Feb 032020

Concentration refers to a skill that helps you to focus all your attention on one particular aspect of your environment. Since there are so many distractions around you, such as noise, color, and novelty, concentrating on one thing is a major challenge. Find what the benefits of concentration for children are.

  • They can make quicker decisions.
  • They will score better results because of enhanced short-term and long-term memory.
  • It will reduce day-dreaming.
  • The mind will remain free of negative thoughts.

Best Brain Boosting Foods For Children

Common concentration problems children face

Some of the most common concentration problems in children are-

  • Restlessness: This leads to a state where the child cannot still. Fidgeting with items on the desk, shaking of the legs, and constant hand-movements are signs of restless behavior.
  • Day-dreaming: This is a condition where the child is physically present in the classroom, but mentally he is in another zone. A drifted look is the first key to identify a child who is day-dreaming and lost in thoughts.
  • Hyperactivity: Last but not least, a child who wishes to engage in too many class tasks cannot concentrate fully on anything.

Food that children should avoid for better concentration

The food items that can affect concentration are-

  • Processed food items: Processed dishes are high in sugar, salt, and fats. Thus, they lead to lower mental capacities and increase brain-blood barriers.
  • Sugary drinks: Since sugary beverages can lead to diabetes, the child is exposed to a higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s later in life. It can also cause dementia in those who do not have diabetes.
  • Food with a high level of trans fats: While natural trans-fat is not a topic of concern, artificial trans-fat found in instant cakes, snacks, and frosting can lead to poorer memory.

Food that children should eat for better concentration

The best memory boosting foods are-

  • Blueberries: Blueberries have antioxidants that improve the blood flow and oxygen supply to the brain.
  • Green tea: The top two ingredients of green tea that help you concentrate better are caffeine and L-Theanine. Green tea is a memory booster contributing to both speed and accuracy.
  • Green and leafy vegetables: While vitamin B is the best way to improve memory and concentration; folic acid plays a major role in developing mental clarity.

What is Ayushakti’s Sumedha Syrup?

Ayushakti’s Sumedha Syrup is a safe and natural ayurvedic brain tonic for children to help them enhance their brainpower. Herbs like Brahmi, Neer Brahmi, Kushmand, Shankhapushpi, Mundi, etc. in Sumedha Syrup are proven to increase IQ by 20% in 3 months. These herbs also help improve concentration, awareness, memory, and cognition. It is available online & at all the Ayushakti clinics.

Ayushakti Sumedha Syrup | Ayurvedic Memory Booster Tonic For Good Memory & Concentration

Ayushakti has more than 32 years of excellence in treating child health and memory problems such as Low Memory, Low Immunity, Poor Concentration, Slow Body Growth, Slow Mental Growth, Restlessness, Stress, and Depression. Visit http://bit.ly/37Gaf3K to know more and to book an appointment online.

Find the nearest Ayushakti Clinic simply by searching ‘Ayushakti’ on Google! You may contact us on our toll-free numbers 18002663001 (India) & +18002800906 (Global) or email us at info@ayushakti.com for more details.

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Nov 012019

Dengue is a mosquito-borne disease that is caused by ‘Aedes Aegypti Mosquito’ that spreads DEN virus. The mosquito is a primary vector that transmits the virus that causes dengue. This virus is passed on to humans through the bites of an infective female Aedes mosquito; any other mosquito becomes infected when it bites a person with dengue virus in their blood. It is the fastest-growing disease across the world.

Ayurvedic Home Remedies To Cure Dengue | Ayushakti Ayurved

The early symptoms include rashes on skin due to mosquito bite, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, nausea, vomiting, high fever, etc. If the fever lasts for more than a week and goes up to 104F, then the person should consult a doctor immediately. If ignored, the symptoms may worsen and can become life-threatening. It can damage the blood vessels, reduce the white platelets, give you severe abdominal pain, make you vomit, cause internal bleeding, make breathing difficult and make you feel fatigued. Severe dengue can damage the lungs, liver or heart, which can also lead to death.

However, there is no specific medication or home remedies for dengue, but one should seek medical advice after observing similar symptoms. But some Ayurveda methods can overcome the symptoms of dengue. Ayurvedic herbs are the safest medicines to treat any kind of diseases, that too without any side-effects. Ayurvedic herbs can boost immunity & can increase platelets.

Here are some home remedies that can help in the relief from dengue:

  • Drink one teaspoon Papaya leaves juice twice a day
  • Drink half a glass of Pomegranate juice twice a day
  • Chew 10-15 fresh Tulsi (holy basil) leaves daily to strengthen the body’s immunity
  • Drink Ginger tea to improve appetite

Along with the above remedies, one can take Ayushakti’s D-Vyro tablets. It is a combination of herbs like Tinospora Cordifolia (Guduchi) that boosts liver function and improves immunity, antivirals like Pomegranate Peel, immuno-stimulant Andrographis Paniculata (Kalmegh) which blocks the viruses from spreading, Solanum Xanthocarpum (Kantakari), Ginger that targets respiratory and liver infections, Hollarrhena Antidysenterica (Kutaj), Holy Basil (Tulsi) which modulates immunity preventing and bringing relief from both viral and bacterial infections.

Ayushakti D-Vyro | Ayurvedic Medicine For Dengue

Apart from the above medication, there are certain measures that you need to take care of like proper solid waste disposal & proper water storage practice, boiling the water before drinking, covering the containers with a lid, throwing away old water stored in pots or balcony to avoid mosquito breeding, using mosquito net while sleeping, keeping your surroundings clean & dry.

Want to read more home remedies and ayurvedic tips for good health? Follow Ayushakti on Medium and read our Ayurveda related articles that will provide you the best ayurvedic home remedies and tips for chronic diseases, viral infections, healthy lifestyle, etc. You may also follow Ayushakti on YouTube for regular updates about ayurvedic treatments and health tips. If you have any questions, queries or doubts about health, lifestyle or Ayurveda, Ayushakti is there on Quora to assist you. Simply head over to Ayushakti’s Quora profile and ask us your question. Our Ayurveda experts will guide you with the best suggestions and tips.

Ayushakti is a global leader in providing ayurvedic treatments for any type of health problems, chronic ailments, and viral infections. Ayushakti’s proven ayurvedic therapies have helped thousands of people in relieving their ailments like asthma, diabetes, arthritis, psoriasis, acidity, infertility, cold-cough, obesity, hair fall, blood pressure, thyroid, etc. Visit http://bit.ly/2Mp18Nn to know more and to book an appointment online. Find the nearest Ayushakti Clinic simply by searching ‘Ayushakti’ on Google! You may contact us on our toll-free numbers 18002663001 (India) & +18002800906 (Global) or email us at info@ayushakti.com for more details.

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Mar 252019
constipation remedies

With modern lifestyle and living conditions, constipation has emerged a major disease in every household, affecting children and adults alike.  Constipation is generally considered to be a condition wherein there is difficulty in emptying the bowels, usually associated with hardening o faeces, involving high level of constraint.

But, did you know that constipation is not just associated with bloating and the inability to pass stools? It has several other associated symptoms too, such as headaches, bad breath, acne, loss of appetite, irritability haemorrhoids, acidity, ulcers in the mouth, disturbed sleep, mood swings, dullness and lack of enthusiasm. Though all of these symptoms may not appear together, constipation is associated with most of these symptoms.

Causes of constipation

Ayurveda believes that constipation is the result of indigestion, which leads to accumulation of faeces in the intestine. Vata (air element) is produced, its dry and cold quality interferes with the functioning of colon, and manifests in the form of heaviness, stomach pain and increased thirst.

As for cause, most of the causes are lifestyle-related. Once you make specific lifestyle tweaks, you can regain a clean colon. Some other causes could be pregnancy, age, and travel.

Insufficient water intake is the primary cause. The food in your intestinal tract needs water to move and reach its final destination. Therefore, with less consumption of water, you are likely to feel constipated. Drinking sufficient amount of water is the best natural remedy for constipation.

Having processed food, meat, alcohol, and excessive dairy intake, involving a diet with nil fibre content, is the most common cause of constipation. Drinking excess tea and coffee can aggravate the problem and cause chronic constipation.

Finally, the sedentary lifestyles that we lead today are a major cause for constipation. So, ensure that you including walks and any form of exercise in your routine.

Few Ayurvedic Remedies for relief:

Listed below are some Ayurvedic remedies that can help you find relief from constipation. Most of these are practical tips and remedies that can aid you in your journey of finding relief from constipation.

A teaspoon of ghee at bedtime can help

Ghee is an excellent lubricator. Ayurveda uses ghee in most of its medications. Ghee helps by lubricating your intestinal tract and helping with smooth passage of faeces. Although oil also works on the same principles as ghee, the latter is the healthier option. A teaspoon of coconut or olive oil may also do the trick. You can also add ghee to warm milk and consume at bedtime.

Pay attention to diet

The nutrients in leafy veggies help in muscle contraction, while the fibrous fruits increase the bulk of the faeces. One best way out is to follow a vata-pacifying diet, by keeping away from cold foods and drinks, dried fruits, salads and most beans. Instead, go for warm foods and drinks and well-cooked veggies.

Triphala is the best Ayurvedic remedy

Triphala is one of the most trusted and effective remedies for curing constipation. Have it in the form of tea. Else, grind together quarter teaspoon each of triphala, cardamom seeds and coriander seeds and have twice a day. The glycoside present in Triphala has laxative properties, while coriander and cardamom seeds help treats flatulence and indigestion.

Liquorice root promotes bowel activity

On consultation with your Ayurvedic physician, you can take a teaspoon of powdered liquorice root, and mix it up with warm water, adding a teaspoon of jaggery to it. This helps in improving bowel activity.

Figs soaked in warm water may be beneficial for kids

The high fibre content presence in figs makes it the ideal remedy for constipation, particularly in kids. Figs also helps keep your digestion strong. They could be included as part of daily diet.

Replace regular tea with ginger / mint / dandelion tea

Ginger, being a warming herb can help generate more internal heat, thereby activating the process of digestion. The menthol present in peppermint has an antispasmodic effect that helps relax the muscles in digestive tract, making it easier for the stool to pass through. Dandelion tea has a mild laxative effect too.

Castor oil is a natural laxative

Since ancient days, people have believed in the power of castor oil, which is a popular natural laxative. This oil stimulates small and large intestine. On consuming 1 to 2 teaspoons of the oil on an empty stomach, one can pass stool within 8 hours.

Water for hydration and moderate exercise is a ‘must’

Drinking sufficient quantity of water is a remedy by itself, as water hydrates the body and helps the food move along digestive system. It helps soften the stools too. Ideally you should drink a minimum 8 glasses of water a day. However, do not replace it with any other artificial or sweetened beverage. There is really no substitute to clean and pure water. Also, ensure that you exercise at least half an hour a day to stimulate bowel activity.

Try inverted yoga postures

As mentioned earlier, Ayurveda believes that excess vata disrupts the downward energy that supports elimination and stability. So what is the solution, you ask? Go upside down with inverted postures! Postures such as ‘viparita karani’ (legs up the wall pose) can help reverse the flow of ‘prana’ in the body, and aids better integration. They stimulate the lower belly and helps settle the pelvic organs that may have been disrupting the whole process.

If these simple measures do not work for you, discuss with your Ayurvedic physician if you need to take any internal medications, and the appropriate dosage and course of treatment to help you find relief from constipation.

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Dec 282017

ayurvedic treatment for diabetesPrameha, according to Ayurveda is a group of urinary disorders. There are 20 types of urinary disorders (prameha) based on doshas. Among these 20 urinary disorders (prameha rogas), 4 are due to vata, 6 due to pitta and 10 due to kapha. Diabetes that is characterized by an increase in blood sugar levels and frequent micturition is a type of vataja prameha, known as “Madhumeha”. The causative factors and pathogenesis are very important to be noted in the Ayurvedic Treatment for diabetes.

Causative factors of diabetes

  • Excessive consumption of food especially: the meat of domesticated/aquatic animals, curd, milk, newly harvested grains, jaggery/molasses
  • Food and drinks that increases the kapha dosha.
  • Overindulgence in sleep
  • Living a sedentary life
  • Laziness

Knowing the causative factors are very much essential in the  Ayurvedic Treatment for diabetes. Ayurveda says that “Nidana Parivarjanam chikitsa which means that elimination of the causative factors is one the main steps in treating a disease. 

Due to the above causative factors, agni is disturbed and kapha dosha gets aggravated which vitiates the fat, muscle and watery elements (medas, mamsa and udaka) of the body and causes prameha that is predominant of various doshas.


Madhumeha is a type of vataja prameha that can be co related to Diabetes. In this condition, the urine of the person becomes similar to that of honey. (“Madhusamam jayate”).  It is also said that any type of prameha that is not treated properly eventually becomes madhumeha over a period of time. Similar to the modern theory pertaining to diabetes, Ayurveda also has mentioned about congenital type of prameha known as “Sahaja prameha” and acquired type of prameha known as “doshaja prameha”.

Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes

Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes is based upon the built of the patient as sthoola pramehi (obese patient) or krisha pramehi (lean patient) based upon the dosha predominance.

Purificatory therapies like panchakarma are performed as the first stage of treatment in an obese patient and then rejuvenating herbs and formulations are prescribed. Whereas in cases of a lean patient with prameha, nourishing therapies are done in the first stage of treatment.

Herbs used in the Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes

Saptarangi – Salacia Oblonga

Haridra – Curcuma longa (turmeric)

Shilajit – Asphaltum (mineral pitch)

Haritaki – Terminalia chebula Retz.

Amalaki -Embilica officinale (Indian Gooseberry)

Jambu – Syzygium cumini

Guggulu – Commiphora mukul

Guduchi – Tinospora cordifolia (Neem giloy)

Nimba – Azadirachta indica (Neem)

Bel – Aegle Marmelos

Herbal remedies, if taken correctly, have a powerful effect on your body but should only be used under the care and guidance of an Ayurvedic practitioner. Most of these herbs target elevated blood sugar levels and balance the same.

There are several home remedies and ayurvedic medicines that you can take for lowering of your blood sugar levels.  As a precaution, you should monitor blood sugar on a regular basis.  Blood sugar level should not fall drastically with all these medicines and remedies.  Kindly speak to your allopathic doctor and reduce the dosage of the antihyperglycaemic drugs, so that you can use the Ayurvedic formulations simultaneously.

Home Remedies in the Ayurvedic treatment for Diabetes

  • Drink a glass of bitter gourd juice mixed with amla juice, added with half teaspoon of turmeric powder, daily morning on empty stomach.
  • Mix half teaspoon each of amla powder and turmeric powder in a glass of warm water and consume it n an empty stomach.
  • Include fenugreek seeds in your daily diet.
  • Consumption of Jamun seeds (dried and powdered) has proved to beneficial in case of type 2 diabetes.
  • Jamun seeds are said to be highly beneficial in treating diabetes because of its effect on the pancreas. Dried and powdered seeds should be taken in the dose of 1 tsp twice daily with warm water.
  • Water can be stored in the cups/containers made from the trunk of the jamun tree and that water can be consumed in the morning.
  • The seeds of parslane are useful in diabetes. A teaspoon of the seeds should be taken everyday with half a cup of water for 3-4 months. It will increase the body’s own insulin and will help in curing diabetes. The leves can also be cooked and taken as a vegetable.
  • Neem leaves should be ground and made into a paste and a small bolus of this should be added to water. This should be taken on empty stomach in the morning.

Ways to Reduce Insulin Resistance

  • Add 1 tsp of cinnamon powder to a glass of hot water and drink it daily for a couple of months.
  • Mix ground flax seeds to a glass of water and drink daily.
  • Consume fish oil which is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. It will improve insulin sensitivity. It will also help to reduce body fat.
  • To help balance insulin, consider a diet consisting primarily of lean meats and protein, high-fiber, whole grains, leafy greens, fresh vegetables and legumes, and fresh fruit.
  • Essential fatty acids (EFA) or healthy fats, are important to help insulin resistance. These fats include tuna, salmon, and other cold-water fish; fish oil supplements, eggs, avocado, and flaxseed, which can be taken in as a nutritional supplement.

Home Remedies for Oedema (Fluid Retention)

The main reason for oedema is improper blood circulation due to damaged blood capillaries as a result of increased pressure. Damaged capillaries cause peripheral oedema, leakage of fluids into surrounding tissues, which causes swelling.  Here are some natural remedies that you can try:

  • Elevation of feet (above the heart level) using a support or a pillow for 10-15 minutes every day can help to reduce swelling.
  • Regular exercises will improve the blood circulation to the legs.
  • Massage improves blood circulation in the entire leg and reduces pain associated with swelling.You may use Chinchadi tailam for massage. It improves the circulation.
  • Avoid wearing tight shoes. It’s better to buy shoes with one size bigger so that even if your feet are swollen, circulation won’t reduce totally.
  • Apply a paste of coriander seeds soaked in water on the affected area to relieve the water retention in your feet.
  • You can also soak your limbs in rice water for 15-20 minutes for relieving water retention and removing swelling of the leg. Rice water is also good for drinking when you have a swollen leg. This will help in microcirculation and removal of inflammation.
  • Restrict salt intake.

Healthy Diet for Diabetes

  • A diabetic patient should never skip meals.
  • Proper meals on time is a must.
  • Sprouted horse gram, green gram, barley can be taken after boiling or in a soup form.
  • oats, brown rice, flax seed, garlic, onion, cinnamon, fenugreek can be taken regularly.
  • Fruits including berries and apples, vegetables like spinach, cauliflower, cabbage, carrot, all types of gourds and squashes can be taken.
  • Tender coconut water can be taken and the whitish pulp should be avoided as it is high in sugar and fat.Taking coconut water directly improves blood circulation and helps to widen the vessels for smooth blood circulation.Therefore, coconut water provides great relief against fighting the symptoms and side effects of diabetes. It suppresses the appetite and also increases metabolism. Hence it is an ideal drink for obese diabetic patients.  Only pure and unflavoured (fresh) coconut water should be taken.
  • Raw honey can be taken that is astringent in taste and will not elevate the blood sugar levels.

A diabetic patient should avoid the following food items in their diet:

  • Fried and grilled (BBQ) food should be completely avoided.
  • Jackfruit, mango, banana, potato, fruit juices, meat should be avoided.
  • Regular consumption of curd
  • Consumption of milk and other dairy products
  • Food rich in high glycemic index like the white rice, white flour, potatoes, white bread, pasta
  • All kinds of junk food, processed and canned foods are to be avoided.

Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes includes strict diet and lifestyle changes along with the consumption of ayurvedic medicines.

Lifestyle changes:

Lifestyle changes that have to be done in the ayurvedic treatment for diabetes are :

  • Brisk walk for atleast 30 mins in a day
  • Resistance exercises like weight lifting
  • Aerobic exercises like Walking, Jogging/Running, Tennis, Basketball, Swimming, Biking
  • Yoga postures like Mandukasana, Soorya namaskara, Pawana muktasana helps a lot in controlling the blood sugar and insulin resistance. Click here to read more about yoga for diabetes.

Ayurvedic Medicines for Diabetes

If you are looking for Ayurvedic supplements to manage diabetes, Salacia-O capsule is a beneficial formulation, which should be taken in the dose of 1 capsule twice daily, 30 minutes before food.

Traditional Ayurvedic formulations beneficial in case of diabetic patients are:

Katakakhadiradi kashayam

Punarnavadi kashayam 

Chandraprabha vati

Nishamalakadi churnam

Guduchi satva

Triphala churna

Salacia oblonga


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Dec 272017

Fire ants sting can cause lots of uncomfortable feelings including itching, burning swelling, raised bumps, pus-filled lesions, or spreading redness on your skin within a few hours or more. There are some rare cases; however, fire ant bites can lead to death in humans because fire ant has the toxin similar the one of wasp sting or result in an allergic reaction. These symptoms appear after fire ants remove chunks of your skin with their mandibles, and fire ants sting with their venom. More than 220 species of fire ants are now found around the world. This writing will explore the top natural remedies for fire ant bites including how to treat the itching and prevent infection from fire ant bites.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Unlike formic acid found in the sprayed venom of other ants, the venom of fire ants is alkaline. Apple cider vinegar is one of the top natural remedies for fire ant bites. It works by neutralizing the venom and decrease the pain, itch, and inflammation caused by fire ant bites.


Apply some apple cider vinegar on the skin areas stung by fire ants. Leave it and massage gently for 15-20 minutes.

Lemon Juice

If apple cider vinegar is unavailable, lemon juice with citric acid will work in neutralizing the alkaline venom.


Apply some fresh lemon juice on the skin areas stung by fire ants. Leave it and massage gently for 15-20 minutes. You can also apply limes or fresh orange juice if lemons are unavailable.

Raw Potato

Raw potato is mildly acidic (PH= 5-6), so it is quite useful in easing itching and inflammation as well as reducing swelling caused by fire ant bites.


Place some slices of raw potato on the skin areas stung by fire ants. Leave it for 15-20 minutes.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is one of the great natural remedies for fire ant bites. It may reduce the itching, redness on the affected areas. Baking soda works as a wonderful natural acid neutralizer which helps lessen the effect of the fire ant venom. This also reduces the risk of infection from fire ant bites.


Apply some baking soda water on the affected areas. Leave it for 15-20 minutes. If the itchy and burning feelings persist, you should apply the paste again after a few minutes.


Oatmeal is a pretty effective home remedy for any type of itching, burning feeling and inflammation. Oatmeal contains soothing properties, anti-irritating, and anti-inflammatory which may relieve you from itching and burning feeling as well as reduce inflammation.


Stir thoroughly some cups of oatmeal in a bathtub which is filled with warm water and.

Soak your body in this water for 30 minutes. If the itchy and burning feelings persist, you should repeat this after a few minutes.


Onion with potent anti-inflammatory properties is beneficial in treating various skin conditions. So, it helps to cure itch and swelling. Onion contains the sulfenic acid which can neutralize the venom and decrease the pain, itch, and inflammation caused by fire ant bites. However, the sulfenic acid turns into sulphuric acid, causing you crying in a few seconds when it reaches your eyes.


Place some thinly-sliced onions on the skin areas stung by fire ants. Leave it for 15-20 minutes.

Raw Honey

Raw honey is another of natural remedies for fire ant bites. Honey contains antibacterial activity and skin-soothing properties which may lessen itch and swelling caused by fire ant bites quickly.


Apply some raw honey on the skin areas stung by fire ants. Leave it and massage gently for 15-20 minutes.


Cucumber contains caffeic acid and ascorbic acid which may reduce itch and swelling caused by fire ant stings by neutralizing the alkaline venom of fire ants. Cucumber also contains anti-inflammatory properties which may cure and prevent inflammation on areas affected by fire ant bites.


Apply some fresh cucumber on the skin areas stung by fire ants. Leave it for 15-20 minutes.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is really effective in reducing symptoms associated with the fire ant venom because it contains oleocanthal content which may inhibit inflammatory enzymes including COX-1 and COX-2.


Apply some olive oil on the skin areas stung by fire ants. Leave it and massage gently for 15-20 minutes.

Eucalyptus Oil

According to researchers, eucalyptus oil has various antibacterial, antibiotic and immune-modifying properties such as eucalyptol, a chemical which helps to fight against skin irritation caused by fire ant bites.


Apply some eucalyptus oil on the skin areas stung by fire ants. Leave it and massage gently for 15-20 minutes.

In conclusion, you need to be far away from fire ants as much as possible. However, in case of being attacked by fire ants, the top natural remedies for fire ant bites mentioned above are effective ways on how to reduce itchy and burning feelings from fire ant bites. If you enjoy our list of the top natural remedies for fire ant bites, please click like and share for more articles and leave your comments below.

Posted by Huyen My, a health and beauty expert at AllRemedies.com

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Dec 202017

what to do when you have a bad cough?Coughing is a protective reflex but continuous coughing can be pestering and painful. A cough is often triggered due to mucus that runs down the throat. Here are some simple home remedies for wet cough.

What to do when you have a bad cough?

  • At night, take a glass of hot milk mixed with 1/2 tsp of turmeric powder.
  • Drink warm onion soup with a pinch of pepper powder and ginger.
  • Take 1/2tsp each of tulsi juice and honey with yashtimadhu powder for an allergic cough.
  • Take 2 tsp of the juice of betel leaves with 1 tsp of honey 30 minutes after each meal.

Simple Home Remedies for wet cough

  •  Grapes tone up the lungs and act as an expectorant, a cup of grape juice mixed with a tsp of honey is advised for cough relief
  • 1 tsp of raw onion juice mixed with 1 tsp of honey, kept for a few hours, should be taken twice daily to relieve wet cough.
  • Heat karpooradi thailam, mix with salt and apply it to the chest, throat, and face. Massage for 10 minutes and then Steam should be taken with hot water. Doing this procedure regularly cures phlegm of the chest and throat.
  • A medium sized onion crushed, juice of 1 lemon added to it, and then 1 cup boiling water poured on it, along with 1 tsp of honey.This remedy should be taken twice daily.
  • Belleric myrobalan powder 2grams, mixed with 1/4 tsp of salt, 1/2 tsp of long pepper and 2 tsp of honey, should be taken twice daily.
  • Aniseed is another effective remedy for hard dry cough as it breaks up the mucus. A tea made from this spice should be taken regularly.
  • Take 1 tbsp of lemon juice and add half tsp of black pepper powder and salt each.Mix well and heat the mixture till it becomes lukewarm. Consume this mixture once daily.
  • In a glass of hot water, add half tsp of black pepper powder and cinnamon powder each. Add 1 tsp of salt, allow it to rest till it turns lukewarm. Gargle with this decoction for beneficial results.
  • Ginger in combination with tulsi is also an effective remedy for a cough. Crush about 10 leaves of Tulsi, mix with juice extracted from a small ginger piece.  Add an equal quantity of honey and mix.  Take 1 tsp of this twice daily for beneficial results.
  • Slightly crush about 4 cloves of peeled garlic and saute in a tsp of ghee. Consume this daily to get relief from a cough.
  • Boil a few corns of pepper in water for  20 minutes. Mix a little cumin and jaggery and drink.A quarter part of an onion mixed with jaggery can be chewed daily, to expel the sputum.
  • Chewing on licorice root and sucking on it clears the mucus off the throat.
  • Chewing basil leaves or making a tea out of basil leaves, ginger root and honey and taking it once or twice a day cures congestion from the chest.
  • Gargling with warm water mixed with salt soothes the throat and makes the mucus thin.

Click here to know more about Ayurvedic treatment for cough

All the above things are answering and addressing your main question on what to do when you have a bad cough and these home remedies for wet cough will help you get rid of them in a very effective manner . If you are looking for Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of cough/upper respiratory tract infection, apart from the home remedies for wet cough, I would recommend the following formulations:

The first line of treatment in Ayurveda for cough when it is associated with phlegm is to remove the accumulation of phlegm. Ayurvedic medicine for cough with phlegm is Dasamoolakaduthrayam kashayam.

Ayurvedic medicines for cough and cold that is effective in all age groups are Kanakasavam, Thaleesapathradi churnam. Click here for more on remedies for a cough.

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Dec 062017

Unwanted facial hair is a cause of concern of about 60% of the women. It not only affects the physical appearance but in few cases leads to stress. Even though women find their own temporary solutions or try several home remedies for facial hair to have that clean look, it leaves them puzzled on how to remove the facial hair naturally!

Medically termed as Hirsutism (pronounced Hur-soot-ism) is a condition of male pattern hair growth in women. This condition is more common in teenage girls after puberty or mostly in women of reproductive age. The degree of hair growth and texture might vary from person to person. Other than on the face one may notice excessive hair growth on the chest, abdomen and back. It can be a sign of serious underlying medical condition that requires medical attention.

Hirsutism can affect any gender but is a cause of worry for a women particularly due to social concerns.

Causes of Hirsutism

  • Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome:  This is most common causative factor for hirsutism, obesity, irregular periods and acne.
  • Hormonal imbalance:  A tumour that secretes androgen in the ovaries or uterus may cause hirsutism. 
  • Medications. Some medications can cause hirsutism. These include danazol, which is used to treat women with endometriosis; systemic corticosteroids and fluoxetine (Prozac) for depression.
  • Cushing’s syndrome:  This occurs when your body is exposed to high levels of the hormone cortisol. It can develop from your adrenal glands making too much cortisol or from taking medications such as prednisone over a long period.
  • Congenital adrenal hyperplasia: This inherited condition is characterized by abnormal production of steroid hormones, including cortisol and androgen, by your adrenal glands.
  • Hereditary factors: In some cases, the problem runs in the family.

Risk factors:

There are certain factors that increases the likelihood of developing hirsutism.

Obesity: Being overweight or obese can increase the androgen levels in blood that may cause hirsutism.

Familial history : Women whose mother or grandparents affected with hirsutism are likely to develop this condition.

Endemic regions: Women of South Asian or Mediterranean regions are more likely to suffer from hirsutism than other women.

How to identify hirsutism?

  • This problem is self diagnosed from the pattern of hair growth after puberty.
  • The hair growth follows a male pattern of hair distribution, more on the upper lip, chin, neck, back, stomach and chest.
  • The hair looks more coarse and dense than the normal peach fuzz light hair that is seen on the whole body.

Although hirsutism doesn’t cause physical complications, the underlying cause of a hormonal imbalance can.

How to remove facial hair permanently in Ayurveda?

Lomasathana Thailam

Lomasathana thailam is an ayurvedic herbal oil for Removing unwanted hair from body. This oil comes from the great Ashta vaidya tradition of Kerala and is very effective in removing unwanted hair due to different aetiology like PCOS, hormone imbalance, etc.


Take 10 – 15ml – external application.

Mode of administration:

·          The oil is mixed with equal quantities of kasturi haldi and applied on the face.

·          Wash it off with warm water after 20 – 30 minutes.

·          Repeated use give better results.

Treatment and home remedies for facial hair:

Treatment of hirsutism includes medications and home remedies for facial hair, cosmetic procedures that gives short term and long term relief.

  • Medications that are generally prescribed are anti- androgenic medicines, oral contraceptive pills or tropical creams containing eflornithine. These drugs gives relief as long as they are taken and also comes with a wide range of side effects.
  • Treating the underlying conditions such as PCOS, hormonal imbalance helps.
  • Other procedures that may be found helpful are electrolysis or laser hair removal depending on the growth and type of the hair. These are effective after 6-8 sittings but are very costly.
  • Short term therapies include bleaching, waxing, epilator creams, shaving and threading. These are pocket friendly procedures but the results aren’t long lasting And most of these are really painful.
  • Due to the failing results from medications and cosmetic therapies, one may turn towards home remedies for facial hair which gives considerable results in most of the individuals.

You may try the following home remedies for facial hair consistently for beneficial results:

  1. Peel and grind raw papaya.  Add turmeric powder and mix well. Massage your face with this paste for fifteen minutes and wash with cool water. Repeat this once or twice weekly.
  2. Turmeric mixed with milk and made into a paste can be applied as face pack. When it is dry mildly scrub and remove.
  3. Make a paste of chickpea flour, turmeric powder and fresh cream.  Apply this paste as a face pack.
  4. Mix few drops of honey and lemon juice in egg white and apply on affected area. When it is about to dry, remove with cotton dipped in warm water.
  5. Mix sugar, lemon juice and water. Apply this to your face in the direction of hair growth and  Leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with water by rubbing gently. Do this twice or thrice a week. After few weeks, you will see noticeable reduction in hair growth.
  6. How to remove facial hair naturally in one day?  Mix sugar and cornflour in egg white. Beat it till you get a smooth paste. Apply this egg mask to your face and let it dry.Once it is dried, pull this egg mask along with the hair.
  7. Applying honey alone on the affected area can lighten the colour of your facial hair and make it blend in with your skin colour. This has to be done on a daily basis. You can also read about natural face packs for hair removal here.
  8. Consume foods rich in Phyto estrogens like flax seeds, fennel, liquorice, alfalfa, asparagus, soy products and aloe vera.
  9. If you are obese, losing excess weight also reduces facial hair growth.
  10. Decoction prepared of Anantmool can be consumed to regularize your hormones.
  11. Spearmint is a drug having anti-androgenic property which is one of the health benefits of spearmint that aids in the removal of unwanted hair.A study conducted by Turkish researchers indicates that spearmint tea can help women with hirsutism. The study subjects were given herbal spearmint tea twice a day for five days in the follicular phase of their menstrual cycles. The follicular phase begins on the first day of your cycle and lasts about 14 days.

Spearmint tea: 

  1. Boil a cup of water. Add one teaspoon of dried spearmint to it. If you have fresh spearmint leaves, use four or five of them.
  2. Cover the container and let it steep for about five to 10 minutes.
  3. Strain and drink the tea.
  4. Have it twice daily.

12. DIY “Lemon and honey wax” home remedies for facial hair:

Things Required:

  1. 2 tablespoons of sugar
  2. 2 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice
  3. 1 tablespoon of organic honey
  4. 1 to 2 teaspoons of cornstarch or all-purpose flour
  5. Water, if required
  6. A waxing strip or a piece of cloth


  1. Mix the sugar, lemon juice, and honey.
  2. Heat the mixture for about 3 minutes, till it becomes a waxy paste.
  3. To make the paste thinner, you can add water. Ensure that the paste is smooth.
  4. Allow the mixture to cool down.
  5. Apply the cornstarch or the flour on the areas where you have unwanted hair.
  6. Next, spread the paste in the direction of the hair growth.
  7. Using a waxing strip or the piece of cloth, pull the hair out in the opposite direction.

This home wax does not cause any allergic reactions a chemical wax does.

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Nov 202017

By Dr. Jeevan Sampat Jadhav , Ayurveda

Ayurveda is an ancient field of medicine that was founded in India many centuries back. The various measures of treatment in this form of medicine include lifestyle changes when it comes to one’s diet and routine, coupled with herbal medicines, Yogic postures as well as oil massages. Bleeding gums are also one such ailment that can be cured by Ayurveda. Bleeding gums may occur for a variety of reasons including cavities, poor oral hygiene and as a side effect of other, more complicated conditions. Let us find out the Ayurvedic remedies for the same.

– Pitta Dosha: In Ayurveda, bleeding gums are considered an ailment that occurs due to an imbalance of the pitta dosha. It may occur due to the deficiency of vitamins like Vitamin K and other nutrients, as well as a side effect of too much dependency on painkillers like aspirin. Also, it may occur as a side effect of blood cancer and other such fatal diseases. For women, the cause of bleeding gums may also be down to an imbalance of the hormones. Bleeding disorders are usually considered a part of the pitta dosha, as per Ayurveda.
– Shodhana: This is a method of treatment which seeks to purify the body with the help of vamana or emesis. With this purification process, the body is gradually rid of its toxins which can create such bleeding disorders. This does not merely help in the treatment of the symptoms and temporary relief, but it also helps in resetting the body so that the toxins are eliminated along with the problem of bleeding gums.
– Kavala and Gandusha: In these two methods, the patient will be asked to gargle using various ingredients that may be bitter and also those that have astringent properties. Herbal drugs will be prescribed for this purpose so that the base and general health of the teeth are also taken care of. These processes will generally help in strengthening the teeth and gums. In this way, the blood will also be purified locally. One must do regular gargling with the right doses as per the directions of the Ayurvedic doctor, so that the bleeding may stop eventually.
– Stambhana Drugs: In Ayurveda, Stambhana drugs are those which have a blocking effect so that the bleeding may be stemmed. There are various kinds of ingredients that may be used for the same including Amla, Hareetaki, Raisins, Mushta, and others.
– Nasya: As per the chronic state of the condition and the complications involved, the doctor may also prescribe the oil of the Triphala herb which is known for its powerful medicinal properties. A massage with the same or the application of this ingredient in a paste form will help in giving relief.

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Jun 132017

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in an endocrine disorder that causes the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone to be out of balance. This imbalance leads to the development of ovarian cysts which can cause menstrual irregularities and infertility.  While the cause of PCOS is still unknown, women who have PCOS have increased insulin levels, the hormone in charge of sugar and starch usage and storage in the body.  A low glycemic index food diet is important for women who suffer PCOS.

Initially a PCOS patient may show acne due to increased androgen levels in the body and excess hair growth called hirsutism.  Menstrual cycle will be infrequent, irregular and at times absent for many women.  PCOS often lead to difficulties in conceiving due to hormone imbalances and cysts growth on the ovaries.

In my practice, I work with women to eliminate the signs and symptoms of PCOS and assist in improving their chance of pregnancy.  My treatments are a combination of acupuncture, herbs and supplements.

My three favorites supplements for PCOS are:


According to the International Journal of Endocrinology, myo-inositol regulates blood sugar and improves follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) signaling. It also plays a role in the improving egg quality to increase chances of pregnancy.

Folic Acid

Folic acid is necessary to protect against neural tube defects during pregnancy and prevent miscarriage.  PCOS patients are prone to having a B9 vitamin or folic acid deficiency.  Studies have also shown the combination of folic acid and myo-inositol together improve each other’s functionality to reduce acne, reverse hirsutism, correct menstrual irregularities and improve fertility.

Vitamin D

We assume due to the beautiful sunny weather we have in San Diego that we get enough vitamin D, but studies and my patients’ lab tests tell us differently.  While vitamin D is important for strengthening bones, it also affects the way a cell carries out its function affecting fertility.  PCOS patients are also susceptible to vitamin D deficiencies aggravating their symptoms.

To take control of your PCOS, make an appointment today with Dr. Devon at 619-518-4222.

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