Oct 172018
control blood pressure

Ayurveda and Yoga can help in lowering your blood pressure naturally and quickly, according to latest study.

According to experts, some tweaks in diet, lifestyle and exercise can go a long way in managing blood pressure levels.

In case you are a hypertension patient, with symptoms of high blood pressure, you should take measures to bring it down. The latest figures by the National Family Health Survey states that at least one in eight Indian suffers from high blood pressure in Indian. This lifestyle disease, also referred to as a ‘silent killer’ is rightly named so, as its symptoms can go unnoticed until it gets too late.

Just as is the case with other lifestyle diseases, you need to make a few changes to your lifestyle to protect yourself from this disease. Experts suggest that it is possible to reduce high blood pressure naturally at home. Ayurveda has effective treatments for high blood pressure and its management.

Ayurvedic Medicines

The Senior Director at Birla Ayurveda, Dr. Priyanka Sampat, suggests that Ayurvedic medicines like Sarpagandha, Jatamanasi and Amalaki can be helpful in high blood pressure regulation.

Dry ginger would be a good option if the shoot up in blood pressure is due to untimely food or eating refrigerated food. Herbs such as Malabar Nut (vasa), green potato (Parol) and Silk Cotton Tree (Katankari) can help in combating high blood pressure if it is caused due to poor diet.

In case of associated anxiety or stress, or acidic food intake, Shatavari, lotus and Sandalwood can help immensely.

According to Dr. Sampat, Panchakarma (the five therapies) that helps in clearing body off toxins, can be of great help.

Several psychological and somatic factors need to be taken into consideration when arriving at a treatment method for hypertension, said experts. Milk together with garlic, moringa (drumstick leaves) with honey is advised, similarly, a combination of gokshura, amla, arjuna bark powder decoction or milk preparation, Brahmi, Sarpagandha preparations and Giloy Shankapushpi are said to control blood pressure.


Along with medications, diet is essential to reduce hypertension. Ayurvedic doctors advise patients to avoid excess spicy, sour and salty foods as it can elevate high body temperature, Similarly, ready-to-eat preparations, breads made of refined flour and pickles should be avoided. Untimely food habits, excessive eating after sunset, and eating refrigerated food items should be avoided.

Include whole wheat, moong, fruits, ghee, garlic and milk into your diet. Consume only warm and fresh food and avoid over eating. Have an early dinner, and try and include sweet, bitter and astringent foods as they help in clearing pitta and reducing pitta impurities.

It is best to adhere to fat and oil-free diet, as it may aggravate vata and kapha in the body. Drink sufficient water at specified intervals, include more greens in your diet, consume plenty of drumsticks, tomatoes, flaxseeds, carrots, watermelon, red cabbage, beetroot, apple and water melon.


Some specific yoga postures can help you greatly in maintaining normal blood pressure levels. These include Pranayama, Anuloma Viloma, Shavasana, Veerabhadrasana, Vajrasana, and Bhujangasaa. Among these, Pranayama and Meditation play a major role in managing hypertension.


Simple meditation techniques such as Kevala Kumbhaka, or breath awareness helps in reducing high BP.

Make some lifestyle modifications for a healthy life and avoid hypertension. Among these are avoid staying up in the night, sleeping just after meals, bingeing, having late night meals, consumption of tobacco and alcohol, getting angry easily, and excessively exerting yourself.

Finally, an inevitable part of ayurvedic treatments for any skin condition is daily and seasonal routines of managing hypertension, waking up before sunrise, drinking 4 glasses of water at room temperature, gargling with sesame oil, doing exercises and yoga in the morning and continuing with meditation.

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Jan 042018

ayurvedic treatment for slip discSlip disc herniation is commonly known as slipped disc, a condition affecting the intervertebral discs of the spine. Slip disc is only one of the several conditions affecting the spinal column, the others being disc bulge, disc degeneration with or without osteophyte formation and disc thinning.  The slipped disc is that one which has peeped out of its original space and puts a pressure on the nerves arising out of the vertebral column. The pain is due to the nerve root compression. Ayurvedic treatment for slip disc employs to heal the nerves affected by the herniated disc and to relieve the muscular spasm as well.

What causes a slipped disc?

  1. Trauma to the vertebral column – due to accidents or physical injury.
  2. Physically strenuous jobs or exercises such as weight lifting or riding on a two-wheeler on a bumpy road.
  3.  Obesity
  4. Ageing
  5. Smoking and drinking

According to Ayurveda, aggravation of vata due to the above causative factors is known as the main cause for slipped disc. Hence Ayurvedic treatment for slip disc aims at maintaining the normalcy of the vata dosha by various medications and treatment procedures.


Symptoms vary according to the site of herniation.

Symptoms of a slipped disc in the neck:

  • Pain in the neck, shoulders, and arms
  • Numbness in part of the hand
  • Radiating pain that arises from the neck and reaches to the fingers of the hands over a period of time.
  • Muscle weakness in the hands
  • Burning sensation in the affected area

Symptoms of a slipped disc in the back:

  • Pain and numbness in the back.
  • Pain that arises from the back and radiates to the legs.
  • Worsening of pain while standing or sitting
  • Pain even while walking for short distances
  • Muscle weakness of the back and legs
  • Burning sensation in the affected area

Other associated symptoms include:

  • Insomnia – due to pain
  • Debility
  • Loss of appetite – due to several pain
  • Head ache or heaviness of the head

How does Ayurveda help treat herniated disc naturally and safely?

In Ayurveda, herniated disk is a condition that happens due to an imbalance of Vata element. This throws your body out of equilibrium. Ayurvedic treatment is a good way to restore the basic functional strength of your body.

In some people, symptoms like severe back pain, leg pain, or weakness of the lower extremity muscles are traced to a herniated disc. When the cushion that sits between the spinal vertebra is pushed outside its normal position, you have a herniated disc. This can occur as a result of rupture or bulge due to injury, disease, or deterioration. The spinal disc when pushed out irritates the spinal nerves that lay very close to the edge of these spinal discs causing severe pain.

A herniated disc can occur to anyone. It is, however, seen more commonly in people between the ages of 35 to 45 who perform heavy manual labour or drive motor vehicles for long periods of time. There are a plethora of effective Ayurvedic treatment for slip disc that help restore the equilibrium that is caused by Vata imbalance and provide you relief from lower back pain.

Ayurvedic treatment for slip disc

The Ayurvedic healing therapies are beneficial in many ways:

  • -They help in strengthening the supportive tissues that hold your spine.
  • -They help release the muscular spasm and nerve compression.
  • -They nourish the joints by enhancing circulation and relieve pain.

Here are the Ayurvedic therapies you can employ to treat herniated disk:


The term ‘Kativasti’ is made up of two parts – ‘Kati’ meaning the waist area of your body and ‘Vasti’ meaning a pouch like arrangement. kativasti is an Ayurvedic treatment for slip disc, where medicated oils are used on your back to treat the herniated disc condition.


The patient is made to lie down on his/her stomach on a bed. Medicated oil is spread over the lumbosacral area. After this, a reservoir or a ring is made on this lumbo-sacral region with dough made out of black gram powder. It is made sure that the ring is free of any leakage.

Medicated lukewarm oil is slowly poured into this ring. The temperature of the oil is preserved by reheating and continuously adding more oil. This is done for 30 to 40 minutes.

Later, the affected area is massaged lightly. It is followed by steaming for another 15 minutes which allows better absorption of medicated oil in your body. This process is carried over five to seven days as prescribed by the ayurvedic doctor.

How safe is Kativasti?

Kativasti is pretty safe for you. There are no side effects. This treatment is even safe for heart patients as only gentle massage is given. The only precaution to be taken is to keep the temperature of the medicated oil lukewarm to avoid blistering or scalding of skin.


Abhyanga is a process where a person is given massage in slow and rhythmic movements throughout the body from head to toe. Warm medicated oils are used by one or two massage therapists for 40 to 60 minutes. The Abhyanga is performed in seven postures in by varying pressure at different points in the body.

What are the benefits of Abhyanga?

  • It harmonizes the imbalance in the body due to Vata.
  • It provides nourishment and vitality to the bones, tissues, ligaments, helps reduce pain and enhances your healing capacity.
  • It keeps you full of vitality, removes fatigue and relaxes your body and mind.


Kizhi involves massaging your body with poultices that are made of therapeutic herbs and medicated healing oils. These warm poultices are used to massage the body. This helps the oil to get absorbed by your body tissues, helps in eliminating accumulated toxins.

This therapy rejuvenates your body, improves blood circulation throughout the body, removes muscular fatigue, alleviates mental stress and effectively helps treat herniated disk condition as well as other joint ailments or injuries.

Dhanyamla Dhara

‘Dhanyamla’ means body and ‘Dhara’ means a continuous flow of liquid. This therapy involves pouring herbal medicated oils throughout different parts of your body. This is done by pouring warm oil from a vessel hung overhead over the affected areas of your body in a rhythm.

It is given for 45 to 60 minutes and lasts for 7 to 12 days depending on your doctor’s assessment.

This therapy helps relieve body ache and muscular spasms by boosting blood circulation. It revitalizes your body and enhances immune system immensely. It is an effective method of treating herniated disk.

Click here to know How to Cure Herniated Disc Safely

Here are Some Pain Relieving Ayurvedic medicines for slip disc you Would Like to Know

Vata imbalance causes herniated disk condition. So, by correcting this imbalance, the symptoms of herniated disk get treated. the following ayurvedic remedies and medicines help treat herniated disk condition effectively. Ayurvedic medicines for slip disc are:

  • Gandharvahastadi kashayam
  • Cervilon
  • Lumbatone
  • Take 5 gm Triphala Churna with luke warm water at bedtime daily. This will ensure the expulsion of excess Vata from your system.
  • Take 5 – 10 ml of Gandharvahastadi Castor oil before food, or on empty stomach, once or twice a day or as directed by Ayurvedic doctor to relieve lower back pain.

Go for these Ayurvedic therapies and remedies for relieving the herniated disk. They are free from side effects and are an alternative to surgical procedures. Let your doctor decide upon the Ayurvedic treatment for slip disc best suited to your condition.

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