Dr. Vikram Chauhan

Sep 222020

Vaccination or Immunization can be an overwhelming concept for new parents and you must know about it in detail. The process of vaccination do not only help your child by saving him/her from life-threatening diseases like tetanus, polio, and diphtheria but also prevents other children from getting it as many diseases spread from one child to another. This article consists of the details about vaccination and the vaccines that must be taken by your child in order to live a healthy and long life.

A vaccine is a biological preparation that enhances or facilitates the acquired immunity of a person against a certain diseases. The vaccine consists of dead or weakened microbe, or surface proteins or its toxin which is responsible for causing that particular disease or infection when in actual state. When this dead or weakened microbe is introduced into the body our body recognizes it as the disease-causing agent and destroys it by making the antibodies (army) against it.

So when in the future, that particular child comes in contact with the real version of that bacteria or virus our body already knows about it and kills it at the initial level, hence preventing the body from any kind of disease or agent. Over the years, there have been made many allegations against this vaccination system and blamed for because of increasing cases of autism and other diseases. However never any convincing proof has been produced to support it. That’s why still the vaccination is considered as the safest way to prevent children against many deadly diseases. The benefits of vaccination outweighs the side effects of it.

Your child will receive most of the vaccines from birth up to the age of 6 years. You must keep a record of your child’s vaccination, however, must be given a card for that. Some hospitals or doctors also keep these records but never rely on them to keep it yourself as many times doctors or hospitals are changed and hence the record can be lost.

Even today in India after so much awareness creating programs many children are found to miss their immunization. In India, even paramedics go from door to door to give some of this vaccination like that of polio, which has helped a lot more to cover an area of the people (mainly the uneducated and underprivileged) who do not take initiative for their child vaccination.

There are three main vaccines that your child should not miss at any cost.

1. OPV or Oral Polio Vaccine

Polio or Poliomyelitis is caused by Poliovirus. It is a highly infectious disease that invades the nervous system and can lead to paralysis and death even in a few hours. This explains the seriousness of this infectious condition. Children below the age of 5 years are vaccinated in order to prevent polio. OPV is the most critical vaccine in India and many programs are organized by the government to vaccinate the children door to door to administer the vaccine.

All the children below 5 years are given this vaccine in India in these programs every time the camp is organized as there is no risk of overdosing. However, with every dose the immunity enhances further against the infection, and surety with every dose increases more.

2. MMR or Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine

You can figure out from the name itself that this vaccine gives immunity against measles, mumps, and rubella or also known as German measles. This monovalent vaccine is given after the age of nine months and the second dose is repeated from 12-15 months of age. Generally, no side effects are seen of this vaccine, only 10% of children have been reported of having fever, rashes, and malaise after the first vaccination. This reaction is seen due to the presence of reagent in the vaccine which is similar to the disease-causing agent.

3. Hepatitis B vaccine

The Hepatitis B Infection has covered a large number of population worldwide and is also a leading cause of Liver cancer throughout the world. So the Hepatitis B vaccine is also known as the first anti-cancer vaccine. Hepatitis B is one of the commonest and life-threatening infections of the liver hence the vaccine for it should not be missed. This vaccine is usually given in the 2-4 shots and the first dose is given at birth and other shots should be given within the age of 6 months.

Other than these three important vaccines there are other vaccines as well which your child should receive in order to prevent certain prevailing infections and diseases

1. Rotavirus vaccine

This vaccine is given to prevent the rotavirus infection in children which is the cause of severe diarrhea in infants or young children

2. Pneumococcal vaccine

Streptococcus pneumonia is the causative agent of life-threatening conditions in infants like pneumonia, meningitis, and ear infections in children. Pneumococcal vaccine is given to provide immunity against these diseases.

3. Varicella vaccine

Chickenpox is very common among children and this vaccine provides immunity against this highly infectious condition.

4. HPV vaccine

Human papillomavirus is the very commonly affecting virus that causes mucous membranes and skin growth like warts.

Ayurvedic perspective of vaccination

After talking about the Vaccination concept let’s have a look at the Ayurvedic perspective of vaccination. Ayurveda in itself does not have an exact vaccination but there is a tonic which can help in boosting immunity when administering to the children. This tonic is known as Swarna Prashana which might be a good option to enhance immunity however it is not an alternative for vaccination.

Method for preparation

Take 1 part of ghee with two parts of honey and gold bhasam of just one needle head quantity. Honey should be at least 2 months aged and unheated and bhasam of gold should be of the best quality.

However, till now the vaccination is the only mode of prevention from various dangerous diseases and your child must not miss it. As it is very well said that the best physician is the one educating the masses regarding the prevention of the diseases rather than focusing on giving medicines for the diseases.

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May 022019

Hepatitis B is a contagious liver infection caused by a virus HBV. It is a serious infection with no permanent cure, but it can be prevented by getting a Hepatitis B vaccination. It can spread through sex but can be prevented by using condoms. Sometimes the virus just remains in the body and one remains as a “carrier” of virus for the rest of his life. That is called Chronic Hepatitis B (when infection lasts for six months or longer) and it may lead to liver failure, liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma) or cirrhosis that permanently scars the liver.Take Control of hepatitis B natural

Newborn or children less than 5 years of age, with Hepatitis B infection, have higher chances of getting the infection which can become chronic.

Acute Hepatitis B (HBV) is not treated with medications, it heals on its own with time, especially by taking adequate rest, a fat-free diet and avoiding alcohol.

How does one get Hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B is transmitted through contact with semen, vaginal fluids, blood, and urine. Sex without precautions, sharing toothbrushes and razors, needles and syringes contaminated with infected blood used for piercing, tattoos, acupuncture, etc. can spread Hepatitis B from one person to another. Babies may also get infected if their mother has Hepatitis B.

Sharing foods or drinks do not spread Hepatitis B. Sneezing or coughing also do not spread the virus.

Symptoms of Hepatitis B:

Hepatitis B infection does not show early symptoms. Only after few months an infection, symptoms like abdominal pain, dark urine, fever, joint pain, muscle soreness, loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting, weakness, fatigue, jaundice (pale skin and yellow eyes) show up. Hepatitis B symptoms are close to flu symptoms and jaundice symptoms.

Diagnosis of Hepatitis B:

Blood work, liver ultrasound, and liver biopsy are some of the procedures that help doctors diagnose Hepatitis B infection.

How to Control Hepatitis B naturally?

When diagnosed with Hepatitis B the first thing one wants to do is to take something that could help the liver in its functioning. There are Herbal remedies to reduce Hepatitis B naturally. Some of the herbs that show good results are listed below:

  1. Milk Thistle: Milk Thistle is an herb with lots of medicinal properties that can help to promote liver health. It is a powerful detoxifier. It also helps in rebuilding liver cells and inhibiting the binding of toxins in liver cells. The ingredient silymarin found in milk thistle has anti-oxidant properties. Milk Thistle is proven to treat both acute and chronic Hepatitis B along with other liver diseases.
  2. Bhringraj (Eclipta prostrata): The herb Bhringraj has compounds like dimethyl wedelolactone and wedelolactone that help to revive liver cells and clear toxins from the body. It protects the liver from harmful chemicals that can damage it. It also helps in relieving symptoms of abdominal pain, nausea. The herb may be taken as a decoction or the juice of its leaves may be consumed with some honey.
  3. Sharpunkha (Tephrosia purpurea): The herb is a well-known blood purifier and is very effective in case of the swollen liver. It helps in relieving symptoms like loss of appetite, jaundice, weakness, and fatigue. It also helps with abdominal pain and swelling. The herb detoxifies the liver and helps in regenerating new liver cells.
  4. Bhumiamlyaki (Phyllanthus niruri): Bhumaiamlyaki is a classical Ayurvedic herb for liver support. It pacifies both the pitta and kapha doshas in the body. It cleanses, detoxifies, and strengthens the liver.
  5. Kutuki (Picrorhiza kurroa): The herb balances the pitta and kapha energies in the body and has a deep cleansing action on the liver and gall bladder. It supports healthy digestion and cures liver ailments.
  6. Basil, Parsley, Turmeric, Oregano, and Ginger are other herbs that should be consumed to improve the health and functioning of the liver.

There are other herbs like Punarnava, Kalmegh, Makoy, Kaasni, Jhavuka, Himsra, Guduchi, Amalaki, Haritaki, Echinacea that work great in treating liver disorders naturally. The herbs pacify Pitta dosha and promote the healthy production of bile. They nourish the liver tissues and strengthen it.

Eating a healthy and well-balanced diet is the key to overcome liver disorders. An anti-inflammatory diet, foods with chlorophyll and liver detoxifying foods should be included in the diet like green leafy vegetables (spinach, kale, lettuce), cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts), root vegetables (carrots, beets, sweet potatoes), and fresh fruits like strawberries, blueberries, citrus fruits should be consumed. All processed, refined, high sugary foods should be avoided completely.

  • Staying hydrated is the easiest way to detox the body and overcome symptoms associated with Hepatitis B. Drinking coconut water is a good option.
  • Probiotics like yogurt, cottage cheese, and kefir are good for the liver.
  • Nuts and seeds like walnuts, flaxseed and chia seeds are beneficial in detoxifying the liver.
  • The best oil to consume or cook is extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil. Both these are gentle on the liver.
  • Stress leads to the spread of the virus faster. Practicing Yoga or Meditation, taking a warm bath is all helpful.
  • Boosting up Glutathione levels that the liver uses to break down toxins is a good way to fight Hepatitis B.

Hepatitis B vaccine is recommended for newborns, children or adults who did not get the vaccination at birth, those who work at health care centers, men who have sex with men or have multiple partners, those who inject drugs, those who have chronic liver disease or end-stage kidney disease. Anyone planning to travel to areas with high Hepatitis B infection rate should get the vaccination done as a preventive measure.

Pregnant women with active HBV replication should do antiviral therapy during the third trimester to prevent its transmission to the baby and the baby should be administered hepatitis B immunoglobulin and vaccination at birth.

The patient should continue doing some effortless exercises, avoid stress, avoid being in direct sun for a long time.

An acute infection can become chronic and lead to a wide spectrum of liver diseases, so it is always advised to get routine blood work done and control the problem in initial stages.

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Apr 132019

This shloka means when the vata dosha gets located in the joints and back region, then the swelling occurs which feel like an air-filled and pain occurs during the contraction and relaxation.

(Reference: Charak Samhita (Chikitsa Sthan) Chapter-28 and shloka-37)

As per Ayurvedic aspect:

Back pain is correlated to “katigaraha” in which kati means a back region of body and Graha means holding. This condition mostly occurs due to the vitiated vata dosha which causes pain in the back region.

As per modern aspect:

Every individual has experienced significant back pain during his or her lifetime. Functions of the back region or spine include movement, structural support, and protection of certain body tissues. The pain may occur in different regions such as the middle (thoracic region), lower (lumbar region) or coccydynia (near the tail bone). The lumbar area supports most of the weight in the upper body and is the most common area of pain. This condition usually involves the spasm of muscles along with the spine. There will be a pain, tingling sensation, numbness in the lower extremities. The pain may be acute, subacute or even severe and this usually depends upon the duration.

What are the causes of back pain?

The most common causes of back pain are:

  • Poor posture: Poor postures such as sitting hunched over a desk or slouching in front of the TV can cause joint compression, muscular fatigue, weakness, tightness, etc.
  • Age:

Some inherited factors may cause degenerative changes in the disc and joints. Aging factors may cause a decrease in the bone density, its strength, and loss of elasticity of ligaments and muscles of the spine.

  • Sprain in ligaments:

Ligaments connect the vertebras of the spine and provide stability in the back region. It can be caused by sudden injury and any forceful movements.

  • Disc bulge:

Disk bulge or herniated disc may cause pressure on the nerves that can cause pain which is radiated towards the legs.

  • Muscle strain:

Spine muscles provide strength and mobility in the back for all the activities of daily life. Muscle strain occurs when the muscles are weak or overworked.

  • Other causes:

This can occur due to any disease such as kidneys diseases, cancer, endometriosis or any other ovarian problems.

What are the symptoms of back pain?

  • Pain: The pain may be mild or severe. Severity depends upon the duration of disease. It becomes worse with lifting, bending, walking and standing.
  • Tingling sensation
  • Numbness
  • Weakness
  • Restricted movements
  • Muscle pain

Natural treatment to tackle the back pain:

  • Massage with herbal oil:

Massage the back region with herbal oil is very helpful in relaxing muscles and relieving pain. Various herbal oils such as eucalyptus oil have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that help to relieve the pain. Its massaging action has been found to be very effective for getting instant relief from back pain.

  1. Heat a few tablespoons of olive oil, coconut oil or almond oil.
  2. Add 5 or 6 drops of any herbal oil in the warm carrier oil.
  3. Massage the aching area gently with the oil for 10 to 15 minutes to relieve the pain.
  4. Repeat this remedy for 2 or 3 times a day for the effective results.

The root of ginger is a very effective remedy used in the treatment of back pain. As its root contains anti-inflammatory compounds that can provide relief from back pain. This remedy also provides relief from nausea and vomiting to a huge extent.

  1. Make a paste of ginger and apply this paste on the affected part.
  2. You may also consume this in the form of tea.

Garlic is an effective remedy that can help to treat back pain. This herb is full of antioxidants and is rich in calcium, minerals, and vitamins. It is not only useful in back pain, but also useful in other pains. It has several therapeutic properties.

  1. Make a paste of garlic along with mustard oil and apply this paste on the affected part of the back which provides instant relief from pain.
  2. Consume two cloves of garlic every day on an empty stomach daily.
  • Poppy seeds:

Poppy seeds are one of the wonderful remedies that provide relief from tingling and burning sensation and pain.

  1. Grind 100 grams of poppy seeds and mishri each and make a mixture of it.
  2. Consume two teaspoons of this mixture two times daily with milk.
  • Cold and hot compression:

Cold compression:

Cold compression is the best choice for an acute injury when there is a pain with inflammation. This remedy decreases the inflammation and provides a numbing effect on the body.

  1. Put a bowl full of crushed ice in a plastic bag and wrap it in a towel.
  2. Put this compress on the affected part for 15 to 20 minutes.
  3. Do this remedy. But do not apply ice packs directly on the skin.

Hot compression:

  1. Hot compression is the better choice for increasing muscle relaxation and blood flow to the muscles. This remedy can provide relief from intense pain.
  2. Place a towel around the plastic bag and apply it to the affected area for 15 to 20 minutes.
  3. Repeat this remedy after every half an hour. Make sure the temperature of this pack is not too much hot.

Some useful exercises:

  • Supine twist, sphinx poses, needle pose, Cat and cow pose, downward facing dog pose are very helpful in reducing the back pain. These poses decompress the entire spine and act as a great tension reliever for the entire back region.
  • The natural inclination to the onset of back pain is to stop the movements and take adequate rest because movements often make the pain worse and hinder the recovery. Some researchers have demonstrated that frequent movements, such as yoga, walking or any other gentle exercises that are mentioned above can help to reduce pain quickly and make for a faster recovery.
  • Exercising for 20 to 30 minutes can help to release the body’s endorphins to address the pain.

Some prevention tips:

  1. Once the severity of pain started decreasing, a rehabilitation program to strengthen your hips and back muscles can help to prevent its recurrence.
  2. The main goal is that the spine is, not slumped or over-arched.
  3. A proper lifting of heavy objects and body mechanics should be practiced.
  4. Take proper and enough sleep to get recovered from back pain.

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