Sep 072017

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Please complete the appropriate forms and bring them with you to your appointment.

Contact Information

Acupuncture by Devon is located inside Your Healthy Spine, an integrated wellness center at 5005 Texas Street, Suite 101, San Diego, CA 92108.

(619) 518-4222

Monday 1:00-6:30 pm
Tuesday 12:00-6:00 pm
Wednesday 9:00-2:00 pm
Thursday 11:30 – 6:30 pm

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Sep 062017

Yoga can complement traditional therapies and help in reducing symptoms of depression, claims researchers at the San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Centre in the United States.

According to Lindsey Hopkins from the San Francisco Medical Centre, yoga is highly popular in the West, and majority of the new yoga practitioners have confirmed stress-reduction and other mental health concerns as the primary reason for practicing yoga.

In the study, presented at the 125th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association in Washington DC, the team of researchers explored the antidepressant effects of ‘Hatha Yoga’ and ‘Bikram Yoga’, in a series of experiments.

For this, 23 males participated in the ‘Hatha Yoga’ classes twice a week for eight weeks, while 52 women participated in ‘Bikram Yoga’ classes for eight weeks. Both the methods led to considerable reduction in depression symptoms and improved quality of life, optimism, cognitive and physical functioning.

With increased participation in yoga classes, the more the participants noticed the lowering of their depressive symptoms, the study showed, said Maren Nyer, PhD from Massachusetts General Hospital.

Further, the researchers also considered the potential of yoga to address chronic and/or treatment-resistant depression in two separate studies. The first study involved 12 patients, who had experienced depression for at least 11 years, who participated in nine weekly yoga sessions of nearly 2.5 hours each.

The second study comprised of 74 mildly depressed patients (university students), involving comparison of yoga with a relaxation technique. Results showed that yoga significantly lowered depression, anxiety and stress, the researchers said.

According to Nina Vollbehr, Centre for Integrative Psychiatry in Netherlands, studies suggest that yoga-based interventions have a promise for depressed mood and that they are feasible for patients with chronic, treatment-resistant depression.

However, Hopkins says that research on yoga as a treatment for depression is still in preliminary stages. Therefore, currently, yoga can be recommended as a complementary approach, which could be very effective in conjunction with standard approaches by a licensed therapist.

Although yoga cannot be a ‘cure-all’, it does have a lot of potential, Hopkins concluded.

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Sep 052017

Are you finding it difficult to reach you goal of being a mom or do you just want to ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy?

Whatever the reason, Acupuncture by Devon can help. Our goal is to create the healthiest and happiest body to maximize your chances of conceiving or to ease you though your pregnancy. I provide a comprehensive program to target as many factors affecting your fertility. Here is a glimpse at what your conception plan includes.


Infertility is becoming epidemic in the United States. In 2002, 1 in 8 couples were experiencing trouble conceiving with approximately 7.4 million women being impacted. In the New York Times this month, a study reported that sperm count has reduced by 50% since 1973 showing that men are also significantly being affected.

Acupuncture helps in several ways:

  • Increasing blood flow to the uterus to improve endometrial lining
  • Regulating hormones including gonadotropin-releasing hormone to promote ovulation and progesterone to increase implantation and reduce miscarriages
  • Reducing symptoms of PMS, PCOS, endometriosis, cysts and fibroids
  • Supporting the thyroid function for overall hormone support
  • Improving sperm quality and counts in men

Acupuncture may increase the number of follicles produced during an IVF treatment. When used in conjunction with Western fertility treatments, acupuncture increases conception rates by 26%[1]. We are available for IUI, IVF, and donor egg support, as well.

Patients will receive acupuncture treatments weekly based on the phase of the menstrual cycle and the basal body temperatures that they will be required to chart during their health journey. Husbands are also encouraged to seek acupuncture treatments to improve sperm quantity, quality, and motility.

Herbal Formulas & Supplements

Acupuncture by Devon partnered with Conceivable Herbal Formula to provide our patients with highest quality and most effective herbal support. After a cycle of charting basal body temperatures, each patient will receive 3-4 bottles of herbs to be taken during the various phases of your menstruation. These formulas are individualized for each patient according to their chart. Each month these formulas are modified to target areas of improvement in the cycle. Patients can expect to take herbal formulas for 3-4 months with the goal of improving these fertility factors by 80-85%. I also carry the highest quality supplements including prenatal vitamins and folic acid, as well as supplements targeting nutrition and hormonal deficiencies such as vitamin D, anemia, and progesterone.

Lifestyle & Nutrition

According to Psychology Today, current research has shown that the stress levels of women with infertility are equivalent to women with cancer, AIDS, or heart disease[2].  Stress comes in many forms: long hours at the office, poor diet, lack of exercise, and of course trying to become pregnant. In our treatments, we will identify those stressors that most impact your life and develop tools to help you cope. We will also look at your current diet and make recommended changes to improve fertility.

I look forward to working with you on your journey to becoming a mom—book your appointment today!



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Sep 052017

The rate of eczema is on the rise with it affecting up to 20% of children and 3% of adults. There are many discussions as to why eczema is on the rise, but let’s get down to how to treat the root cause of eczema.

The only way to truly heal eczema is to treat the underlying factors that contribute to its onset.

Skin and Immune Response

Eczema is not considered to be an autoimmune disease; however, it does share some similar traits. The immune/allergy response that is seen in eczema results in the inflammation that is seen on the skin. This is very predominant in infants that suffer from eczema, and these infants often go on to develop other allergic conditions such as asthma or sinusitis. (1)

Supporting a healthy immune system is essential to treating the root cause of eczema.

Test for food intolerances

Food intolerances are a very common trigger for eczema. (2) Many of the testing methods available are a little controversial as their accuracy is not agreed upon by from immunologists. The gold standard for food intolerance testing is the food elimination diet. Whilst this method is time-consuming and a little tedious, the results can be astounding, and well worth the effort. (3)

When we delve into the area of food intolerances, we have to question why do these occur. The reason is often due to intestinal permeability (4), other wise known as ‘leaky gut’. The lining of the digestive system is very selective on the size and type of molecule that it lets through its lining and into the blood stream. When this lining becomes compromised larger molecules pass through into the blood stream. This can result in further aggravation to the immune system and inflammation throughout the body.

What we are not sure about is, is the food intolerance causing the leaky gut, or is the leaky gut causing the food intolerance. Most likely they are both impacting each other, making it important to heal the gut and to manage the intolerance.

So, whilst removing trigger foods is essential, without repairing the gut lining more food intolerances are likely to develop due to the passive of food molecules into the blood stream. Immune responses and inflammation will continue to occur and health imbalances will progress.

Gut Skin Link

Naturopathic medicine is based around treating the body as a whole. Everything is linked together and when there is disharmony in one system, it will reflect in another. We see this clearly with the gut and skin axis. Maintaining a varied and dense microbiome will allow the body to better manage inflammation, oxidative stress, blood sugar levels and the levels of fatty acids in the skin.

Studies have shown that probiotics during pregnancy and breastfeeding reduce the incidence of eczema in infants. (5) We also see that certain strains of probiotics can reduce the severity in eczema patients.

As mentioned above, when our digestive system is compromised the occurrence of eczema may increase.

Increase Nutrients for optimal skin health

  • Vitamin A: rough dry skin is a sign of vitamin A deficiency and a characteristic of eczema. Vitamin A helps to promote cell turnover and control dermal growth factors. You can get adequate vitamin A from egg yolk, cod liver oil, liver, carrots, sweet potato, kale and spinach.
  • Zinc is essential for immune function, wound healing, protein synthesis and cell division. It also is protective against UVA light and is anti inflammatory. Zinc also helps to increase the level of vitamin A found in the blood. Zinc is readily available in many plants based foods such as nuts, and seeds, plus animal sources such as kidney, liver, shell fish, beef and lamb.
  • Vitamin C: this is a powerful antioxidant that is protective and healing for the skin. Vitamin C helps to maintain collagen levels, which provides the structural stability of the skin. Vitamin C is also essential for a healthy immune system and may help to down regulate unnecessary immune responses. Vitamin C is abundant in most fruits and vegetables. Just remember that it is a sensitive vitamin and can be destroyed with heat and exposure to the air.
  • Omega-3: we all know the wonderful anti inflammatory actions of omega-3 fatty acids. They have specifically been shown to reduce skin inflammation, redness, itching and scaling of the skin. (18) This is a crucial nutrient in any eczema treatment protocol. The best sources of omega-3 come from oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, trout, anchovies and shell fish. Plant based sources include nuts, chia seeds and hemp seeds. Plants sources are not as high or as easily absorbed as marine sources, so supplementation may be required to meet a therapeutic intake.
  • Biotin: is required to regulate fatty acid metabolism (omega-3). Fatty acids are protective against cellular damage, water loss and skin damage. Low intake of biotin is seen as a cause of dermatitis. Good sources of biotin include egg yolk (avoid too much raw egg white as this binds to biotin and prevents its absorption), leafy greens, salmon, whole grains and avocado. Biotin is also produced by our gut bacteria, so ensuring you have good gut bacteria is essential.
  • Silica plays a role in the building blocks of skin and promotes skin firmness and elasticity. Food sources include leeks, strawberries, cucumber, mango, celery, asparagus and rhubarb.
  • Vitamin E: this well-known skin healer is anti inflammatory and protective to the skin. It supports a healthy immune system and antioxidants in the body. Sources include olive oil, nuts, seeds, avocado, shell fish, spinach and soy.

In addition to these vitamins, there are many other nutrients that all contribute to skin health, this includes B vitamins, Vitamin D, vitamin K2 and selenium. A well-balanced diet that is 80% plant based (vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, oils, gluten free grains) with the remainder being well-sourced quality protein (grass fed meat and dairy, eggs, seafood) is the ideal eating plan.

Stress Management

Chronic stress plays a role in most imbalances in the body. It is a component that is often overlooked in the management of eczema and skin health. Stress is known to impair wound healing and low cortisol levels that may result from chronic stress is often seen in eczema patients. (6)

Slowing down, being mindful and taking time for self-care is vital for healing.


So in summary….

  • Eat a well-balanced diet that includes all of the essential skin nutrients
  • Support gut health with fermented foods, pro and prebiotics, and soluble fibre to feed your bacteria.
  • Test for potential food intolerances
  • Use clean, organic skin care products that hydrate the skin. Natural oils such as jojoba, shea and coconut are a great choice.
  • Practice stress management techniques

You are Unique

Do you want to get to the root cause of your eczema? Drop me a line and we can work on it together. Heal your skin from the inside, do it right, then you only have to do it once.

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Sep 032017

Collagen just may be the secret ingredient to pausing the hands of time. While collagen has long been associated with skin health and is an ingredient commonly seen in skin care product. It is the oral intake of collagen that can provide a wide range of benefits to improve your total health.

What is Collagen?

Collagen is the most abundant protein found in our bodies. You have it in your muscles, skin, bones, blood vessels, tendons and digestive system. Collagen is what gives our skin elasticity and holds our joints and tendons together. Collagen is naturally high in amino acids such as proline, glycine, glutamine and arginine. All of these amino acids have a wide variety of key roles within the body.

As we age our collagen levels naturally decline. It is this drop in collagen that directly causes our skin to sag, wrinkles to appear and joint pain to begin. Of course when we eat a diet that is high in sugar, processed foods and have a high exposure to UV rays and pollution, the signs of ageing will be accelerated, regardless of collagen levels.

Your skin and collagen

Taking collagen can improve all aspects of your skin. Studies have shown that women aged 35-55 who consumed 2.5-5gm of collagen hydrolysate daily for eight weeks, reported a significant improvement in skin elasticity, and hydration. (1)

Collagen and your joints

As a structural component of your joints, collagen helps with flexibility in the ligaments. As collagen declines, stiffness can set in. Our joints contain type 2 collagen (there are over 6 different types of collagen!), which is high in chicken, for this reason, chicken bone broth is great for managing stiff and painful joints. Multiple studies have shown an improvement in the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and general joint pain when taking collagen. (2,3)

Collagen and Gut Health

Collagen is an important structural component of the lining of our digestive system. This lining is essential for regulating what does and doesn’t enter the blood stream. When this layer gets compromised, undigested molecules enter the blood stream, resulting in inflammatory and immune responses. I have written about this extensively here and here. I can’t stress enough that gut health is key to good health. 

How to take collagen

Collagen is naturally found in animal based foods such as poultry, fish, beef, pork, dairy and eggs. For the vegetarians and vegans out there, you can ensure your body makes its own collagen by eating plenty of the cofactors that are required for collagen production. This includes vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, silica, copper and manganese.

Bone broth is a great way to add collagen into your diet. Here is a recipe to show you how easy it is to make this healing broth.

Collagen supplements are a great way to really take a therapeutic dose of collagen. Collagen supplements come from bovine, porcine or marine based sources. Marine collagen is the best choice as the collagen is a smaller molecule, making it easier to absorb. The most abundant form of collagen is called Type 1 collagen. Marine collagen is rich in this Type 1 collagen, making it a great all-rounder that will benefit all aspects of your health.

I use Vital Proteins Collagen Beauty Water. This is a marine based collagen that dissolves into liquid and has no nasty fishy taste to it. You can purchase this product from (I have no affiliation with this product, it is simply a good quality and ethically sourced product.)

Image Source – vital proteins


Refreshing Daily Collagen Drink

2 scoops of marine collagen (10-20gm collagen)

1Tbs chlorophyll

250ml cold coconut water

Blend and enjoy

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Sep 012017

Are you an accountant and could use more business? You are not alone. The explosion of the internet all over the world has opened up opportunities for small businesses that previously did not exist. These small businesses need someone to take care of their books. That’s what you are good at. Whether you are a full time independent accountant or want to have a part time side hustle, you can build and promote your business as an accountant using the internet.

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Aug 312017

I have been selling products on eBay and making money at it. I would like to upload more of our inventory to eBay but it is very time consuming to upload one at a time and then even more so to keep it updated. If I sell something on eBay but I am actually sold out, I have to cancel the order and that sometimes results in negative feedback and eBay lowers my DSR. Does that sound like you?

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Aug 182017

Liberation Acupuncture is “Socially Engaged, Socially Relevant Acupuncture Theory.”  The community acupuncture model that we follow is closely connected with the Liberation Acupuncture Praxis.

You can read all about  what Liberation Acupuncture Recognizes here.

And you can learn more about the history and evolution of Liberation Acupuncture here.

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Aug 172017

Bronchial asthma is a major burden affecting more than 300 million people globally. It is an immune inflammatory disorder characterized by air way hyper responsiveness associated with bronchospasm, edema of mucus membrane and airway obstruction. The symptoms are episodic or chronic wheezing, cough and feeling of tightness in the chest as a result of broncho-constriction.

Asthma bath is one of the important naturopathic modalities (hydrotherapeutic measure) which helps in relieving the muscle spasm, improving the lung functions relieving and enhancing the depth of respiration, and thus, relieves congestion from the lungs. Hence it is helpful in asthma, bronchitis, emphysema and other respiratory ailments. 

The procedure

During Asthma bath, patient will be made to lie in the immersion tub, half filled with water, at a temperature of 37–38°c. The hot water tap is then opened and temperature is raised up to 40 to 42°C. The duration is four minutes. Then the body is rubbed, beginning with the left leg, then the left arm, abdomen, chest, right arm, right leg, back and the spine. The spine is rubbed till the skin turns red. After rubbing the spine, the chest and the abdomen are rubbed again, for three to four minutes. When rubbing is over, the flow of hot water is stopped. Then you are asked to sit in an upright position and exhale for an instant, and a bucketful of cold water is splashed over the back. Immediately, the patient is asked to inhale, and half a bucket of cold water is poured on chest. Now the patient is to lie in this potion for 2–4 minutes.

This process has to be repeated twice or thrice. The water in the tub has to be brought back always to 37–38°. Finally, a short, cold shower for 2 minutes, and thirty to forty minutes of relaxation is advised.

General Instruction:

  • Carry loose fitting and easily removable clothes.
  • Do not go for the treatment on a full stomach.

Contra indication

  • Heart ailments.
  • Open wounds and fractures.
  • Woman who are pregnant or anyone with abnormally high or low blood pressure.
  • Recently operated.
  • During menstruation
  • Vertigo 

Physiological effects of asthma bath – A JNI Experience

A common noticeable factor in bronchial asthma patients is that the functional efficiency of one or more excretory organs will be low because of morbid accumulations and lowered vitality. The process of oxygenation and circulation will be erratic due to congested bronchi. In the present study, asthma bath provided to the patients aimed at improving these factors.

The improvement in lung functions following asthma bath are due to the short peripheral vasoconstriction following the treatment. Broncho-constriction is one of the characteristic features of asthma and hence the main goal of the treatment is to release this constriction. It happens as a reaction to the long continuous rubbing, warm water application, and a sudden splashing of cold water to the chest, which causes a peripheral vasoconstriction always followed by a long vasodilatation in periphery as well as to the vital organs present in the thoracic cavity. The blood is mainly directed towards the vital organ, especially towards the chest because of the cold splash. The sudden splashing of cold water is also potent to induce an adrenalin rush or a sympathetic arousal in the body as the impulses of the cold receptor travels to the sympathetic ganglia of the spinal cord which causes a highly localized stress response. And the same adrenalin will be directed towards the bronchi and bind to the beta-adrenergic receptor causing a broncho-dilatation.

Thus this particular treatment modality has a vital role to play as a primary health care practice of asthma.

JNI has extensive research work on this disease as well as its treatment modality which is being practiced successfully for years with excellent effect.

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Aug 162017

Nausea is known as an uneasy sensation in the stomach and it is especially associated with the urge to vomit. Although it is not a disease, it is the symptom of other health condition of the body, such as

stomach infections,

motion sickness,

acid reflux,

treatment of cancer,

migraine headaches.

It is seen that pregnant woman also complains of morning sickness and feels like nauseous. Apart from physical health problems, nausea is also caused by

emotional stress or anxiety.

Naturopathy treatment for nausea is an excellent method to get rid of this uncomfortable feeling. Here are some remedies to cure nausea, which is safe to use and pocket-friendly.

Acupressure and Acupuncture

There are many interpretations of acupuncture that, how it actually works? Acupuncture is to inject certain needles into the skin of the body. However, scientists have proved that by injecting a thin and long needle into the certain parts of the body helps in stimulating the nerves which give indications to the brain. After getting these indications, the brain releases hormones, which minimizes the symptoms of nausea and pain. A natural aid for nausea focuses on the treatment like acupuncture, which is much better than any other treatment.

Acupressure is very much identical to acupuncture because, in this method, the message expert gives pressure to the important points of the body, for example, if you put a certain amount of pressure on the wrist, the feeling of vomiting and nausea is reduced effectively. This is a direct and safe approach to cure nausea naturally to the patients gone through heart surgery or cancer treatment.


Lemon and peppermint oil work fantastically well, to provide great relief from nausea. Aromatherapy helps to eliminate the scents, which contribute to nausea and focuses on the scents that make you feel better.

For better results, put two drops of the essential oil on the clean cloth and inhale the scent, you will notice that the uncomfortable feeling of nausea has decreased. This essential oil is also good for massage and will give you relief. If you are allergic to any type of essential oil then dilute the oil with mineral or neutral oil and then apply to your skin.

Vitamin B6

The doses of vitamin B6 are the natural ways to cure nausea. It plays a vital role in reducing the symptoms, especially for pregnant women and improves the condition from morning sickness. Vitamin B6 provides aid to the psychological and physical functions of the body; it improves digestive function and gives relief to indigestion. It is advised that the person suffering from nausea should take 10 to 15 mg of vitamin B6, for two times in a day. But there is a limit of taking Vitamin B6, as it can damage the nerve. The patient should not take more than 100 mg in a day.


Traditionally, ginger has been used to cure nausea and many diseases naturally and thus it also helps in reducing the symptoms of vomiting. Due to its medicinal qualities, it fights against the various stimuli causing nausea. Many studies have proved that ginger controls the patient from vomiting and from the uncomfortable feeling of nausea. Drink ginger tea for better results.

You can make ginger tea at home, by using ginger root. Cut the ginger root into small pieces and put them into the hot boiling water with some herbal tea leaves and let it sit for at least 10 minutes, thereafter strain the ginger tea and drink it for several times in a day. If you do not get the ginger roots then try out the ginger tea available at other grocery stores.

Drink Clear Liquids


It is advised to drink clear and cool liquids like green tea and chamomile tea, in frequent intervals. Chamomile tea is the natural remedy for nausea. The world famous chamomile tea is made up of the chamomile flower. The tea is well known for its medicinal trait, as it improves digestion, diarrhea, motion sickness, vomiting, gastrointestinal problems, and nausea. The tea is good for relaxing the muscles of the intestines, which makes easy for the food to move through the intestines. You will find the chamomile tea at the grocery shops, in pure form or blended with other herbal tea, which has certain medicinal property. You should drink this tea often, to get maximum aid.


Lemon fights with nausea naturally because it is considered as an excellent cleanser, as it washes all the toxins from the body. It makes you feel healthier from the uncomfortable feeling of nausea. You can do anything with lemon, make a lemon juice and add ice cold water and have this drink or simply suck the lemon juice and smell the beautiful fragrance from it. Lemon will help from morning sickness and it is also beneficial for the pregnant woman.

Few More Essential Tips For Avoiding Nausea naturally

Whenever you feel like vomiting, go out and get some fresh air. Take a walk in the garden or terrace or simply just open the windows of your room. Avoid eating oily food, which has fat content as it can worsen the condition. Drink water all the day and try to take the deep breath, which will help in reducing the anxiety naturally. Naturopathy treatment for nausea focuses on acupressure; this is a great treatment for curing nausea.

What to Eat


You should start your day by consuming food like



and toasts.

This food which is high in starch which is good to control the acid formation in the stomach and this helps in calming the stomach. Bland food is also good for your stomach like

boiled potatoes,



and rice.

Include this food in your daily diet as it stimulates the production of mucus in your stomach, which acts as a barrier between the stomach lining and acid in the stomach. This provides relief from nausea naturally.

Eat meals in less quantity and also focus on chilled meals which help from nausea naturally. Make sure you eat comfortable meals that are easy on your stomach to digest like soups and salads. Do not lie down just after eating your meals, sit up for an hour, this will help to release pressure on your stomach.

Main Causes of Nausea

The main causes of nausea are motion sickness, migraine headaches, overeating, flu symptoms, food poisoning, gall bladder disorder, excessive pain due to kidney stones, brain injury, drinking alcohol and medical treatments like surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Nausea is common to pregnant women, they do get morning sickness. Psychological issues like anxiety, fear, exhaustion, and anxiousness are also responsible for causing nausea. But these causes can easily be removed by healing nausea naturally.

Major Symptoms of Nausea

The major symptoms of nausea are not painful but it certainly has a very uncomfortable feeling. There is a feeling of vomiting, dizziness, light headache and diarrhea. When nausea leads to vomiting can make the body dehydrated and this causes dry mouth and lips, eyes full of tears, sunken eyes and you start breathing rapidly. Natural cure for nausea always recommends staying hydrated. Children are at higher risks as they cannot explain the symptoms of nausea so the parents should take good care of them by providing them with clear fluids.

Simple lifestyle modifications in your day to day life will surely reduce the symptoms of nausea to the great extent. Make sure you take small and frequent meals, drink lots of cool and refreshing fluids and go out in the fresh air.

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Aug 162017

How to prevent the flu naturally is a topical question, because this last month my wellness clinic in Sydney has been seeing an unprecedented numbers of cases. The Sydney Morning Herald wrote about it today and it seems the Influenza strains around this winter are particularly virulent and not only make you feel rotten, but continue to make you exhausted and not feeling yourself for up to 3 weeks if left untreated.

Now we all know that there is no conventional flu treatment except rest, fluids and the use of drugs to reduce fever and aches and pains. Homeopaths, however, have a whole different take on this illness and can provide effective relief from your symptoms both in the acute stages as well as afterwards. I have been treating so many cases of post flu symptoms: Tiredness, lack of motivation, general malaise and feelings of depression.

If it sounds like I am describing you, then you, my friend, need a Homeopathic pick you up! This is a constitutional prescription (you will recall that this means treating you as a whole person with an individualised prescription Homeopathic medicine); and this will help you get back to your old balanced and energetic, positive self soon as you can say: “Homeopathy Works!”

So if you want to avoid it, how can you prevent the flu naturally?

Less Contact:

Firstly stay away from people who have symptoms as much as you can. Wash your hands after public transport to prevent additional transfer of the virus and stop any avoidable close contact with current sufferers. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

Diet and Nutrition:

It’s important that your diet is high on healthy, unprocessed foods and low on sugar. Eat as much fresh green leafy vegetables as you can and colourful foods high in antioxidants. Cut back on gluten and try avoiding dairy produce as this can make many of us more prone to mucus production. Head over to Bodhi Organic Tea for their current article for more immune boosting foods and tea ideas.


Zinc: This mineral is your friend during winter especially as it plays a significant role in immunity. If you are unsure if you need Zinc get your wellness practitioner to test you on the spot or let me test you. If your levels are very low it’s important you supplement right way but also that you investigate why your levels are so depleted.

Vitamin D: The levels of this super hormone fall during winter months as we get less exposure to sunlight on our skin. Studies have shown vitamin D supplementation to be effective in preventing Influenza A strains and there is clinical evidence that supplementation at significant doses can assist in influenza recovery. Ensure you take an active form of Vitamin D3 and get professional advice.

Vitamin C: Eat plenty of vitamin C rich foods to boost immunity and increase mineral absorption – you can find Dr Axe’s list of the top 10 foods here. Brussel sprouts and oranges here we come.

Garlic: Several strains of the influenza virus have been shown to be impacted by an active ingredient in Garlic, Allicin, and in this study (1) by Josling et al, garlic supplementation was show to effectively reduce the incidence of colds as well as reduce their duration significantly due to suppression of antiviral activity.

I have a favourite all round flu and cold prevention supplement and it is Ethical Nutrients Immune Defence. Easily to obtain from most large chemists here in Australia, I like the formula which is combination of Zinc, vitamin A and the herb Andrographis which is excellent for treating upper respiratory infections and in this case, – preventing them.


So what other avenues are there on how to prevent flu naturally?

Homeopathy of course! I have saved the best until last. As soon as the flu season begins you can take a preventative medicine called Oscillococcinum. This is the number one flu treatment in France including all conventional treatments. Myself or other Homeopaths can supply it to you and your family.

Pre-Winter Tune-up:

In addition, have a constitutional Homeopathic treatment form your Homeopath. This will boost immunity and make your system less likely to succumb to the flu and if it does, deal with it better and faster. A pre winter tune-up is always a good idea, so next year get yourself booked in during April and May. At this consultation we will go through diet and supplement recommendations as well as prescribe an immune boosting treatment. If you want to learn more about what Homeopathic Medicines to use to treat your flu yourself, check out my previous post.

If it’s winter already, and you do not already have the flu book in with me as soon as you can and let’s prevent it naturally, together.

  1. Josling, P., 2001. Preventing the common cold with a garlic supplement: a double-blind, placebo-controlled survey. Advances in therapy18(4), pp.189-193.

My name is Sam Adkins, known also as The Homeopathic Coach. I have been working as a Homeopath since 2003 in both Australia, the UK and internationally via skype. I am also a qualified and experienced holistic counsellor using a Process Oriented Psychology approach. I like to combine both these skill sets to facilitate greater balance, wellness and happiness for my clients.

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Aug 082017

You feel everything. You always have.

From the itchy tag on the back of your shirt to the emotional state of the stranger sitting next to you on the train. Taking it all in like a giant porous sponge.
You notice the tiny cracks in the paint that resemble the shape of an alien’s head. Nobody else seems to notice the sound of the refrigerator’s hum, or the ticking of your friends watch. Your left palm is often itchy and there is a mild achy pain in your upper left abdomen. When you walk by the smelly sewer spots in the city, it hits you harder than most. The almonds that were stored in the cooler with cheese now have a slightly cheesy taste that nobody else seems to notice.
It’s not easy feeling it all. In fact it can be incredibly isolating. You may have been told that you were “too much” more than a few times in your life. Feeling like nobody can hold you is scary. It can get exhausting to live life with the belief that you have to hold it all. Processing the emotions of every person in the room and filtering them through your fragile system is rough. It especially hurts when you feel other people’s negative emotions towards you.
I have spent countless nights wondering why I was different. Wishing I could just be like one of the “cool girls” who could sit bare-legged in the grass and not be bothered by the pokey blades. Praying that I could somehow shut down the part of my brain that was constantly analyzing what everyone was thinking.
Being sensitive can be challenging on so many levels… but what we often forget, is that it is also a gift.
Because we feel so much, so deeply we are able to experience life in all its vibrancy. We get to appreciate the full range of complexity that this world has to offer. From being the first to notice the subtle smell of the night blooming Jasmine that grows in summer to detecting the boysenberry undertones in your glass of Pinot Noir, we are able to detect life’s delicate nuances that may have otherwise been overlooked.
We have the capacity to experience deep empathy and compassion for those in pain and allow others to feel seen and heard in their suffering. Because we feel so much ourselves, we are able to feel for others, and are able to offer them the most beautiful gift of all… our loving presence.

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Jul 282017

Reflexology is the application of appropriate pressure to specific points and areas on the feet, hands, or ears. Reflexologists believe that these areas and reflex points correspond to different body organs and systems, and that pressing them has a beneficial effect on the organs and person’s general health.

Although reflexology is not used to diagnose or cure health disorders, millions of people around the world use it to complement other treatments when addressing conditions like anxiety, asthma, cancer treatment, cardiovascular issues, diabetes, headaches, kidney function, PMS, and sinusitis.

Where are the reflexology points and areas?

In reflexology theory, points and areas on the feet, hands, and ears correspond to specific organs, bones and body systems. Practitioners access these points on the feet and hands (bottom, sides, and top) and the ear (both inside as far as the finger can reach and outside) to affect organs and systems throughout the entire body.

Maps of reflex points have been passed amongst practitioners across the globe. Understandably, there is no agreement among all reflexologists on all points; however, general agreement does exist on major reflex points. Some scientific documentation of linkages between the skin and internal organs also exists.

To represent how the body systems correspond to. one another, reflexologists use reflexology ‘maps’. A good example of a reflexology map exists for the feet. Each foot represents a vertical half of the body:

  • The left foot corresponds to the left side of the body and all organs, valves, etc. of that side are found there.
  • The right foot corresponds to the right side of the body and all organs of that side are found there. For example, the liver is on the right side of the body, and therefore the corresponding reflex area is on the right foot.

Whatever the specific technique, reflexology theory holds that the practitioner is working to release congestion or stress in the nervous system and balance the body’s energy.

Benefits of Reflexology

  • It stimulates nerve function, relieves pam
  • Boosts circulation & increases energy
  • Induces a deep state of relaxation
  • Eliminates toxins
  • Stimulates the central nervous system.
  • Prevents migraines.
  • Cleans up urinary tract conditions.
  • Speeds up recovery after injury / surg
  • Helps relieve sleep disorders.
  • Reduces depression.

Furthermore, it can help ease the treatment of various cancers and even may soothe the pains of pregnancy, including those occurring after the baby is born.

Reflexology at JNI

Reflexology track at JNI is a good example of an ideal track. It has 3 circles in it.

First is a pebble track. Walk slowly on this track for one round.

The second a sand track. Walk on the dry sand next for two rounds.

Third round is hot and cold water track. Three times alternatively hot and cold water track are to be walked through. Walk very slowly, spending 1 minute in hot water and 15 seconds in cold water track placed in rows, taking 3 minutes 45 seconds for one round. Walk for 3 rounds.

Feel the pressure and water temperature consciously while walking, taking more care of the tender points on the feet.

Click for detailed story

Jul 252017

Goldenrod: the Bee’s Knees (and Urethras Love it Too!)

Goldenrod (Solidago sp.) growing in Minnesota; photo courtesy of Clint Farlinger

Goldenrod (Solidago sp.) growing in Minnesota; photo courtesy of Clint Farlinger

Text and Photographs by Juliet Blankespoor, unless otherwise noted

 –The following article is a sneak peek into our 375-hour Online Foraging Course: Edible and Medicinal Wild Herbs, which begins in January 2018! The course begins with the basic ground rules of foraging safety and ethics, and then moves on to botany and plant identification. Before you know it, you’ll have the skills and confidence to safely identify and harvest wild plants.

You’ll befriend THE most common edible and medicinal wayside plants, including dandelion, stinging nettles, violet, yarrow, burdock, rose, goldenrod, and many others. The printable manual is hundreds of pages long and filled with close-up photos for identification, medicinal uses, and loads of easy-to-follow recipes. In fact, most of our plant profiles contain more detail than you’ll find in any book on wild foods and herbs.

Registration for this online course runs December 20th, 2017 through January 15th, 2018 and is only open once a year. The course runs January 15th through November 1st, 2018!

Botany and Identifying Characteristics

Scientific Name: Solidago spp.

Plant Family: Asteraceae, aster family

Other Common Names: Goldruthe, woundwort, Aaron’s rod, and solidago

Introduction: Each fall, all across North America, goldenrod lights up meadows and fields with a refreshing blend of ruggedness and jubilation. In addition to the sunshine it lends to the landscape, its flowers attract native pollinators and beneficial insects. Goldenrod’s piney-tasting leaves and flowers are an important medicinal remedy for the urinary, digestive, and respiratory systems. The goldenrod tribe encompasses one hundred species of late-blooming, knee- or hip-high herbaceous perennials.

Locust borer on a goldenrod inflorescence

Locust borer on a goldenrod inflorescence

Goldenrod is imbued with a decided botanical exceptionalism—heralding primarily from America—where it has been employed for centuries as a medicine, dye plant, and beverage tea. Although most goldenrod species are native to North America, a few species are native to Eurasia and South America. European goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea) is an important folk remedy for lessening bleeding and diarrhea and healing wounds—earning it the name woundwort.1

Range: Look for goldenrod in meadows, fields, and open woods and along trailsides and waysides. The range varies by species—most anyone in North America has at least several local species that are abundant. A few species of goldenrod have escaped cultivation in Europe and China. Solidago virgaurea is found across most of Europe, western Asia, and North Africa. It is grown as a garden flower and medicinal, which has likely expanded its range over the past few centuries.

Identification: Crush a goldenrod leaf when the plant is in bloom to familiarize yourself with its unique aroma. I detect hints of resin and seaside in the fragrance; a perfect blend of salt and balsam. If you have multiple species growing in your region, get to know their nuances by tasting and smelling the leaves (after you’ve properly identified the plant to goldenrod!). Some varieties are more bitter, others more astringent, and some specialize in resinous flavors. Sweet goldenrod (S. odora) possesses honeyed hints of anise or licorice and is a prized beverage tea. Any goldenrod species can be used medicinally, and identification to the species level is not essential—this is welcome news, as they readily hybridize and are generally considered difficult to identify to species. However, make sure you have properly identified your species as a true goldenrod, in the Solidago genus! Proper identification to genus is crucial, as there are yellow-flowered aster family members that are deadly toxic, including ragwort and groundsel (the Senecio genus and its relatives are described below in the look-alike section).

Sweat bee pollinating goldenrod

Sweat bee pollinating goldenrod

It is difficult to describe the characteristics of such a large group of plants—a local field guide is indispensable for identifying the species found in your area. Goldenrod plants have alternate, simple leaves that can be entire or slightly toothed, hairy or smooth. Leaves are typically longer closer to the base of the plants. Leaves vary in shape by species. The stems do not typically branch (until they begin to flower). Being an aster family member, goldenrod has its yellow inflorescence arranged in flower heads comprising disc and ray florets (anywhere from several to thirty florets per head, depending on species). The flower heads (miniature structures that look like “flowers” to the untrained eye) are typically 0.4 inch (1 cm) or less in width (although there are plenty of exceptions—for example, S. virgaurea). The inflorescence is most typically a raceme or panicle, but can be a corymb.

Related Species and Look-Alikes: Goldenrod has a number of look-alikes, some of which are deadly poisonous. There is a large group of plants variably called groundsel, life root, staggerweed, ragwort, and a slew of other regional names. These were historically placed in the Senecio genus, which is one of the largest genera of flowering plants, with over 1,200 species. The genus is in botanical flux, with many species being reclassified into new genera (over thirty new genera have been separated from the Senecio genus!). Obviously, we can’t go over all the Senecio species—and their close relatives—but it’s good for you to familiarize yourself with the group and also to remember that goldenrod does have some deadly look-alikes.

Not all of the Senecio members are toxic, but the ones that are poisonous have harmful pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs), which can cause irreparable damage to the livers of both humans and livestock. PAs are particularly insidious because the symptoms of poisoning can be hard to detect (they are similar to those of many other illnesses) and can take months to manifest. Often, by the time symptoms present, the damage is already done.

The tribe comprised of ragwort, groundsel, liferoot, and staggerweed (Senecio spp. and other related genera) contains many DEADLY TOXIC species. Clockwise from top left: Ragwort (Senecio ovatus) in Bavaria, Germany, photo courtesy of blickwinkel; Ragwort, also known as staggerwort or blooming jacobea (Jacobaea vulgaris, formerly Senecio), photo courtesy of Justus de Cuveland/imageBROKER; Golden ragwort (Senecio sp.) and fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium) growing in a recently burned forest in Yukon, Canada, photo courtesy of Dieter Hopf/imageBROKER

The tribe comprised of ragwort, groundsel, liferoot, and staggerweed (Senecio spp. and other related genera) contains many DEADLY TOXIC species. Clockwise from top left: Ragwort (Senecio ovatus) in Bavaria, Germany, photo courtesy of blickwinkel; ragwort, also known as staggerwort or blooming jacobea (Jacobaea vulgaris, formerly Senecio jacobaea), photo courtesy of Justus de Cuveland/imageBROKER; golden ragwort (Senecio sp.) and fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium) growing in a recently burned forest in Yukon, Canada, photo courtesy of Dieter Hopf/imageBROKER

I wish there were some easy way to differentiate goldenrod species from the Senecio tribe, but I haven’t found any rule that holds true for the wide range of species. In general, however, ragworts or groundsels have fewer flower heads than Solidago species. Senecio flower heads are typically larger than the miniature Solidago flower heads (which are usually smaller than 0.4 inch [1 cm] across), and Senecio species often bloom earlier in the season than goldenrod. But there are plenty of exceptions, so these differences are not hard and fast. Again, because the groundsels are such a large group of plants, it’s prudent to get to know the genus (and its relatives) and become familiar with the species in your area before you harvest goldenrod.


Zones: Varies by species, so look for natives to your bioregion (there are many to choose from in zones 3–9); full sun to part shade

Soil: Varies by species

Size: Varies by species, but generally 2 to 5 feet (0.6–1.5 m) tall; some goldenrods spread aggressively by runners, and some species modestly clump (expand in girth annually)

Propagation: Stratify the seed for three months before planting and sow on the surface of the soil; do not bury seed. Softwood cuttings, consisting of four to six nodes, taken in late spring, have a high percentage of successful rooting. Divide the roots in spring or early summer. Plants transplant well early in the season.

Siting and Garden Care: Until recently, North American gardeners scoffed at inviting this “weed” into the tended landscape. Meanwhile, in Europe, goldenrod has received a warm welcome in the garden and has been planted widely for upward of three centuries. European breeders took goldenrod under their wings and emerged with showy cultivars fit for the finest of cottage gardens. Like any self-respecting opportunistic plant that thrives on disturbance, goldenrod jumped the confines of cultivation and promptly spread into European fields and meadows. Gardeners in North America are now recognizing that goldenrod’s commonness need not detract from its desirability as an ornamental. Gardening provides many nuggets of wisdom if we can simply manage to keep our garden gates unlatched.

Goldenrod (Solidago sp.) growing with its sidekick ironweed (Vernonia)

Goldenrod (Solidago sp.) growing with its sidekick ironweed (Vernonia)

With a diversity of species to choose from and native habitats ranging from bog, to alpine meadow, to maritime dunes, you can be sure to find one that will thrive in most any niche. Goldenrod is a mainstay in meadow gardens and is especially delightful when growing next to its familiar, purple-blooming sidekick ironweed (Vernonia spp.). (See the photo of the two chumming it up.) Other possible native companions include common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca), cup plant (Silphium perfoliatum), and Joe Pye weed (Eutrochium purpureum and E. maculatum). For massing, consider planting fast-spreading species, such as rough-stemmed goldenrod (S. rugosa), showy goldenrod (S. speciosa), tall goldenrod (S. altissima), and Canadian goldenrod (S. canadensis).2

If your gardening space is limited, try one of the more demure clumping species, such as sweet goldenrod (S. odora) or any of the varieties described below. In a trial of goldenrod species conducted by the Chicago Botanic Gardens, S. rugosa ‘Fireworks’ was a choice cultivar, with its resistance to powdery mildew, slowly spreading habit, and explosive display of golden panicles. Other leaders include the hybrids ‘Baby Sun’ and ‘Goldkind,’ both with tight-clumping habits and generous floral displays. S. sphacelata ‘Golden Fleece’ is a late-flowering variety with heart-shaped leaves. Finally, for the partial shade garden, consider the variegated S. flexicaulis ‘Variegata,’ which is a modestly spreading species rather than a clumping one.3

Goldenrod flowers in the late summer to early fall, at a time when most gardens could really use some perkiness. Spend just a few moments observing the pollinators flocking to the golden sprays, and you will appreciate how important a role it plays in sustaining local insect populations. Goldenrod supports over one hundred species of caterpillars, making it a useful plant for calling in local butterfly populations. It also attracts garden beneficials, such as praying mantises, ladybugs, assassin bugs, damsel bugs, syrphid flies, and parasitic wasps. The nectar is popular with many butterflies, including monarchs.4,5,6

Locust borer pollinating goldenrod

Locust borer pollinating goldenrod

Goldenrod has been wrongly accused of causing hay fever simply because of its close association with the actual culprit: ragweed (Ambrosia spp.). Both plants flower at the same time, but ragweed has demure green flowers, which are easily overlooked—so, by default or guilty association, goldenrod takes the heat. Goldenrod is insect pollinated and doesn’t release its pollen into the air; therefore, you need to stick your nose right in its face to induce any kind of histamine reaction.

Problem Insects and Diseases: Goldenrod is often affected by powdery mildew and rust. See the choice cultivars listed above, which have demonstrated good resistance against both diseases.

Harvesting: Harvest plants with healthy-looking leaves—that haven’t been affected by powdery mildew or other diseases—when they’re just beginning to flower. Harvesting at the beginning of flowering ensures that your dried blooms retain their yellow hue. If you harvest the plants in full bloom, the flowers will mature into their fluffy seed heads as they dry, and you’ll be left with dull puffs instead of golden floral cheer! For goldenrod species that have several stems, I like to leave half the stems intact—for the pollinators and for the plants to continue to photosynthesize. For species that just have one stem, I prefer to cut the stem halfway down, leaving some vegetation to photosynthesize for the remainder of the season. You’ll want to make sure that the species you’re harvesting is abundant, and be sure to leave the majority of plants in one area untouched. If you’re harvesting non-native goldenrod, these same cautions do not necessarily apply. Hang the plants to dry, and strip the leaves and flowers from the stem when they are crisp.

If powdery mildew is a big problem in your area, consider harvesting the leaves earlier in the season before the mildew takes hold. Just make sure of your identification, as you won’t have the characteristic flowers present.

Goldenrod (Solidago sp.) at the perfect stage for harvesting (the individual flowers are just beginning to open)

Goldenrod (Solidago sp.) at the perfect stage for harvesting (the individual flowers are just beginning to open)

Edibility and Preparation

Goldenrod’s resiny flavor nicely melds with both vinegar and honey. Meadowsweet and goldenrod make a lovely pair in mead or as a naturally fermented homemade soda. See the recipes at the end of this article.

Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) by D.G.J.M. Bois, circa 1896

Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) by D.G.J.M. Bois, circa 1896

Medicinal Properties

Part Used: Flowering herb (leaves and flowers)

Medicinal Preparations: Tea, tincture, vinegar, infused honey, syrup, mead, elixir, cordial, and homemade soda

Tincture ratios and dosage: Fresh flowering herb (1:2 95%) or dry flowering herb (1:4 60%); either preparation 2–4 ml three times a day

Infusion ratios and dosage: Infusion of 1–2 teaspoons (5–10 ml) of the dried leaves and flowers per 1 cup (240 ml) of boiling water, up to three times a day

Actions: Diuretic, anticatarrhal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, astringent, carminative, vulnerary, and diaphoretic7

Energetics: Warming and drying

Medicinal Uses: Much of what we know about goldenrod’s medicinal uses comes from Native American peoples, who traditionally used various goldenrod species for a number of ailments, both topically and internally. Goldenrod is an important dermatological aid for sores, infections, toothache, burns, and wounds. Internally, it is used for a number of urinary, respiratory, and digestive ailments. The medicinal use by over a dozen Native groups for close to twenty species of goldenrod has been documented, with overlapping usage between species.8 It is likely that even more species are used, considering the plant’s versatility and widespread distribution. Interestingly, many tribes use the root medicinally—a use not shared by most contemporary Western herbalists.

A bee pollinating goldenrod—note the orange pollen sacs

A bee pollinating goldenrod—note the orange pollen sacs

Although any species of goldenrod can be employed medicinally, aroma, taste, and medicinal qualities vary between species. The overarching uses are similar, but it’s up to you to discover their individual nuances and develop a personal relationship with the species you grow or forage. Some species are more pleasant as a beverage tea, and some are more astringent. The latter group will be more serviceable internally to slow diarrhea and topically to disinfect, treat burns, and slow bleeding.

Goldenrod is a premier decongestant, effectively alleviating upper respiratory congestion stemming from allergies, sinusitis, flu, or the common cold. It can be taken as a tea, syrup, or tincture for this purpose. In my experience, it is one of the strongest herbs for drying the sinuses. Combine goldenrod with sage (Salvia officinalis) in a strong infusion for a gargle that can be used for sore throats, thrush, and laryngitis.7

Goldenrod also has an affinity for the urinary tract and is used as a diuretic, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory to treat urinary tract infections. For urinary tract infections, I combine goldenrod, marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis), corn silk (Zea mays), and uva-ursi (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) in equal parts to prepare a tea, which is drunk at room temperature. (See the recipe below.) The diuretic quality of goldenrod is also helpful in treating edema, gout, and kidney stones.7

Goldenrod (Solidago sp.) growing with ironweed (Vernonia) in North Carolina

Goldenrod (Solidago sp.) growing with ironweed (Vernonia) in North Carolina

Goldenrod has been historically used by Native American peoples—and European settlers—as a wash or poultice to help heal wounds, burns, open sores, and cuts. The vulnerary uses of the plant inspired the scientific name Solidago, which means “to make whole.9 John Parkinson wrote of European goldenrod (S. virgaurea) in 1640, “It is the most soveraigne woundherbe of many, and can doe as much therein as any, both inwardly for wounds and hurts in the body, and for either greene wounds, quickly to cure them, or old sores and ulcers, that are hardly to be cured.”1 Parkinson recommended a decoction of the herb to help “fasten the teeth that are loose in the gummes.” The Kawaiisu people use a decoction of the leaves of S. californica to treat boils and for open sores and skin irritations.8 Various species of goldenrod have been used as a wash for thrush and as a toothache remedy.

Internally, many species of goldenrod have been used to treat diarrhea—likely because of the tannins and antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory actions. Matthew Wood writes about the plant, “Solidago is bitter, warm, and pungent, a combination ideally suited for use as a carminative—that is, for stimulating and increasing digestion.”10

Other: Freshly picked goldenrod flowers lend a cheery splash of gold to bouquets, and the dried flowers are absolutely lovely in wreaths and everlasting bouquets. Pick the flowers before they are fully open to retain the golden hue. When I was pregnant with my daughter, my hormones enchanted me: I became obsessed with growing and arranging dried flowers. Dried goldenrod and sweet Annie (Artemisia annua) were my favorite fillers for wreaths. The blooms are used to dye silk and wool, lending a golden to olive-green color, depending on the type of mordant employed.

Graceful, tossing plume of glowing gold,

Waving lonely on the rocky ledge;

Leaning seaward, lovely to behold,

Clinging to the high cliff ’s ragged edge.

—Celia Thaxter, Seaside Goldenrod

This tea blend is helpful for treating the symptoms and the root cause (primarily, bacterial infection) of urinary tract infections (UTIs). The herbs in this formula provide relief through their demulcent, astringent, and anti-inflammatory actions (soothing to inflamed urinary mucosa). They are also antimicrobial and diuretic (which helps flush out the bacteria). Corn silk is one of the primary remedies I turn to for urinary tract inflammation and pain—it’s highly cooling and soothing, along with being demulcent and diuretic. You can dry your own by saving the silk when shucking organically grown sweet corn. Uva-ursi is, in my experience, the most useful antimicrobial and astringent herb for UTIs. Of any herb, it’s the most likely to effectively throw off the bacteria causing an infection.

It’s important that the tea be drunk at room temperature, which augments the herbs’ diuretic effect. It is prudent to take an immune-stimulating tincture—along with the tea—to enhance the body’s innate immune efforts in combatting the bacterial infection. Good immune-stimulating medicinals for UTIs include echinacea (Echinacea purpurea), spilanthes (Acmella oleracea), and usnea (Usnea spp.) Additionally, you can drink unsweetened cranberry and blueberry juice along with the tea. Avoid sugar and natural sweeteners until the infection clears.

If the infection worsens or fails to clear up after five days, consult your health care provider—antibiotics may be necessary. If you develop a fever or lower back pain, you may have a kidney infection; seek immediate medical attention, as kidney infections have the potential to irreparably damage the kidneys and are best treated by antibiotics. Most UTIs are caused by bacteria found in the vagina and perianal area, but sometimes they are caused by a sexually transmitted infection (STI). If you have had unprotected sex, or your partner has potentially had unprotected sex, you’ll want to rule out an STI as the cause of infection.

  • 1 Tablespoon marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis)
  • 2 Tablespoons corn silk (Zea mays)
  • 1 Tablespoon goldenrod flowering herb (Solidago spp.)
  • 1 12 Tablespoons uva-ursi herb (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)

If the uva-ursi leaf is whole, crush it with a mortar and pestle or grind in a coffee grinder. Add the uva-ursi and marshmallow root to 32 ounces (1 L) of water. Simmer for twenty minutes. Turn off the heat and add the corn silk and goldenrod. Infuse covered until the tea cools to room temperature and strain. Adults may drink up to 4 cups (32 ounces or 1 L) a day. The measurements in this blend are for dried cut and sifted herbs (store-bought). If you’re using homegrown or wildcrafted herbs—or fresh herbs—use larger quantities.

This blend is helpful as an internal remedy for sinus congestion due to allergies, head colds, or sinus infections. It is very drying and decongesting, and therefore isn’t the best remedy for the beginning stages of a cold (when runny mucus can help expel pesky viruses) or for those who run dry. The herbs can be taken in tea form, instead of tincture, but the tea will be unpalatable to some because of its astringency and bitter flavor. For people who run dry, add marshmallow and licorice root to the formulaLicorice is contraindicated in pregnancy, water retention, heart conditions, and high blood pressure.

  • 1 part tincture yarrow flower (Achillea millefolium)
  • 2 parts tincture goldenrod flowering herb  (Solidago spp.)
  • 2 parts tincture elder flower (Sambucus canadensis)
  • 1 part tincture nettles leaf (Urtica dioica)

Combine all the tinctures, using the above proportions. For a larger batch (yielding 8 ounces, or 236 ml), use 1 ounce (30 ml) of tincture as 1 part (for example, you would add 1 ounce each of yarrow and nettles to 2 ounces each of goldenrod and elder). For a smaller batch (yielding 1.4 ounces, or 40 ml), use 5 ml as 1 part (for example, you would add 5 ml each of yarrow and nettles and 10 ml each of goldenrod and elder). You’ll need a glass beaker for the smaller measurements.

Use fresh tinctures if possible (1:2 95%), but you can substitute dried tinctures or use different preparations for each tincture. Combine all tinctures and store in a glass dispensing bottle. Dosage is 4 ml (4⁄5 of a teaspoon) three times a day. For short-term, acute use, lasting no more than three days, you can take 3 ml (3⁄5 of a teaspoon) up to six times a day.

Goldenrod (Solidago sp.) adds a splash of fall color to the garden and to public spaces in the ABQ BioPark in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Goldenrod (Solidago sp.) adds a splash of fall color to the garden and to public spaces in the ABQ BioPark in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Precautions and Contraindications:
Goldenrod can be overly drying as a beverage or tonic tea for people with a dry constitution, as it is diuretic, astringent, and decongestant. Short-term usage shouldn’t be a problem. Do not use in pregnancy. Although rare, goldenrod has caused allergic contact dermatitis after both handling and oral administration.11 Those with Asteraceae allergies should exercise caution with goldenrod. Be sure you are harvesting a true Solidago species because there are deadly look-alikes (see the Related Species and Look-Alikes section above).

This article is a sneak peek into our 375-hour Online Foraging Course: Edible and Medicinal Wild Herbs, which begins in January 2018! 

This groundbreaking program is shaping up to be THE most comprehensive online course on the topic of harvesting wild medicinals and edible weeds. 

Registration for this online course runs December 20th, 2017 through January 15th, 2018 and is only open once a year. The course runs January 15th through November 1st, 2018!

1. Bruton-Seal, J., and Seal, M. The Herbalist’s Bible: John Parkinson’s Lost Classic Rediscovered (Skyhorse Publishing Company, 2014).

2. Cullina, W. The New England Wild Flower Society Guide to Growing and Propagating Wildflowers of the United States and Canada (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2000).

3. “Goldenrod.” Chicago Botanic Garden website. Accessed June 10, 2015.

4. Jacke, D., and Toensmeier, E. Edible Forest Gardens. (Chelsea Green, 2005).

5. Shepherd, M., and Vaughn, M. Attracting Native Pollinators: Protecting North America’s Bees and Butterflies: The Xerces Society Guide (Storey Publishing, 2011).

6. Holm, H. Pollinators of Native Plants: Attract, Observe and Identify Pollinators and Beneficial Insects with Native Plants (Pollination Press, 2014).

7. McIntyre, A. The Complete Herbal Tutor: The Ideal Companion for Study and Practice (Octopus Books, 2010).

8. Moerman, D. E. Native American Ethnobotany (Timber Press, 1998).

9. Grieve, M. A Modern Herbal: The Medicinal, Culinary, Cosmetic and Economic Properties, Cultivation and Folk-Lore of Herbs, Grasses, Fungi, Shrubs, and Trees with All Their Modern Scientific Uses, vol. 2 (Courier Corporation, 1971).

10. Wood, M. The Earthwise Herbal: A Complete Guide to Old World Medicinal Plants (North Atlantic Books, 2008).

11. Mills, S., and Bone, K. The Essential Guide to Herbal Safety (Elsevier Health Sciences, 2005).

Click for detailed story

Jun 142017

Diets are the most unreliable way to achieve weight loss. Study after study shows that people regain the weight that they lost, plus more. Five years after following a diet, most people have gained the weight back and 40% have gained more weight back.

If diets worked then obesity would
not be the epidemic that it is today.

What is mindful eating?

Mindful eating is the act of eating with intention and attention.

Mindful eating is about turning off auto-pilot when it comes to eating.

Mindful eating is about stopping for a moment and tuning into your hunger signals to really see what they are telling you.

Mindful eating is learning to understand your bodies signals so that you eat when you are hungry and you stop when you are satisfied. Most weight gain boils down to eating when you are not hungry.

Are your hunger signals emotionally based?

This is a biggie. As children, we are often conditioned (or bribed) with food to soothe us when we are hurt or sad. Years of doing this conditions the brain to seek food when we are feeling hurt or sad. The big problem with this is the type of food that we have been conditioned with. If Mum and Dad came running to us with something sweet when we were upset as a child, chances are it is something sweet that you will seek out as an adult when you are sad or having a stressful day.

How do we eat mindfully?

  • Listen to your body, both physically and emotionally.
  • Work out what food makes your body feels good.
  • Sit down to regular meals without distractions.
  • Sit with your hunger and assess if you are really hungry and if you are, what is it that you are really wanting to eat.
  • Maybe you are just thirsty, not hungry.
  • Sense how the food feels in your body and stop eating before you feel full.

The benefits of mindful eating

  • Reduced over-eating. The simple process of reducing your food intake will allow for slow, but effortless and long-lasting weight loss
  • Improved digestion. Eating mindfully makes you slow down your eating, allowing your digestive system to process your food better. You will also be more inclined to eat foods that feel good in your body.
  • Increased enjoyment of eating. Mindful eating will help you to dissolve the emotional relationship that you have with certain foods. You will appreciate the food that you have and the positive choices that you have made for your body.
  • Guilt free eating. When you eat mindfully you will allow yourself to have treats when your body truly wants them. Finally, you can have that piece of cake at a birthday party and know that you are choosing to enjoy this slice of cake as a part of a celebration. You will often find that you might only have a few bites of the cake as this is all your body really feels like.

“Mindful eating is not a diet. There are no menus or recipes. It is being more aware of your eating habits, the sensations you experience when you eat, and the thoughts and emotions that you have about food. It is more about how you eat than what you eat.” – Susan Albers

Learning to eat mindfully doesn’t happen automatically. Like any new habit, it takes repetition to become automatic.

I challenge you to start today, at your next meal to just stop for a moment and see what your body is telling you that it needs. 

Click for detailed story

Jun 132017

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in an endocrine disorder that causes the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone to be out of balance. This imbalance leads to the development of ovarian cysts which can cause menstrual irregularities and infertility.  While the cause of PCOS is still unknown, women who have PCOS have increased insulin levels, the hormone in charge of sugar and starch usage and storage in the body.  A low glycemic index food diet is important for women who suffer PCOS.

Initially a PCOS patient may show acne due to increased androgen levels in the body and excess hair growth called hirsutism.  Menstrual cycle will be infrequent, irregular and at times absent for many women.  PCOS often lead to difficulties in conceiving due to hormone imbalances and cysts growth on the ovaries.

In my practice, I work with women to eliminate the signs and symptoms of PCOS and assist in improving their chance of pregnancy.  My treatments are a combination of acupuncture, herbs and supplements.

My three favorites supplements for PCOS are:


According to the International Journal of Endocrinology, myo-inositol regulates blood sugar and improves follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) signaling. It also plays a role in the improving egg quality to increase chances of pregnancy.

Folic Acid

Folic acid is necessary to protect against neural tube defects during pregnancy and prevent miscarriage.  PCOS patients are prone to having a B9 vitamin or folic acid deficiency.  Studies have also shown the combination of folic acid and myo-inositol together improve each other’s functionality to reduce acne, reverse hirsutism, correct menstrual irregularities and improve fertility.

Vitamin D

We assume due to the beautiful sunny weather we have in San Diego that we get enough vitamin D, but studies and my patients’ lab tests tell us differently.  While vitamin D is important for strengthening bones, it also affects the way a cell carries out its function affecting fertility.  PCOS patients are also susceptible to vitamin D deficiencies aggravating their symptoms.

To take control of your PCOS, make an appointment today with Dr. Devon at 619-518-4222.

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Jun 052017

To be competitive and make good profits, it is imperative that you spend some time marketing your business. These days, marketing is very easy, particularly because there are so many platforms to use. Especially for small businesses, getting a break might be harder, given that it might be harder to hire a marketing personnel.

However, with the right knowledge, you might do this yourself, and in return reach out to more potential clients. In this post, we will look at the available marketing avenues, and how you can use them to your advantage.

How to market your business

Create a business website

Without a website business, your website is doomed, especially now that everything is going digital. It is crucial to ensure that you stay updated with trends in business, and building a website is one of the top trends.With a business website, your clients will be able to find all the relevant information in one place, so long as you avail the information on your website.

Get SEO implemented

Getting a modern website is just half of the work needed. You have to implement search engine optimization on the website. This will make your website rank better on platforms such as Google search, aiding in the acquisition of new clients, hence a successful marketing tool.

SEO can be a challenging task, so do not hesitate to hire a professional, don’t worry, these services are usually very affordable, even for a small business.

Get a business email

To win over the trust of new customers, you have to ensure that your business presents itself as a professional body. The best way to do this is by making sure that you get a professional business email, which is associated with your businesses domain name. The good news is that most web hosting companies will provide this to you for free when you buy hosting for your website.

Use social media

There are a million social media users; this is a ready market, ready to be exploited. To promote your website, you can create a business page on the sites, then pay the platform to market your page to their users.

Business cards

Business cards might be an old way of acquiring trading partners, but they are still very effective. You can get a professional business card designed for about $5. Don’t miss out on this opportunity, make sure that you are always walking with your business cards.

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Jun 052017

SEO or search engine optimization is a process through which a website or web app is optimized so that it is easy for search engines to read the content and easily index it. The better the SEO, the better a search engine will be able to understand the structure and context of your content, and in return the better your site will rank among the results when a user searches for relevant content.

Many people are not aware of the importance of search engine optimization, and even most of those that are aware of it do not implement it the right way. In this post, we will have a look at some of the advantages of SEO.

Benefits of SEO

More traffic

The first and direct benefit of search engine optimization is that your website or web application will get more traffic. Web traffic is the number of visits that your website gets. The more visits a site gets, the more clients they attract to their website.
If you run an online business or want to get more clients to your website, then SEO will help you get that.

When your website is well optimized, it will show up amongst the top results when a user searches for relevant content on sites such as Google.

Make your site competitive

You have to know that your competition is probably already implementing SEO on their websites. For you to have a fair shot at competition, you have to invest some money and time optimizing your site for search engines.

If you correctly apply SEO on your site, it means that the site is competitive enough, and can even outdo the competition, thus attracting more traffic, and hence more clients.

Better content

By following the guidelines set for search engine optimization, you ensure that the content you are posting is of high quality, and in return make your site look and feel professional. Once you learn the ins and outs of SEO, you will know the true meaning of running a professional website.

Better user experience

If a website is well established with proper SEO implemented, the users will always get a better user experience. This mainly because the site uses modern SEO standards that ensure that content is well implemented.

Better targeted marketing

Through local SEO targeting, you can target people from within your country, hence ensuring that your content or website is always availed to those that need it the most.

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Jun 032017

WordPress Automation Text/Content Spinning

BlogSense Internal Spinner (free & included in package)
The Best Spinner
Spin Rewriter
SpinnerChief (new)

BlogSense uses an in house spining system comparable to Content Boss or the Best Spinner API. Its technology is based on a database of 15,000 sets of inner-exchangable phrases and words.
In order to preserve readability, the default BlogSense spin settings are set to ignore single words and replace phrases in groupings of 2-5 words, but in order to ramp up the spin factor users can alter this setting to include single word synonym replacements, which may hurt readability but will yield 70% spun content.
Content spin with phrases only will yield at a 15%-40% spin rate.
We also support some Spannish spinning too!


Provided by developer John Ledger and has experienced great success in the content modifcation market.

Provided by developer Aaron Sustar and is a new face in the industry. Spin Rewriter is the latest attempt at advancing automatic sentence meaning recognition & rewriting by using a large database of over 750 synonyms with an algorythmic based text reading solution that helps identify the most correct phrase and synonym replacements considering the context of your article.


A veteran in the industry, possibly the oldest service around and celebrated as producing quality results.

SpinnerChief is a popuplar content rewriting service that, like our other services, provides an integratable API for its users. SpinnerChief stands out from the others in its inclusion of more than 27 foreign language thesauruses and provides a a free account with 20 calls a day for testing before you buy.

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