the pitta and kapha doshas in the body. It cleanses, detoxifies, and strengthens the liver.
  5. Kutuki (Picrorhiza kurroa): The herb balances the pitta and kapha energies in the body and has a deep cleansing action on the liver and gall bladder. It supports healthy digestion and cures liver ailments.
  6. Basil, Parsley, Turmeric, Oregano, and Ginger are other herbs that should be consumed to improve the health and functioning of the liver.

There are other herbs like Punarnava, Kalmegh, Makoy, Kaasni, Jhavuka, Himsra, Guduchi, Amalaki, Haritaki, Echinacea that work great in treating liver disorders naturally. The herbs pacify Pitta dosha and promote the healthy production of bile. They nourish the liver tissues and strengthen it.

Eating a healthy and well-balanced diet is the key to overcome liver disorders. An anti-inflammatory diet, foods with chlorophyll and liver detoxifying foods should be included in the diet like green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale, lettuce), cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts), root vegetables (carrots, beets, sweet potatoes), and fresh fruits like strawberries, blueberries, citrus fruits should be consumed. All processed, refined, high sugary foods should be avoided completely.

  • Staying hydrated is the easiest way to detox the body and overcome symptoms associated with Hepatitis B. Drinking coconut water is a good option.
  • Probiotics like yogurt, cottage cheese, and kefir are good for the liver.
  • Nuts and seeds like walnuts, flaxseed and chia seeds are beneficial in detoxifying the liver.
  • The best oil to consume or cook is extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil. Both these are gentle on the liver.
  • Stress leads to the spread of the virus faster. Practicing Yoga or Meditation, taking a warm bath is all helpful.
  • Boosting up Glutathione levels that the liver uses to break down toxins is a good way to fight Hepatitis B.

Hepatitis B vaccine is recommended for newborns, children or adults who did not get the vaccination at birth, those who work at health care centers, men who have sex with men or have multiple partners, those who inject drugs, those who have chronic liver disease or end-stage kidney disease. Anyone planning to travel to areas with high Hepatitis B infection rate should get the vaccination done as a preventive measure.

Pregnant women with active HBV replication should do antiviral therapy during the third trimester to prevent its transmission to the baby and the baby should be administered hepatitis B immunoglobulin and vaccination at birth.

The patient should continue doing some effortless exercises, avoid stress, avoid being in direct sun for a long time.

An acute infection can become chronic and lead to a wide spectrum of liver diseases, so it is always advised to get routine blood work done and control the problem in initial stages.

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Nov 212018

Suffering from painful and disturbing arthritis? These 5 simple natural ways will help you get rid of the throbbing pain, avoid flare up, prevent joint damage, and preserve your mobility.

Arthritis is really painful and disturbing. The good news is that there are a few things you can do at home to get rid of the throbbing pain, to avoid this chronic health condition from flaring up, to prevent joint damage, and to preserve your mobility.

Here are the top 5 ways to get relief from arthritis pain naturally.

Eat Your Way To Pain Relief

The food you eat plays an important role in maintaining the health of your bones and muscles. As a rule of thumb, you need to have a proper and healthy diet in order to stay healthy. But there are certain foods that can trigger arthritis and there are also some that can help relieve pain and prevent flare-ups.

Fish that are rich in inflammation-fighting Omega-3 fatty acids like herring, tuna, salmon, and mackerel are found to be effective in reducing joint stiffness and pain. Other excellent food options for people suffering from arthritis are:

  • Nuts
  • Soybeans
  • Canola oil
  • Olive oil
  • Ginger
  • Turmeric
  • Pomegranates
  • Whole grains
  • Fiber-packed beans like pinto, red, and kidney beans
  • Vitamin-rich green leafy vegetables like Swiss chard, spinach, kale, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts
  • Vitamin C rich citrus fruits like grapefruits, lime, and oranges
  • Anthocyanins-containing cherries like blueberries and raspberries

As much as possible avoid consumption of foods and condiments that can trigger inflammation and worsen arthritis pain. This includes:

  • Grilled or fried food
  • Salt
  • Sugar
  • Vegetable oil, corn oil, safflower, and sunflower
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Processed foods and fast foods
  • Dairy including grain-based desserts, pasta, and full-fat dairy products
  • Red meat

Give Up Your Sedentary Lifestyle

Living with an unhealthy, sedentary lifestyle will not only make you feel less energetic and lively, it likewise increases your risks to various kinds of health conditions including obesity and arthritis.

No matter what medication you are taking in, you can’t totally get relief from arthritis pain unless you give up your sedentary lifestyle. So, if you want to enjoy an arthritis-free life, you have to get up, stay active, and stop being a couch potato. In other words, move your body! Invest in motivation technology, hire a personal trainer or enlist in the buddy/friend system to get moving.

Relieve Pain With Hot & Cold Treatment

The hot and cold treatment has been proven to help ease arthritis pain. Hot compress and warm bath help relax tight muscles, relieve joints stiffness and soreness, increase blood flow, and decrease inflammation. While, cold treatments help constrict the blood vessels, thus reducing inflammation and swelling.

Reap the benefits of natural herbal supplements

Generally, it is quite difficult to eat enough foods that contain the right amount of vitamins and minerals essential for arthritis pain management, every single day. By taking daily supplements like fish oil (Omega 3’s) or an herbal-based natural formula like Zen-Alleve (pain fighting herbs + protease enzymes), your body can reap the benefits these natural herbs provide where a normal diet may be absent of these critical elements. Among the natural herbs that can help fight arthritis pain are devil’s claw, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, and Boswellia.

Exercise regularly

Do regular exercise. Not only will it help enhance your mobility and strengthen your joints and muscles, but also it can help restore your energy, boost your mood, maintain your flexibility, and improve the overall quality of your life.

Exercise programs like strengthening, stretching and aerobics are found to be helpful in relieving arthritis pain. You can also try walking and low impact sports activities like cycling, water aerobics, and swimming.

It is important, though, to consult a physical therapist or your physician first before starting any workout routine especially if you are still in pain. Though exercise can be really beneficial, wrong execution or wrong choice of exercise routine (especially when it comes to high impact programs) can be harmful to your joints, and can also possibly lead to injury.

At More Natural Healing our passion and focus are to bring you cutting-edge products made from natural healing herbs that will nourish generations of healthy lives. We source our herbs from the fields of certified growers to ensure their potency and healing benefits. Our healing remedies are doctor formulated from Eastern, Western and Ayurvedic herbs and are designed to improve your wellbeing!

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Nov 152018
control blood pressure

Diseases can be classified as infectious or lifestyle diseases. While the former is largely due to involvement of external pathogens, lifestyle diseases are often considered preventable, as they are often the result of our own faulty dietary and lifestyle habits. Hence, they are also referred to as lifestyle diseases.

Hypertension belongs to the category of lifestyle diseases. Often referred to as a ‘silent killer’, it is important that you get your blood pressure checked often, and keep it under control. High blood pressure is the result of increase of arterial blood pressure, causing the heart to pump blood into the arteries at a quicker rate and it is detrimental to the overall health of a person.

Ayurveda considers high blood pressure as a result of imbalance of two doshas – vata and pitta. The Ayurvedic treatment for high blood pressure aims to balance these doshas. At times, an imbalanced kapha can also cause high blood pressure.

High blood pressure requires a calculated approach of treatment, and Ayurveda helps you with that. If you are already hypertensive, Ayurveda suggests the following simple lifestyle modifications that may help you in managing your blood pressure in an effective manner.

1. Importance of Dinacharya

Maintaining a proper daily routine (dinacharya) is vital to balance your blood pressure levels. Therefore, remove all unnecessary distractions that come in the way of following a healthy daily routine. Fix a proper sleep-wake schedule, a definite time slot to work-out and meditate. Have a gadget-free time at least one to two hours prior bed time, and sleep early. Also, make it a habit tow ake up early and do any form of mild exercise or yoga. Such a schedule ensures that your body’s natural biorhythm remain balanced and ensure normal blood pressure levels.

2. A good night’s sleep is crucial

A good night’s sleep is vital to ensure that all our body parts are well-rested and ready for the activities of next day. Sleep rejuvenates the tissues of the brain and all parts of the body. Ayurveda believes that a good sleep pattern helps in balancing doshas and also helps in formation of ojas (energy). This is the reason that when you do not get enough rest at night, you may feel more weak or fatigued the next morning. Applying a little sesame oil on your head and soles of the feet during bedtime, can help you have a relaxed sleep. Similarly drinking a cup of lukewarm milk with a pinch of turmeric during bedtime is considered to be beneficial for a good sleep.

3. Avoid stress and anxiety

Stress and anxiety are associated with hypertension. Meditate every morning for 15 to 20 minutes, apart from practicing controlled breathing techniques like ‘Bhramari’ and ‘Anulom-vilom’. Meditation fills your mind with positivity and brings peace of mind and calms your body and soul.

4. ‘Abhayanga’ can help

Vitiated vata dosha can cause hypertension. Therefore apart from doing gentle exercises in the morning, practice ‘Abhayanga’ (self-massage) with sesame oil, as it helps in balancing the doshas in the body. Abhayanga is also good in improving circulation in the nervous system and lymphatic vessels. You can do self-massage at home, and once in a few days, get a massage done at a good panchakarma centre.

5. Focus on diet to maintain ideal body weight

A balanced body weight plays a key role in keeping diabetes and blood pressure at bay. To achieve this, avoid eating junk food, packaged and processed foods as they do not have ‘prana’. Substitute them with fresh vegetables and fruits cooked in a healthy manner.

Some dietary modifications to rebalance the vitiated doshas in case of a person with high blood pressure, as suggested by Ayurveda are staying away from triggers and intake of food that helps the body achieve a state of equilibrium. The best way to do this is to follow a vegetarian diet.

Include vegetables such as bitter gourd, parsley, garlic and drumstick, and fruits such as watermelons, guavas, bananas and grapes. Dairy products such as milk, cottage cheese and butter are good additions too.
However, take care to cut down on caffeine, as it is believed to further irritate the system and shoot up the blood pressure.

Similarly reduce intake of salt in the diet, and reduce the amount of cereals and pulses. Also, remember to completely avoid eggs, red meat when trying to balance the doshas and reduce the incidence of high blood pressure attacks.

6. Exercise is a ‘must’

Regular exercise helps in keeping your mind and body healthy, and keeps all diseases at bay. Apart from contributing to the overall wellness of your body, it also helps reduce high blood pressure.

Practice gentle exercises such as brisk walking for 30 minutes. Also include yoga and meditation as part of your morning routine. While breathing techniques and meditation helps by keeping you stress-free, walking has shown to reduce blood pressure and improve heart health.

Apart from recommending these lifestyle modifications to alleviate symptoms of hypertension, there are several herbs prescribed by ayurvedic experts to manage hypertension and protect the internal organs of the body. Some of recommended ones are ‘Gokshura’ (a diuretic and ACE inhibitor), ‘Sarpagandha’, and ‘Gulkand’ (uplifts mood and keeps tension at bay).

Note: Although hypertension is common among people over 50 years of age, the in the present generation several youngsters are seeking treatment for hypertension. Apart from following the suggested lifestyle measures, consult a doctor if you have a blood pressure reading of 140/90 or higher.

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Oct 172018
control blood pressure

Ayurveda and Yoga can help in lowering your blood pressure naturally and quickly, according to latest study.

According to experts, some tweaks in diet, lifestyle and exercise can go a long way in managing blood pressure levels.

In case you are a hypertension patient, with symptoms of high blood pressure, you should take measures to bring it down. The latest figures by the National Family Health Survey states that at least one in eight Indian suffers from high blood pressure in Indian. This lifestyle disease, also referred to as a ‘silent killer’ is rightly named so, as its symptoms can go unnoticed until it gets too late.

Just as is the case with other lifestyle diseases, you need to make a few changes to your lifestyle to protect yourself from this disease. Experts suggest that it is possible to reduce high blood pressure naturally at home. Ayurveda has effective treatments for high blood pressure and its management.

Ayurvedic Medicines

The Senior Director at Birla Ayurveda, Dr. Priyanka Sampat, suggests that Ayurvedic medicines like Sarpagandha, Jatamanasi and Amalaki can be helpful in high blood pressure regulation.

Dry ginger would be a good option if the shoot up in blood pressure is due to untimely food or eating refrigerated food. Herbs such as Malabar Nut (vasa), green potato (Parol) and Silk Cotton Tree (Katankari) can help in combating high blood pressure if it is caused due to poor diet.

In case of associated anxiety or stress, or acidic food intake, Shatavari, lotus and Sandalwood can help immensely.

According to Dr. Sampat, Panchakarma (the five therapies) that helps in clearing body off toxins, can be of great help.

Several psychological and somatic factors need to be taken into consideration when arriving at a treatment method for hypertension, said experts. Milk together with garlic, moringa (drumstick leaves) with honey is advised, similarly, a combination of gokshura, amla, arjuna bark powder decoction or milk preparation, Brahmi, Sarpagandha preparations and Giloy Shankapushpi are said to control blood pressure.


Along with medications, diet is essential to reduce hypertension. Ayurvedic doctors advise patients to avoid excess spicy, sour and salty foods as it can elevate high body temperature, Similarly, ready-to-eat preparations, breads made of refined flour and pickles should be avoided. Untimely food habits, excessive eating after sunset, and eating refrigerated food items should be avoided.

Include whole wheat, moong, fruits, ghee, garlic and milk into your diet. Consume only warm and fresh food and avoid over eating. Have an early dinner, and try and include sweet, bitter and astringent foods as they help in clearing pitta and reducing pitta impurities.

It is best to adhere to fat and oil-free diet, as it may aggravate vata and kapha in the body. Drink sufficient water at specified intervals, include more greens in your diet, consume plenty of drumsticks, tomatoes, flaxseeds, carrots, watermelon, red cabbage, beetroot, apple and water melon.


Some specific yoga postures can help you greatly in maintaining normal blood pressure levels. These include Pranayama, Anuloma Viloma, Shavasana, Veerabhadrasana, Vajrasana, and Bhujangasaa. Among these, Pranayama and Meditation play a major role in managing hypertension.


Simple meditation techniques such as Kevala Kumbhaka, or breath awareness helps in reducing high BP.

Make some lifestyle modifications for a healthy life and avoid hypertension. Among these are avoid staying up in the night, sleeping just after meals, bingeing, having late night meals, consumption of tobacco and alcohol, getting angry easily, and excessively exerting yourself.

Finally, an inevitable part of ayurvedic treatments for any skin condition is daily and seasonal routines of managing hypertension, waking up before sunrise, drinking 4 glasses of water at room temperature, gargling with sesame oil, doing exercises and yoga in the morning and continuing with meditation.

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Dec 292017

Melasma is known as a chronic skin condition that can cause discoloration on your skin. It often appears as brown or blue-gray patches on the upper lip, upper cheeks, forehead and chin. The main causes of melasma are external sun exposure and hormonal changes, so the best treatments should be eliminating these causes.

List Of 10 Natural Ways On How To Treat Melasma Naturally

In this article, we will show you some of the best home remedies for melasma that you should include in your skincare routine without needing to worry about side effect. So, if you are worried about discoloration on your skin and want to know how to get rid of them with the help of natural ingredients, you should keep your eyes on this article right now

  1. What Is Melasma?

Melasma is a common skin condition and it is more common in women than men. Melasma affects the natural skin’s color, causing the formation of brown or gray patches on facial skin or body skin. The leading cause of melasma is the overproduction of melanin in skin cells caused by excessive sun exposure. Besides, some other factors that contribute to this skin problem are hormonal changes, toxins, excessive stress, the use of birth control pills and thyroid problems.

  1. 10 Natural Ways On How To Treat Melasma Naturally

There are many treatment options for melasma in the market, but they can cause side effects. Instead, you can try using natural ingredients to treat melasma without side effects.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

This is the first one on the list of ways on how to treat melasma at home that I want to mention in this article and want all of my readers to know for good. The acetic acids found in apple cider vinegar make it a wonderful natural bleaching agent. It can help remove spots and give your skin a smoother and more radiant look.


  • Mix equal amounts of undiluted apple cider vinegar and water.
  • Then, apply this solution on your melasma spots and let it sit on until it naturally dries.
  • Wash it off with warm water before gently patting it dry.
  • Repeat this remedy once a day.

Read on 35 Best Ways On How To Exfoliate Skin Naturally At Home to discover some of the home remedies for exfoliating skin without causing any side effect.

  1. Onion Juice

Onion juice is another great way on how to treat melasma naturally at home for you. Actually, onion juice has sulfur-containing compounds, so it can fade out discoloration or dark patches on your skin. Moreover, onion juice also gives nourishment to your skin cells.


  • Chop 2- 3 onions and then extract the juice
  • Mix the equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and onion juice
  • Apply this solution on your melasma spots with the help of a cotton ball.
  • Let it rest for about 20 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat this remedy twice a day for several weeks.

List of 34 Tips On How To Get Rid Of Hyperpigmentation On Face And Body will show you some of the natural treatments for hyperpigmentation on facial and body skin.

  1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a great natural exfoliating agent that can help you remove melasma spots on the skin and remove dead skin cells to give your skin a brighter, glowing look.


  • Mix 2 tbsp. each of oatmeal powder and milk and 1 tbsp. of honey together
  • Apply this mixture on your melasma spots and leave it on for about 20 minutes
  • Then, rub off this mixture with clean water.
  • Pat it dry with the help of a clean towel.
  • Repeat this remedy 2- 3 times a week within a month.
  1. Horseradish

Horseradish is another great way on how to treat melasma naturally that you should try out! The bleaching properties found in horseradish can bleach out any discoloration on the skin.

Method 1:

  • Cut horseradish into some slices and then apply it directly on your affected skin.
  • Allow it to dry out naturally.
  • Then, wash it off with warm water before patting it dry.
  • Repeat this remedy once a week until you get your desired results.

Method 2:

  • Add 2 tbsp. of horseradish powder to a cup of sour cream.
  • Then, apply it on your skin and then let it sit on for half an hour.
  • Rinse your skin with warm water.
  • Repeat this remedy once a week.
  1. Sandalwood

Sandalwood can help to lighten your skin, improve skin complexion and simultaneously reduce the symptoms of melasma effectively. Actually, this is another great way on how to treat melasma naturally that you should not look down.


  • Mix equal amounts of sandalwood power, lemon juice, turmeric, and whole milk to create a thick paste.
  • Apply this paste on your affected skin and leave it on until it dries out.
  • Then, scrub the paste off in circular motions, wash with clean water and then pat dry
  • Repeat this remedy 3- 4 times a week.
  1. Lemon Juice

When it comes to natural ways on how to treat melasma at home, lemon juice may be one of the best solutions for you. Lemon juice contains superb astringent properties, so it can lighten the skin naturally. Besides, the acidic properties found in lemon juice also help to remove dead skin cells, thereby removing the top layer of the pigmented skin. This is actually also one of the most effective tips on how to treat melasma that we would like to introduce in the entire article today!


  • Take one lemon and then extract its juice.
  • Apply lemon juice on your affected areas and gently massage for 1- 2 minutes.
  • Let it sit on for about 20 minutes before washing it off with warm water.
  • Repeat this remedy twice a day within three weeks.

There are other great ways on how to treat melasma in this article. So, keep reading this article and then try to apply one or more of these remedies for good.

  1. Turmeric

Turmeric can help to reduce the production of melanin and reduce the symptoms of melasma. This is because the compound called curcumin found in turmeric contains antioxidant and skin-lightening agents.


  • Mix 5 tbsp. of turmeric powder with 10 tbsp. of whole milk to create a paste.
  • Add 1 tbsp. of gram flour the paste in order to thicken the mixture.
  • Then, apply this paste on your melasma spots and leave it on for 20 minutes.
  • Wash it off with lukewarm water before patting dry with a towel.
  • Repeat this remedy on a daily basis for best results.
  1. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera can help to restore the original color of your skin. Also, it can remove dead skin cells from the skin and boost the skin cell regeneration. So, when you are looking for natural ways on how to treat melasma at home, you should not look down aloe vera.  This is actually one of the best tips and treatments that can help you say goodbye to this stubborn and hateful issue once and for all! Let’s check out how you can make use of the aloe vera gel for this purpose right at the comfort of your own home.


  • Cut open a medium aloe vera leaf and take out the fresh gel.
  • Apply the gel on your melasma spots and then massage it for 1- 2 minutes.
  • Leave it on for about 15- 20 minutes before washing it off with warm water.
  • Repeat this remedy twice a day for several weeks.
  1. Almonds

This is another great way on how to treat melasma naturally that I want to mention in this article and want people with melasma should apply for good. Almonds have a natural skin-lightening effect. Moreover, almonds can nourish the skin and remove dead skin cells and discoloration.

Method 1:

  • Grind 5 soaked almonds with some whole milk to create a fine paste.
  • Add 1 tsp. of honey to the paste and mix them well.
  • Then, apply this paste on your melasma spots before going to bed.
  • Let it sit on overnight and the next morning, rinse it off using cold water.
  • Reapply this remedy on a daily basis for two weeks.

Method 2:

  • Mix 1 tsp. of almond powder with some honey to create a thick paste
  • Gently apply the paste onto your melasma spots and let it sit on for half an hour.
  • Wash it off with warm water and then pat it dry.
  • Repeat this remedy 3- 4 times a week.
  1. Papaya

This is the last but very important one on the list of natural ways on how to treat melasma at home. Papain found in papayas is a powerful exfoliating property that can help to remove dead skin cells and discoloration.


  • Mash a ripe papaya to get ½ cup of mashed paste and add 2 tbsp. of honey to the paste.
  • Apply the paste over your melasma spots.
  • Let it on for about 20 minutes before washing it off with warm water.
  • Repeat this remedy once per week for a couple of months.

Besides, in order to treat and prevent melasma, you need to:

  • Keep your skin covered when going out in the.
  • Apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. Reapply it every 2 hours.
  • Just use mild skincare products
  • Avoid waxing because it can cause increased production of melanin.
  • Consume more folic acid-rich foods and copper-rich foods
  • Take fish oil supplements

After reading this interesting article on this Healthy Guide page, we hope that you can find the best solutions to help you treat the symptoms of melasma. If you know other home remedies for melasma, remember to share with us by leaving your comments in the comment box below.

Author Bio: Lien Nguyen – Writer and Blogger, who has more than 6 years of experience in the industry of Health and Skincare. I work for Healthy Guide – reliable resources that help readers solve all their health, beauty concerning, and many other issues in life. I also focus on nutrition, relationship, fitness, lifestyle, men and women’s issues. Find more of my articles on Facebook.

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Dec 292017

Back pain can be uncomfortable; however, this pain can go away after several weeks of applying home treatment. Back pain can be caused by heavy lifting, arthritis, osteoporosis or sudden uncoordinated movements. You can treat your back pain with stretching, heat, light movement and medications. For long-standing back pain, go to see your doctor to get the best treatment.

List Of Natural Ways On How To Get Rid Of Back Pain At Home:

In this article, Healthy Guide will show you some of the best ways on how to get rid of back pain naturally at home that everyone can make use at the comfort of their own home. So, if you have back pain and want to get rid of it at the comfort of your own home, you should read on this article right now.

  1. Causes And Symptoms Of Back Pain

Back pain can occur when your muscles, spinal joints, discs, and nerves cannot work together properly. Your back pain can be acute or chronic and there are a few different causes of back pain. Here are some of the most common factors that can lead to back pain:

  • Arthritis
  • Disc problems between the joints
  • Poor posture
  • Stress or depression
  • Lack of exercise
  • Being overweight

Read on Top 48 Best Home Remedies For Stress Relief And Removal to discover some of the natural treatments for stress.

The main sign and symptom of back pain is a pain on the back, and in some cases, on the way down to patients’ buttocks and legs. Some back problems can cause pains in other body’s parts, depending on the nerves affected. Some other signs and symptoms accompanied with a back pain include:

  • Weight loss
  • Elevated body temperature
  • Persistent back pain
  • Inflammation on the back
  • Pain down the legs and below the knees
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Difficulty in urinating
  • Fecal incontinence
  • Numbness around the anus, buttocks and genitals
  1. How To Get Rid Of Back Pain

There are a few natural ways on how to get rid of back pain that you should consider applying at home to reduce the symptoms of back pain. They include:

  1. Apply Ice Pack And Heat Pack

When you are attacked by a back pain, apply an ice pack as soon as possible. Wrap some ice cubes in a cloth and then place it on your back for about 20 minutes. After that, you need to apply heat. Heat will boost up the blood flow and the healing process. Make a warm compress by using electric heating pads, heated gel packs, hot water bottles and saunas. Try 15- 20 minute for mild back pain, and up to 120 minutes for more serious pain.

List of 14 Ways On How To Treat Stiff Neck Pain Fast And Naturally will show you some of the best ways on how to get rid of stiff neck pain naturally at home, so check it out!

  1. Take A Rest

This is another great way on how to get rid of back pain naturally at home without having to use any type of drug, pill, or medication that I want to reveal in this article and want all of my readers to apply for good. When you feel a back pain, you may need to rest right now. Spend time lying on your back on the ground. You can raise your knees with the help of pillows for more comfort.

  1. Stretching

When your back pain occurs, you can do some simple stretches at the comfort of your own home. Learn stretches from your physical therapist, and follow up his instructions. Some stretches can help relax your muscles and reduce your pain.


  • Lie on your back on the ground.
  • Gradually, bring one knee up to the chest.
  • Hold this position for a count and then get your leg back to the ground.
  • If you feel painful, stretch in the other direction. For example, lie on your stomach and then raise yourself up on the elbows.
  • After that, place your palms on the ground and slowly extend your elbows so that you can push yourself up from the ground. Place the pelvis on the floor.
  1. Improve Your Posture

Try to stand and sit in a relaxed position. Straighten your neck, relax your shoulders and tighten your stomach muscles. If you need to stand for a long period of time, you should reduce pressure on the lower back by propping one of your feet on a stool. Also, you can rotate the ankles at a time to reduce pressure on your lower back.

When you have to sit for a long period of time, try to sit with your arms and legs parallel to the ground. For more support, sit back in your seat and place your feet on the ground. Occasionally, shift positions in order to prevent your muscles from tensing.

  1. Strengthen The Core Muscles

When it comes to natural ways on how to get rid of back pain at home, you should consider strengthening the core muscles. A lack of exercise can weaken your back muscles, which can cause back pain. There is some evidence to strengthen your core muscles if you want to get rid of back pain.

  • Try some core stabilization exercises such as side bridge, plank, and supine bridge.
  • Try some balance exercises like single leg stance
  • Try some regular strength training exercises such as squats, lunges and hamstring curls as well as leg jumps and bounding.
  1. Massage

Back pain caused due to muscle tension can be cured by massage. The body compensates for pain when it uses other muscles that are not commonly- used and then, these muscles can become tight and sore. In this case, massage can help to relieve tension. Let your masseuse know where your back pain occurs and if they do anything wrong that make you feel painful.

A study found that massaging along with traditional treatments can help:

  • reduce back pain
  • reduce the use of anti-inflammatory medications
  • improve the functions of back
  • minimize days in bed
  1. Reduce Stress

If you have stress, anxiety, worry and depression when treating back pain, you can find it more difficult to recover from back pain. Especially, anxiety can worsen your pain. And, mindfulness may be an effective treatment for you. Therefore, you can consider joining in a course to learn how to reduce stress by applying mindfulness. Besides, self-regulatory and cognitive- behavioral therapies may also be helpful.

There are other great ways on how to get rid of back pain naturally at home in this article. So, keep reading this interesting article and then apply one or more of these remedies for good.

  1. Take Epsom Salt Bath

Epsom salt gets into sore muscles in order to reduce swelling and pain. You just need to soak yourself in warm bath water with some Epsom salt for about 20 minutes. Actually, hot water can cause swelling in muscles while cold water can cause muscle cramping, so you should make sure to use warm water. Besides, Epsom salt is also great for your skin, so it can help to remove dead skin cells, reduce itchiness and soften your skin. Actually, this is one of the best ways on how to get rid of back pain that you should not look down, yet try to apply for good.

  1. Get Enough Restorative Sleep

Pain is a common cause of insomnia. About 2/3 of people with chronic back pain experience some types of sleep disorder. And a lack of sleep can make your back pain worse. This cycle makes it ineffective to deal with just the pain. If you suffer from sleep problems, you need to deal with these sleep problems too.

  1. Foods For Easing Back Pain

If you are looking for great ways on how to get rid of back pain naturally at the comfort of your own home, you should try to consume more of the foods that are good for back health. There is some evidence that following an alkaline diet can help improve low back pain. Actually, an alkaline diet involves in consuming foods that are less acidic. Foods that grow in more acidic soils might contain less magnesium, calcium and potassium.

  1. Yoga

You should not underestimate the power of yoga in treating the symptoms of back pain. Yoga can help to strengthen your spine, stretch the muscles, and simultaneously fix the back’s alignment, which may be a common cause of back pain for those who sit at a desk throughout the day. According to a study, patients with chronic back pain who practiced yoga regularly were half as likely to use medicinal treatments for heir back pain as those who did not.

Although you can ease your back pain by applying some natural treatments, you should see a doctor if you experience the following symptoms:

  • pain lasts more than 6 weeks
  • pain interrupts your night sleep
  • pain gets worse
  • additional stomach pain
  • pain associated with weakness, numbness, or tingling in the legs or arms.

Dealing with back pain is not easy. For the quick and effective results, you need talking to your doctor about your individual condition. In addition, do not forget to apply one or more of these natural treatments to get a quick relief. If you know other great ways on how to get rid of back pain at home, remember to share them with other readers by leaving your comments in the comment box below. Do not hesitate and never miss your chance to say goodbye to the stubborn back pain issue you are suffering every day!

Author Bio: Lien Nguyen – Writer and Blogger, who has more than 6 years of experience in the industry of Health and Skincare. I work for Healthy Guide – reliable resources that help readers solve all their health, beauty concerning, and many other issues in life. I also focus on nutrition, relationship, fitness, lifestyle, men and women’s issues. Find more of my articles on Facebook.

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Nov 102017

How to boost immunity? You may not know how strong your immune system is. Your immune system is more powerful and extremely protective than you really imagine. The immune system protects you almost every second from threats, infections and microorganisms.

Boost Immunity – Why Should you Focus?

A good immune system is the key to prevent diseases and ensure longevity. How to build immunity against disease? Building immunity against diseases precisely is not a single entity. A combination of various elements creates balance and harmony in the body which strengthen the immunity.

To quote an example, every individual lives with cancer cells. Don’t panic. The normal cells turn cancerous under various circumstances and different triggering factors. It literally indicates that every individual pose the risk of getting cancer.  The similar principle applies to different health conditions, more specifically chronic and auto-immune diseases (and it is termed auto-immune diseases as it has no cure. When you have a strong immune system, you can lead a healthy life with no traces of diseases.

Let’s take a look at 10 ways to boost immunity

1. Eat Right 

Building immunity against diseases start from what you eat. Literally, food is everything when it comes to health and wellness. You cannot overlook healthy and nutritious foods.

  • Eat a balanced meal, including foods from all sources like grains, meat or vegetarian proteins, fresh produce, etc.
  • Eat at least two or three cups of veggies and fruits every day.
  • Develop the habit of eating at least one fruit a day.

Vitamin C is called as an immune booster. Adding foods rich in vitamin C stimulates the immune function naturally. A glass of lemon juice or orange juice a day provides you vitamin C and enhances your immunity.

2. Boost Immunity with Yoga 

Yoga is an art of living. It heals from internally. It makes your body toned, stronger, flexible, and healthy. One simple answer, how to boost immunity with yoga! Regular practice of yoga delays aging. It maintains your core strong! When age becomes just a number, you remain energetic and healthy for years

3. 20 to 30 Minutes Exercises 

Not many aware about the effectiveness of physical activity in boosting immunity. It adds a lot of defenses to the immune system which protects the body from diseases and infections.

The term ‘exercise’ is very simple and it literally covers all types of physical activities. When you exercise or even simply walk for a few minutes, your body gets the antibodies. It makes the white blood cells (the immune cells) move faster in the body, which enhances the ability of detecting the illness quicker.

In addition, exercise increases circulation, which releases healthy hormones that protect the immune cells from intruding pathogens.

Don’t involve in high intensity activities. Merely 10 to 15 minutes walking a few times a day is sufficient to boost the immunity against diseases

4. Adequate Vitamin D aka Sun Light 

Yet another most overlooked factor that affects the immune system is low vitamin D levels. Vitamin D deficiency is closely linked with a lot of chronic disorders and frequent infections. According to Center for Disease Control, adequate Vitamin D could enhance the immune’s response. Vitamin D is found in very few foods, but available in abundance naturally!

Yes, soak in the sun for a few minutes a day and get the daily dose of Vitamin D.

5. De-stress to Boost Immunity 

Stress may have a very long-term effect in the body. Stress releases many hormones which target the immune system. In fact, stress is the major trigger of many diseases. De-stress to boost the immunity.

6. Count on Herbs and Spices to Boost Immunity 

Include a lot of herbs and spices in your diet. Herbs and spices are natural immune boosters.

Spices and Herbs are meant to improve immunity and prevent developing illnesses. Add the aromatic and flavorful ingredients from mild to moderate in daily cooking. For instance, peppercorns, cumin seeds ginger, garlic, cardamom, fennel, fenugreek, etc.

7. Avoid taking nutritional supplements

Unless recommended by a doctor, don’t go for any health or nutritional supplement. You may have low vitamin and mineral levels in the body. In many instances, you can gain the nutrients from foods you eat. Eat nutritious foods and avoid taking supplements.

8. Say no to Antibiotics 

Antibiotics are designed to cure the illness quickly and help in faster recovery. However, in reality, it impacts the immune system. Taking antibiotics suppresses the immunity and resistance.

9. Say no to smoking and drinking. 

Needless to details the toxic effect of smoking and drinking.

10. Enjoy a good sleep.

Having sound sleep is one of the best ways to boost immunity, which regulates the normal mechanisms of the body.

Boost Immunity with Healthy Lifestyle

If you are physically and mentally healthy, you can beat all odds away! Changing lifestyle makes us vulnerable to catch more diseases more often! A minor fluctuation in climate? You catch cold and fever! Not stronger enough to climb or go trek. Poor digestion! And many more.

When the core is not strong, you get diseases. A healthy immune system prevents diseases. How to boost immunity? Can you go for immunity building pills? Drink shakes and protein powders? Try out some supplements? Ignore it all. Stay tuned with nature and stick to healthy lifestyle habits and eating practices.

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Oct 162017

Ear infections (otitis media) are one of the most common childhood ailments. Around 90% of all children will suffer from ear infections at some stage before they start school. Before you start asking for antibiotics, find out how you can prevent and treat ear infections naturally.

Ear infections can be a random occurrence or can be chronic for may children. Most ear infections stem from a bout of the common cold. Mucous from the upper respiratory tracts travels to the narrow Eustachian tubes creates the perfect environment for an infection to take hold.

For those with children that have chronic ear infections, then further investigation into why this is occurring is warranted. For these kids, we would look into diet, lifestyle and immune health. While sometimes it can be due to structural issues making the ears more prone to infection, it most often is due to immune systems inability to fight infection.

Ear infections have been on the rise in the past decade, in line with the rise of allergies and asthma. We have to question why this is occurring, and most likely it is due to environmental exposures, poor nutrition, depleted microbiome and stress.

So is it a problem that children are getting recurrent ear infections? Well, yes it is. Recurrent ear infections can lead to scarring on the eardrums, poor achievements in school due to a lack of hearing, and for those using antibiotics, altered gut microbiota and reduced immune health. In addition to this, the use of antibiotics in the first two years of life is linked to an increase in the incidences of asthma.

Antibiotics and Ear Infections.

Studies have confirmed that the use of antibiotics to treat ear infections is usually unnecessary and is contributing to the worldwide crisis of antibiotic resistance. Firstly, most ear infections are a viral infection, rendering antibiotics pointless. Doctors will often prescribe antibiotics in the hope of preventing a secondary bacterial infection. Antibiotics should never be used as preventative medicine. Most doctors agree that a standard ear infection will clear on its own over the course of several days.

However, if the infection stems from swimming in contaminated water, or there is discharge coming from the ear, please consult with our doctor as antibiotics may be warranted in these cases.

Preventing Ear Infections

Boost your child’s immune system

Building up your child’s immune system is the best way to prevent any type of infection from taking hold. The best way to do this is through a diet that is robust in nutrients and is void of foods that deplete the immune system.

Ensuring that your child eats a diet that has 4-6 serves of vegetable per day and 1-2 pieces of fruit will set them on the right path. A child’s serve is considered to be around ½ cup or 1 piece of fruit or vegetable. Include a piece of good quality protein at each meal, this can be animal or plant-based. Adding in high-quality fats such as olive oil, coconut oil, oily fish, grass-fed butter or avocado at least twice a day. Healthy carbohydrates should be included at every meal to support their high energy lifestyle. This includes oats, quinoa, rice, sweet potato, white potato, corn, spelt, millet to name a few.

In addition to what you include in your child’s diet, it is important to look at what you DON’T include. Avoiding processed foods, fizzy drinks, refined grain products such as white bread, cakes, muffins and pastries all support the immune system. The reason is that these foods contain virtually no nutrients. In fact, they will often rob the body of nutrients to metabolise them and they fill your child up so that they are less likely to eat a healthy meal. I understand that this can be very hard to do, especially with the pester-power of children. A great way to encourage a healthy diet is to have a ‘healthy home’. This means that all the food you have at home is healthy and high in nutrients. When the kids are out, or at birthday parties, then you can relax the rules a little and let them enjoy some of these foods. Complete avoidance of ‘treat-like’ foods can create an unhealthy relationship with food leading to secretive eating or binge eating.

If you feel that you can’t quite get enough of the right type of foods into your child diet, then consider supplementing them with these nutrients that have a proven benefit for children’s health.

  • Vitamin D (400-800UI of D3). Cod liver oil supplements can be a great source of vitamin D, plus you will get the added benefit of vitamin A and essential fatty acids.
  • Multi strain probiotic (around 8 different strains at 109strength)
  • Multivitamin with zinc.

 Treat a cold at the first sign

Ear infections often occur from catching a cold. AT the first sign of a sniffy nose remove WHEAT, DAIRY, SUGAR and JUICE from their diet. Sugar is known to suppress the immune system, reducing the bodies ability to fight the infection. Wheat and dairy products may contribute to mucus production in some children, enhancing the breeding ground for pathogens. Adding in some Elderberry syrup or Echinacea drops will help to boost the immune system. You can find these supplements at most health food stores, however, it is best to consult your naturopath or herbalist to ensure that the product you are using contains the therapeutically active parts of the plant.

Avoid exposure to second-hand smoke

This point doesn’t need too much explanation. Just as smoke exposure is dangerous to adults, it is even more so for children. As a parent or caregiver, it is your responsibility to avoid this exposure to your children.

Manage stress

You might be surprised just how stressed our children can get. Today they are living in a busy and hectic environment and are more likely to be away from the family home for longer periods of time. School-aged children can begin to feel the pressure from bullies and academic expectations. Taking the time help your child recognise when they are feeling stressed and giving them tools to manage this is setting them up with practical life long skills. Teaching them some breathing exercises, mediation and yoga/stretching techniques will be very supportive. Please don’t underestimate the effect that stress has on both our own health and our children’s health.


Breastfed babies are half as likely to develop ear infections compared to formula-fed babies. Exclusively breastfeeding until 6 months of age, and ideally, up the 12 months of age can dramatically reduce the chance of infection. It is also good to remember when feeding baby, to hold her at an upright 45-degree angle, rather than lying flat. This reduces the chance of milk getting into the back of the throat up into the immature Eustachian tubes. 

Treating Ear Infections

So the ear infection has set in…what to do now.

  • As mentioned above, stop wheat, dairy, sugar and juice.
  • Continue with the Echinacea and elderberry
  • Take 250mg vitamin C, 3-5 times per day
  • Mullein ear drops. This is a wonderful traditional remedy for ear infections. It will help to treat the infection and will soothe any associated discomfort. You can find this extract of the herb mullein in your local health food store.

Lastly, if your child does appear to have an ear infection, please take to your chosen health professional to get a correct diagnosis. Understand that you have the right to express to them that you are happy to take the ‘wait and watch’ approach before considering antibiotics. It is your child, and ultimately your choice as to how you manage their healthcare.

A note on chronic ear infections and glue ear…

These conditions need a thorough consultation with your naturopath to establish the root cause of the problem. With a little time and dedication, you can restore your child’s ear health.

Photo by Matheus Bertelli from Pexels

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Aug 162017

Nausea is known as an uneasy sensation in the stomach and it is especially associated with the urge to vomit. Although it is not a disease, it is the symptom of other health condition of the body, such as

stomach infections,

motion sickness,

acid reflux,

treatment of cancer,

migraine headaches.

It is seen that pregnant woman also complains of morning sickness and feels like nauseous. Apart from physical health problems, nausea is also caused by

emotional stress or anxiety.

Naturopathy treatment for nausea is an excellent method to get rid of this uncomfortable feeling. Here are some remedies to cure nausea, which is safe to use and pocket-friendly.

Acupressure and Acupuncture

There are many interpretations of acupuncture that, how it actually works? Acupuncture is to inject certain needles into the skin of the body. However, scientists have proved that by injecting a thin and long needle into the certain parts of the body helps in stimulating the nerves which give indications to the brain. After getting these indications, the brain releases hormones, which minimizes the symptoms of nausea and pain. A natural aid for nausea focuses on the treatment like acupuncture, which is much better than any other treatment.

Acupressure is very much identical to acupuncture because, in this method, the message expert gives pressure to the important points of the body, for example, if you put a certain amount of pressure on the wrist, the feeling of vomiting and nausea is reduced effectively. This is a direct and safe approach to cure nausea naturally to the patients gone through heart surgery or cancer treatment.


Lemon and peppermint oil work fantastically well, to provide great relief from nausea. Aromatherapy helps to eliminate the scents, which contribute to nausea and focuses on the scents that make you feel better.

For better results, put two drops of the essential oil on the clean cloth and inhale the scent, you will notice that the uncomfortable feeling of nausea has decreased. This essential oil is also good for massage and will give you relief. If you are allergic to any type of essential oil then dilute the oil with mineral or neutral oil and then apply to your skin.

Vitamin B6

The doses of vitamin B6 are the natural ways to cure nausea. It plays a vital role in reducing the symptoms, especially for pregnant women and improves the condition from morning sickness. Vitamin B6 provides aid to the psychological and physical functions of the body; it improves digestive function and gives relief to indigestion. It is advised that the person suffering from nausea should take 10 to 15 mg of vitamin B6, for two times in a day. But there is a limit of taking Vitamin B6, as it can damage the nerve. The patient should not take more than 100 mg in a day.


Traditionally, ginger has been used to cure nausea and many diseases naturally and thus it also helps in reducing the symptoms of vomiting. Due to its medicinal qualities, it fights against the various stimuli causing nausea. Many studies have proved that ginger controls the patient from vomiting and from the uncomfortable feeling of nausea. Drink ginger tea for better results.

You can make ginger tea at home, by using ginger root. Cut the ginger root into small pieces and put them into the hot boiling water with some herbal tea leaves and let it sit for at least 10 minutes, thereafter strain the ginger tea and drink it for several times in a day. If you do not get the ginger roots then try out the ginger tea available at other grocery stores.

Drink Clear Liquids


It is advised to drink clear and cool liquids like green tea and chamomile tea, in frequent intervals. Chamomile tea is the natural remedy for nausea. The world famous chamomile tea is made up of the chamomile flower. The tea is well known for its medicinal trait, as it improves digestion, diarrhea, motion sickness, vomiting, gastrointestinal problems, and nausea. The tea is good for relaxing the muscles of the intestines, which makes easy for the food to move through the intestines. You will find the chamomile tea at the grocery shops, in pure form or blended with other herbal tea, which has certain medicinal property. You should drink this tea often, to get maximum aid.


Lemon fights with nausea naturally because it is considered as an excellent cleanser, as it washes all the toxins from the body. It makes you feel healthier from the uncomfortable feeling of nausea. You can do anything with lemon, make a lemon juice and add ice cold water and have this drink or simply suck the lemon juice and smell the beautiful fragrance from it. Lemon will help from morning sickness and it is also beneficial for the pregnant woman.

Few More Essential Tips For Avoiding Nausea naturally

Whenever you feel like vomiting, go out and get some fresh air. Take a walk in the garden or terrace or simply just open the windows of your room. Avoid eating oily food, which has fat content as it can worsen the condition. Drink water all the day and try to take the deep breath, which will help in reducing the anxiety naturally. Naturopathy treatment for nausea focuses on acupressure; this is a great treatment for curing nausea.

What to Eat


You should start your day by consuming food like



and toasts.

This food which is high in starch which is good to control the acid formation in the stomach and this helps in calming the stomach. Bland food is also good for your stomach like

boiled potatoes,



and rice.

Include this food in your daily diet as it stimulates the production of mucus in your stomach, which acts as a barrier between the stomach lining and acid in the stomach. This provides relief from nausea naturally.

Eat meals in less quantity and also focus on chilled meals which help from nausea naturally. Make sure you eat comfortable meals that are easy on your stomach to digest like soups and salads. Do not lie down just after eating your meals, sit up for an hour, this will help to release pressure on your stomach.

Main Causes of Nausea

The main causes of nausea are motion sickness, migraine headaches, overeating, flu symptoms, food poisoning, gall bladder disorder, excessive pain due to kidney stones, brain injury, drinking alcohol and medical treatments like surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Nausea is common to pregnant women, they do get morning sickness. Psychological issues like anxiety, fear, exhaustion, and anxiousness are also responsible for causing nausea. But these causes can easily be removed by healing nausea naturally.

Major Symptoms of Nausea

The major symptoms of nausea are not painful but it certainly has a very uncomfortable feeling. There is a feeling of vomiting, dizziness, light headache and diarrhea. When nausea leads to vomiting can make the body dehydrated and this causes dry mouth and lips, eyes full of tears, sunken eyes and you start breathing rapidly. Natural cure for nausea always recommends staying hydrated. Children are at higher risks as they cannot explain the symptoms of nausea so the parents should take good care of them by providing them with clear fluids.

Simple lifestyle modifications in your day to day life will surely reduce the symptoms of nausea to the great extent. Make sure you take small and frequent meals, drink lots of cool and refreshing fluids and go out in the fresh air.

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Aug 162017

How to prevent the flu naturally is a topical question, because this last month my wellness clinic in Sydney has been seeing an unprecedented numbers of cases. The Sydney Morning Herald wrote about it today and it seems the Influenza strains around this winter are particularly virulent and not only make you feel rotten, but continue to make you exhausted and not feeling yourself for up to 3 weeks if left untreated.

Now we all know that there is no conventional flu treatment except rest, fluids and the use of drugs to reduce fever and aches and pains. Homeopaths, however, have a whole different take on this illness and can provide effective relief from your symptoms both in the acute stages as well as afterwards. I have been treating so many cases of post flu symptoms: Tiredness, lack of motivation, general malaise and feelings of depression.

If it sounds like I am describing you, then you, my friend, need a Homeopathic pick you up! This is a constitutional prescription (you will recall that this means treating you as a whole person with an individualised prescription Homeopathic medicine); and this will help you get back to your old balanced and energetic, positive self soon as you can say: “Homeopathy Works!”

So if you want to avoid it, how can you prevent the flu naturally?

Less Contact:

Firstly stay away from people who have symptoms as much as you can. Wash your hands after public transport to prevent additional transfer of the virus and stop any avoidable close contact with current sufferers. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

Diet and Nutrition:

It’s important that your diet is high on healthy, unprocessed foods and low on sugar. Eat as much fresh green leafy vegetables as you can and colourful foods high in antioxidants. Cut back on gluten and try avoiding dairy produce as this can make many of us more prone to mucus production. Head over to Bodhi Organic Tea for their current article for more immune boosting foods and tea ideas.


Zinc: This mineral is your friend during winter especially as it plays a significant role in immunity. If you are unsure if you need Zinc get your wellness practitioner to test you on the spot or let me test you. If your levels are very low it’s important you supplement right way but also that you investigate why your levels are so depleted.

Vitamin D: The levels of this super hormone fall during winter months as we get less exposure to sunlight on our skin. Studies have shown vitamin D supplementation to be effective in preventing Influenza A strains and there is clinical evidence that supplementation at significant doses can assist in influenza recovery. Ensure you take an active form of Vitamin D3 and get professional advice.

Vitamin C: Eat plenty of vitamin C rich foods to boost immunity and increase mineral absorption – you can find Dr Axe’s list of the top 10 foods here. Brussel sprouts and oranges here we come.

Garlic: Several strains of the influenza virus have been shown to be impacted by an active ingredient in Garlic, Allicin, and in this study (1) by Josling et al, garlic supplementation was show to effectively reduce the incidence of colds as well as reduce their duration significantly due to suppression of antiviral activity.

I have a favourite all round flu and cold prevention supplement and it is Ethical Nutrients Immune Defence. Easily to obtain from most large chemists here in Australia, I like the formula which is combination of Zinc, vitamin A and the herb Andrographis which is excellent for treating upper respiratory infections and in this case, – preventing them.


So what other avenues are there on how to prevent flu naturally?

Homeopathy of course! I have saved the best until last. As soon as the flu season begins you can take a preventative medicine called Oscillococcinum. This is the number one flu treatment in France including all conventional treatments. Myself or other Homeopaths can supply it to you and your family.

Pre-Winter Tune-up:

In addition, have a constitutional Homeopathic treatment form your Homeopath. This will boost immunity and make your system less likely to succumb to the flu and if it does, deal with it better and faster. A pre winter tune-up is always a good idea, so next year get yourself booked in during April and May. At this consultation we will go through diet and supplement recommendations as well as prescribe an immune boosting treatment. If you want to learn more about what Homeopathic Medicines to use to treat your flu yourself, check out my previous post.

If it’s winter already, and you do not already have the flu book in with me as soon as you can and let’s prevent it naturally, together.

  1. Josling, P., 2001. Preventing the common cold with a garlic supplement: a double-blind, placebo-controlled survey. Advances in therapy18(4), pp.189-193.

My name is Sam Adkins, known also as The Homeopathic Coach. I have been working as a Homeopath since 2003 in both Australia, the UK and internationally via skype. I am also a qualified and experienced holistic counsellor using a Process Oriented Psychology approach. I like to combine both these skill sets to facilitate greater balance, wellness and happiness for my clients.

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Jan 232017

A whooping cough is mainly known as pertussis, it is the highly contagious respiratory infection caused by bacteria. The infection can be transferred very easily from one human being to another and it is seen that the newborn babies and teenagers are more commonly infected, especially this infection is more likely to happen when you have weak immunity. Sometimes these infections last for months, with severe pain and trouble while sneezing and coughing but you can easily cope up with whooping cough through naturopathy, which is a unique medicine to treat any disease without any adverse effect as compared to other medication.

Symptoms of a whooping cough

Many people do not understand the difference between the common cold and whooping cough. Although, the symptoms of a whooping cough is much similar to the common cold in initial stage, like

Nasal congestion,

A dry cough,

Body pain and fatigue,

Sneezing, runny nose and coughing,

Redness and watery eyes.

At first, the patient feels like he is only suffering from common cold but later on, after one or two weeks, the infection becomes worse and the coughing turns into severe one with whoop sound with the high pitch, after that the symptoms of whooping cough appears such as,


Severe exhaustion and tiredness in the body,

Thick phlegm

Feeling of breathlessness and the face may turn out as red and blue.

But these symptoms can be cured easily by following some using naturopathy remedies for whooping cough. It is important to note that the symptoms may vary from person to person, especially in the newborn child. Many times it is observed that the sound of whoop is also absent in adults but there will be constant painful coughing, which is an alarming sign, whereas in the babies the only symptom is the red face and gasping for some oxygen. There are times when babies have the serious illness and they stop breathing for few seconds. But the natural remedies for whooping cough will cure the infection effectively while reducing the maximum symptoms and gives relief to the patient instantly.

Natural Remedies For Whooping Cough

People usually prefer to go for home remedies for normal cold and cough and there are many remedies that are popular for thousands of years. It is important to know that these natural medication provided at home, do help the patient to get relief from the symptoms and builds up the immune system strong, which helps to treat the infection and further protects the body to fight against it. But there are many vaccines available, which gives instant recovery in case of emergency.

Sometimes, it is essential to give vaccines to the small babies who are struggling with the infection. For the long-term benefit, it is always recommended to go for the natural cure for a whooping cough but people do not know much about it. Look at some of the best remedies for the infection treated in an effective method at home.

Steam Inhalation and Aromatherapy

Steam inhalation is the most convenient and famous home remedy to treat whooping cough. It makes your respiration airways open and minimizes the mucus. To make an effective steam inhalation, add few drops of essential oils, in the pot of hot water and then inhale the steam coming out of the hot water. Cover your head with a towel, so that air cannot pass out and you can take the maximum benefit of the steam.

Drink Lot of Fluid

When we catch a cold and that also something like whooping cough, then the best solution to cure whooping cough naturally is to drink a lot of fluid like vegetable or chicken broth, warm water and various vegetable and fruit juices. We tend to lose a lot of liquid from our body while coughing and sneezing and this makes our body dehydrated. We must try our best to keep our body hydrated so that our body within fights up with the infection effectively.


Gargle is a very common method of getting rid of a sore throat, inflammation, and cough. By adding a little bit of salt to the warm water, makes the gargle more effective. Make sure you do the gargle 3 to 4 times a day, to get the soothing effect to your throat. This naturopathy treatment for whooping cough, helps you to get relief soon.


Ginger is the most common ingredient available at home and many of us do not know that it is a medicine to cure any kind of a cough as it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and there is a compound called gingerol present in the ginger. It boosts the immunity and helps to recover soon from the infection. Just extract equal quantities of both the ginger juice and mix it with raw honey. Take it for 2 to3 times a day and continue to take it for few days.


Turmeric has antiseptic, antibacterial and antiviral properties, which helps to treat a whooping cough naturally. Mix half a teaspoon of turmeric into one cup of warm milk, drink it every day to get relief from the symptoms of whooping cough. You may also take turmeric supplements, after taking advice from your doctor.


Garlic is another common ingredient easily found in every kitchen. It is a natural antibiotic for whooping cough. To use garlic, you can crush the garlic and add one tablespoon of crushed garlic into a bowl of hot boiling water. And inhale the garlic vapor by covering your head with a clean towel. It is good for all adults as it gives relief from the congestion and coughing. If you like the taste of garlic then eat one or two cloves of garlic, early in the morning.

Raw Honey

Raw honey is loaded with healing properties as it contains antiseptic, antibacterial qualities. It destroys the bacteria causing the whooping cough and eases out the symptoms. Take one glass of warm water and mix one tablespoon of raw honey into this and drink it 2 to3 times a day. It gives relief to a sore throat, instantly you will feel a calm and soothing effect. For good sleep at night, mix one teaspoon of raw honey with half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and have it before going to bed.


Oregano is another beneficial natural medicine for whooping cough, as it helps in curing the respiratory problems like it gives relief from a dry cough and mucus is removed from the lungs easily. Oregano is known as a wonderful herb, used in various exotic dishes, but it also has antispasmodic, antibacterial and some unique medical properties which ease out the coughing and other respiratory problems.

Take a bowl of hot boiling water and mix 6 to7 drops of oregano oil and the inhale the vapor while covering your head with a clean towel. Repeat this 2 to3 times a day to get instant comfort. Or you may rub few drops of the oregano oil and mix it with jojoba oil and olive oil in your chest, and do this before you go to sleep. This will ease out the discomfort due to the coughing and you will have a deep sleep.


We all know that lemon is full of citric acid and this reduces the mucus from the lungs. Lemon increases the immune system of the body and has antiviral, antibacterial properties which combat with a whooping cough naturally. Mix one tablespoon of lemon juice with one glass of warm water and one teaspoon of raw honey. Drink this 3 to 4 times in a day to get relief. Continue drinking it for a week to get positive results.


Almonds are used to treat many physical problems and both the nuts and oil of almond are good to cure pertussis naturally. Almonds contain antioxidants and phytochemicals, which helps in reducing the symptoms of the infection.
To use almonds, you can soak 6 to 7 almonds, overnight and then remove the skin and make a paste of the nuts. Mix the paste of the almonds with one teaspoon of butter and have it to subside the symptoms. You may have this 2 to 3 times a day. You may also use almond oil to rub on your chest, mix few drops of rosemary or eucalyptus oil or camphor oil. Do this whenever you feel uneasy, you will surely get some relief.


Chamomile is an amazing herbal tea as it has the soothing effect to a sore throat and along with that it also has anti-inflammatory properties. The tea is best known to boost the immunity and thus the patient gets recover soon from the infection. To make this unique tea, you need to add 1 or 2 teaspoons of the chamomile tea to the one cup of boiling hot water and then cover the cup for 5 minutes. After that strain the tea and add few drops of lemon juice and honey, as per your taste. You should drink this tea for few days for at least 3 to 4 times in a day.


Saffron is considered to be the expensive spice and used in the most expensive dishes but we hardly know that the saffron is also used as natural medicine for whooping cough. It has wonderful qualities as it destroys the bacteria causing pertussis. It makes the respiratory process comfortable by loosening the phlegm. Make a simple saffron drink by adding 4 to 5 stigmas of saffron to the half cup of hot water and leave it for 5 minutes. Drink it daily for few days, to get relief soon.

Other Suggestions For Whooping Cough

Whooping Cough

Naturopathy home remedies for a whooping cough, helps the patient to recover soon. While you are having the cough, avoid going out at moisture and cold as it can make your condition worse. Our body constantly fights with a whooping cough and that is the reason it feels exhausted and tired, we should take a lot of rest so that we can support our body to recover soon. When you are sick avoid drinking alcohol and smoking, it makes your body cure faster. Avoid eating food like sugar and starchy food and also other allergic foods and focus on more of fiber and nutrient rich food. When you are coughing and sneezing, make sure you wash your hands quite often, so that you don’t spread the infection to others. Following these simple natural remedies for a whooping cough will cure your infection soon.

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