New Delhi: Oils have been used since ancient times for beauty care and according to the Ayurvedic system, massaging with oils is said to have …
I need my ears candled and a Swedish massage with heat to pull the toxins out of my body. Too much anger and energetic poison in my immune …
As noted, acupuncture works for many ailments and many people, but not in this case. I tried two more sessions and showed no improvement.
In Ayurvedic medicine, turmeric is used for its digestive and anti-inflammatory properties. — AFP picMELBOURNE, Jan 2 — A detoxifying drink used in …
Modern Acupuncture is now hiring wellness oriented people for full and part time positions for our front desk customer experience consultants.
Although the history behind the origin of acupuncture is widely debated, most scholars and historians agree upon China as the birthplace, and say that …
It further said: “Initially, the company focused only on the development of Ayurvedic medicines, but gradually started manufacturing food items and …
June 18, 2016 – Acupuncture can be a treatment that goes back thousands of years. The idea behind acupuncture is the fact that your body holds …
After earning her BS in Marine Biology from Southampton College in New York in 1987, Sally spent the next four years conducting research on marine …
We like to think we are listening properly to our partners, children, and work colleagues. But are we doing an effective job of it? This blog post explores a new way of understanding both how to listen, and consequentially how to communicate more effectively.
Listen Differently and Improve Your Relationships
Most people only consider counselling when they hit a substantial roadblock in their life and have difficult life decisions to make; or when they are feeling depressed or anxious. I would like to suggest that both counselling and coaching can be seen differently, as an opportunity to learn new tools and empower yourself with life skills to not only understand yourself better, but to make all your relationship interactions easier. You only have this life, and moving through it joyfully and effectively is a worthwhile goal.
Counselling and Coaching can teach you some tools to make you a more effective communicator at home and in the workplace.
One of the life skills that is underused is to listen powerfully. In this post I will outline some theories around listening. However, if you want to understand how to be a more effective partner, parent, colleague or leader, I suggest you book a session with me to determine your listening tendencies and how this effects your communication style.
Are We Speaking The Same Language?
If someone was speaking French to you, would you speak German back? For effective communication in personal relationships as well as at work, we need to use a language that communicates effectively for us, otherwise we can feel ignored or frustrated. To be able to communicate and be understood, we need to first know more about exactly how we are listening.
Four Levels of Listening
Otto Sharma who developed Theory U explains there are 4 levels of listening. They are as follows:
Level 1: Downloading
When you listen from your own perspective and from what you already know. You are listening to confirm your current viewpoint is correct. Listening from this position reflects the past and is a projection and is about habit.
Level 2: Data
When you listen for facts and notice the difference from what you already know. This is listening from an open mind and is the kind of listening that scientists do for example.
Level 3: Empathic
You listen from the viewpoint of someone else. It involves an open heartedness and involves an emotional connection.
Level 4: Generative
This deep form of listening is underused in everyday situations. When you use this deep listening technique, we use an open will and are essentially connecting with possibilities and the future that is trying to emerge.
Powerful Leaders Listen
Effective leadership comes from being able to consciously employ all levels appropriately. If you can do this for a substantial part of your interactions, you will not only be a more effective leader, but also more innovative, because you are permitting emergent ideas and thought processes to be more accessible to you. This is part of what I would term powerful leadership and it is something I teach during corporate coaching sessions as well as counselling sessions.
Parents are Underrated Leaders
One of the most important leadership roles in life does not happen in a corporate environment; it happens right at home. Effective listening skills help your children be themselves, and helps you as parents to facilitate that growth. Children are developing quickly, so they are perfect examples of how they are constantly moving into their own future. Parenting is the perfect learning environment! As parents, it is your job to facilitate an openness in our children to allow who they are becoming, to emerge. We do this by listening consciously to allow their future to come to them with ease. I can also teach you how to do that.
If you would like to access some new tools for your home life or work life, you can work with me online or in person.

Cultivating solid and satisfying sleep is something we are all craving. We all try to get more. We all want more. And we all have had those days in the middle of the week we wish we could stay in bed for just a few more hours, if not all day. As we transition into fall, the nights are getting darker, the air is getting cooler, and it is a natural time for us to all hunker down and get cozy. Yet, we still struggle with sleep.
Sleep is when all the good stuff happens in our bodies. Sleep is the time for the body and mind reset, detoxify, and rejuvenate. Sleep allows for our memory and creativity to grow and restore.
After, we are bombarded with a full day getting input from all directions, going to work, caring for our families, running errands, feeding ourselves, trying to get in a working out, checking our Instagram account, refreshing our Facebook feeds, watching the most recent presidential uproar video, trying to keep up with what is happening around the world, staying connected and on the ground to the efforts of so many people doing good in this world in a time of so much inhumanity…we can be left feeling burnt, exhausted, depleted, raw, done.
So where is the respite? We always have sleep to reboot us and refresh us. But what happens when it is not? What happens we stay awake staring at the ceiling for hours, wake up at 3am and can’t go back to sleep, get woken up by sirens just after dozing off, or simply stay up on the computer or phone to get “caught up” and our racing mind keeps going long after the lights are out?
I am here to offer you some inspiration and reminders on nightly self-care. Perhaps some you know, perhaps some you forgot, and perhaps one will inspire you.
Before going to bed tonight, try one of these, two or even all four...
Warm Water
Let a warm shower or hot bath calm your nervous system, release tension in your body, and quiet the mind.
Golden Spiced Milk
Over a flame steam ½ cup whole milk (can start by replacing with nut milk if you are not a drinking dairy), ¼ cup water, and a pinch of turmeric, couple saffron threads, fennel, cardamom, black pepper, and NUTMEG (induces sleep), with a bit of raw sugar or maple syrup to taste. A little night cap, if you will.
Massage Feet and Scalp
Warm the massage oil to a comfortable temperature either on an electric cup heater, or over a candle flame. Take a spoonful of oil, and rub it into the soles of your feed, and then cover with socks. Pour a tablespoon of oil onto the crown of your head and lightly massage the oil in a circular motion. Put a cap on your head, or a towel on your pillow to protect your linens. Perhaps offer this sweet treatment to your partner, child or family member.
Screen-less hour before bed
Just put them away. It feels awesome. If you must hold your phone, for fear of detachment, try downloading a calming meditation app and practice a 10-minute guided breathing meditation on HeadSpace, which offers a 10-day complimentary trial.
Molly Russell: Molly has joyfully practiced Ayurveda for past 6 years and offers individual counseling, group classes and cooking workshops around the Bay Area. She graduated from a 3-year intensive Ayurveda Health Counseling program from Vedika Gurukula in Emeryville. After changing her diet and lifestyle, and seeing the effects of cooking with foods that were balancing to her body and mind in changing seasons, she is inspired to share this awesome toolkit of Ayurveda with her community.
Want to learn more? Stay connected for more information about personal consultations with Molly.
What Does Anxiety Mean to You?
Today a wonderful client of mine said that for her “Anxiety was outmoded” as a word to use to describe how she now feels. I loved her meaning because she has been a sufferer of significant and debilitating anxiety for years. After being treated by me for some months, she now feels like the word ‘anxiety’ no longer applies to her. She came to see me 6 months ago wanting because she wanted to get rid of the feeling of anxiety that had been troubling her and to see how she should go about stopping her low level medications.
How Did We Do It?
I listened, thoroughly. I heard this client at the core of my being to understand what the feelings she labelled ‘anxiety’ were like for her. I was very careful not to make any assumptions about how she felt, even if she used words I had heard before. I really wanted essentially to listen to her on such a deep level of empathy and listening skills that I could almost experience momentarily, what her anxiety felt like myself. Then I did something that I have found to be essential when treating any kind of experience, I went entirely at her own pace. Each time we met and talked I re evaluated exactly what she was saying to me about her fears and needs and ideas; and each time I changed our treatment pace to match her exactly. In essence, I responded to every fluctuation of pace that she presented me with.
I Listen Very Deeply
This level of deep listening is very relational. That means it has the ability to track the ebbs and flows in a client and know when to gently encourage and when to sit back and let the client metaphorically take my hand and show me the way….their way. This delicate process is like a dance and as a counselor it is key to know how to follow as well as lead.
What Else Did I do?
I used effective and well prescribed Homeopathic medicines as well as coaching and counselling to treat the anxiety symptoms. As soon as a client has an experience where anxiety levels begin to alleviate they can start to feel confident that they can improve. The Homeopathic medicines are entirely natural and support the client to eliminate the anxiety feelings in her head, as well as the emotions she feels about them. When anxiety has been present for a long time, there is always a lot of feeling about it and it is important to address this side also.
The Result?
This client now feels anxiety is an outmoded word for her. She relates to the idea of anxiety as something outside of herself that she has previously experienced. Although we are still on her journey and have some way to go, we are now dealing with a very different set of experiences. Anxiety does not rule her life anymore, nor follow her around inside her head. She is empowered and realistic. She sees the change in herself and relationships including how she relates to her mothering (which was excellent anyway). She is now one of my biggest advocates and sends me anyone she knows who has a health, or emotional issue or a difficulty. I am very grateful for this client and what she still continues to teach me as a clinician and as a human being.
Anxiety, Stress and Depression can be Experienced by Our Teenagers.
It’s true to say that many of us experience life as busy and sometimes stressful. Teenagers are no exception. They have their own stressors whether from family, or school. To add to their load, they also have significant peer group stressors and this can sometimes be experienced as overwhelming. How I treat Teenager Stress, Anxiety and Depression is detailed in this Blog.
Problems Manifest Differently in Teenage Girls and Boys
In my counselling clinic I see children as young as 9 or 10 developing emotional or psychological difficulties that I used to see more often in teenagers. With these children it’s very important that they gain some insight into their struggle. So I work with them to give them tools and strategies to assist them as they enter their teenage years. Social pressures amongst girls can escalate as hormones kick in during puberty, so the children who already have a toolkit of strategies to draw on can often cope very well.
With boys I tend to see those who are well into puberty and are not coping at all well with those disruptive hormones; and who become sullen and withdrawn as well as sometimes angry. Often this is mostly contained at home which means the parents take the brunt of it all; but sometimes it spills over into school life and you can find your son getting into trouble and under performing in class.
Pressure Can Translate Into Anxiety
When teenagers find there is too much pressure they can sometimes become either depressed or anxious. I treated a teenage boy a few years back who was suffering from anxiety and finding simple things like getting public transport to school difficult, or attending assembly due to the crowd. I treated this client with a combination of Counselling and Homeopathy and after a few sessions he was back on track. He went on to have a happy, successful school life and achieve his goals.
Counselling is a Tune-Up For our Emotional Selves
Counselling no longer has the stigma it did. Many of us need it, and I like to think of it as a tune up for our emotional selves. After all we take care of our physical body but tend to leave out mind and emotions to just sort themselves out. During puberty we know the brain gets almost completely re-wired. This is why we as parents, often feel like we no longer know our distant teenager. Well I can tell you a secret…they often feel they no longer know themselves!
Teenagers are sometimes resistant to visiting a counsellor. When you talk to them about it, it helps to find out their reasons why and then address them one by one. Sometimes teenagers find it embarrassing to talk to another adult about their difficulties. Sometimes they do not understand the process of counselling and think they will have to divulge their inner most secrets. I would like to dispel that myth right away and describe how counselling can help your teenager when they are in need.
Teenagers Respond Well When They are Really Listened to.
I work with teenagers by normalising their problems. This does not mean I dismiss them, far from it. I hear and acknowledge their difficulties, within the context of them not being alone in experiencing their issue. We discuss the whole issue from many angles and my aim is to help your teenager develop their own internal guidance system of how to act and react in certain situations. Importantly, I also expand their awareness around why they think, feel, and experience things the way they do; as well as bring their awareness to the impact of their actions on others. If they need to be more assertive and powerful we will work on that (and vice versa,) but never at the expense of helping to develop and whole, balanced individual who can meet the challenges of their teenage years with empowered self-understanding.
How to get Counselling Help for Your Teenager
If you want to come and see me with, or about, your teenager I work face to face in my Sydney clinic in Rose Bay, or via Skype. Teenagers are usually great with technology and find the Skype process works well for them. Feel free to make contact and have a chat to hear more about how I work.
School Playgrounds Can be Scary Places
Does your child have anxiety? The playground at school can be a daunting place for young children. For some who have experienced even minor incidents of bullying, there is a significant fear present around larger children. Imagine for a moment that you are 5 or 6 years old. You enter the school playground and look up at all the older children running fast and confidently enjoying themselves. It seems like a foreign world and at first can be overly intimidating, especially for those who are naturally more timid.
Is Your Child with Anxiety the Eldest?
The eldest child in a family is often a ‘pioneer’. They do everything first and you as parents share that experience with them in your parenting decisions. When they go to school however, they have to do it alone. If they do not have older siblings, their experience of older children may be small. Not only is a small child being asked to cope with a whole new social structure and set of routines and rules at school; but they are also being asked to adapt to the unspoken rules of the playground. This is important for the psycho-social development of all children, but can also be very challenging to some.
What are the Playground Rules?
- Who is in charge?
- What is it ok to say and do?
- If I visit the bathroom will I miss out?
- What happens if I’m a slow runner/poor catcher?
- Will other kids make fun of me?
“Suddenly peer pressure is intensely present for the very first time”
Most children can rise to the occasion and gradually find their feet. Occasionally a child can find the challenge overwhelming and anxiety arises. When I see little kids in my clinic, I sometimes find that this anxiety can attach to a specific person or incident and appear out of proportion to the event/person described. This is not unusual. Ensure as parents that you are listening without judgment, and listening without dismissing the fear and trying to shrug it off. Using loving , open discussion about what your child is frightened of will help. Letting the teacher know that the anxiety exists will also help to create a warm supportive environment for your child. If these steps are not making a difference, then seeing a counsellor such as myself, can be an excellent idea. It’s likely that your anxious child may have a tendency to be sensitive to situations that others are not, and so forming a bond with an experienced counsellor early on in their life, means you have an expert to return to should anything else arise as your child grows.
I Treat Anxiety in Children Differently From Most Counsellors
I use a powerful combination of Holistic Counselling and Homeopathy. I determine the best homeopathic medicine to support your child, as well as using fun techniques to empower your child and build their confidence. I saw a gorgeous little boy this week who when asked where the feelings of anxiety were in his body, pointed to his chest and said “In my Heart”. His anxiety was not in his tummy as is often felt by kids and adults alike, or in his legs……it was very clearly in his heart and he knew it.
Never under estimate the ability of your young child to articulate what they feel and what they think and what they need. They are perfect sources of information about their worlds and listening to them impartially is a very powerful process.
So how did I help him?
This young boy knew he was good at running and it was important for him to feel a sense of his own ability and prowess. So we spent a few minutes running races up the corridor at my clinic and talking about his speed. I also wanted him to have a physical experience of his own power as he had been having daily experiences of his own perceived powerlessness in the school playground in the face of larger children. To do this I had him push against my hands (experiencing his own strength) and see that he could push me across the room. You should have seen his back sit straighter and his little face light up! I also prescribed an effective homeopathic medicine for him to take before school when he feels most anxious to alleviate the anxiety.
Treating anxiety in little kids is my passion. I step into their world for a moment and really deeply listen to what they are trying to tell me. That in turn allows them to stand in their own shoes more powerfully. If your child is being bullied or feels anxious, I would love to help them.

Natural remedies are popular. But are they an appropriate substitute for medication?
The idea of taking medication can be frightening. And as consumers and patients that want to make our own informed health decisions, it’s understandable and even appropriate to question our physicians when they recommend drug treatments. We need to understand the rationale for any medication that’s recommended or prescribed, the benefits of therapy, the side effects, and if there are any other approaches that might be more appropriate. Dietary supplements and natural health products are widely marketed as being safe and effective, and are occupying more and more shelf space in pharmacies, usually right beside the pharmacy counter. Many of my patient encounters in the pharmacy have included a discussion on the merits of drug therapy, versus the supplements that may have flashy packaging and impressive claims of effectiveness.
One encounter from my time working at a local pharmacy still sticks with me. I met a new patient who was anxious and eager to get my advice. He’d been cautioned by his family doctor that he was on the borderline of being diagnosed with diabetes. He had come to the pharmacy seeking a supplement that could help him avoid diabetes and medication. Rather than recommend any supplement, I suggested that the best approach he could probably take would be to lose some weight and get some exercise – it could be more effective than any supplement or drug, and would definitely help his health. He agreed, and then asked me what supplement he could take that could help him with some weight loss.
This type of discussion occurs all the time, and seems more common when there’s a lack of trust in the physician, or when the goals of treatment aren’t understood. The patient, reluctant to accept the physician’s recommendation, heads to the pharmacy for what they believe is a second opinion. In some cases, the patient may question the physician’s advice: “All my physician wants to do is prescribe drugs,” is a statement I’ve heard more than once. In those that are reluctant to accept medical treatment, there’s often a willingness to consider anything that’s available without a prescription – particularly if it’s perceived as “natural.” Natural products and dietary supplements are thought to be gentle, safe, and effective, while medicine may be felt to be unnatural, harsh, and potentially dangerous. Yet when I explain to patients that there’s actually little evidence to suggest most supplements offer any meaningful health benefits, I am sometimes met with puzzled or dismissive looks. The supplement industry’s marketing has been remarkably effective, glossing over the fact that the research done on dietary supplements is overall unconvincing and largely negative when it comes to having anything useful to offer for health.
Given I want to ensure patients are making informed health decisions based on good scientific evidence, I was eager to read a post that naturopath Reuben Dinsmore recently posted on the website of the British Columbia Naturopaths Association (BCNA). Entitled “The Top Five Medications You Shouldn’t Take Without Trying a Natural Alternative First,” Dinsmore states that supplements can offer all the benefits yet none of the side effects of prescription drugs:
Natural supplements, or nutraceuticals, have been given a bad rap lately—which, in some cases, has been absolutely warranted. But natural formulas that actually contain what they claim on the label, and that are formulated to have maximal efficacy, can be equal to their pharmaceutical counterparts. Better yet, they can be just as effective without the laundry list of side effects.
I approached the article with curiosity. Are supplements an appropriate therapy before medication? I have no bias against supplements, but I do have a bias against unsubstantiated claims. I want to know what works, supplement, drug or otherwise. I looked at each recommendation as if it was given to me by a patient in the pharmacy, and evaluate it against the scientific evidence.
Understanding the naturopathic approach
I’ve written multiple posts in the past about treatment claims by naturopaths, and how they stack up against the scientific evidence. Naturopaths offer an array of unconventional health practices like homeopathy, acupuncture and herbalism that are linked philosophically by a belief in vitalism – the prescientific idea we have a “life force”. From this philosophy can sometimes emerge sensible health advice, but it can also be illogical and even potentially harmful. In past posts I’ve looked at the naturopathic perspectives on fake diseases, infertility, autism, prenatal vitamins, vaccinations, allergies, and even scientific facts themselves. As long as a treatment is viewed as being congruent with the naturopathic belief system, it’s acceptably “naturopathic” – no matter what the scientific evidence says. Despite this obvious disconnect from science-based medicine, naturopaths present themselves as primary care providers, just like medical doctors. The BCNA’s own marketing campaign describes naturopaths as “medically trained”:
Britt Hermes is a former naturopath and has written extensively about naturopathy, and her perspective is clear: There are no naturopathic standards of care and naturopathic training is very different than what naturopaths claim. She argues is that naturopathy has too much quackery and that what actually makes naturopathy unique is its embrace of pseudoscience.
So let’s examine the five categories of drugs that Dinsmore says have equally effective natural remedies. He lists statins, antacids, SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), antihypertensives, and benzodiazepines.
Statins for high cholesterol
Why do we treat it?
High cholesterol has no symptoms. We treat high cholesterol to lower the risk of heart disease: heart attacks, strokes, and death. One’s risk of heart disease goes up with the LDL cholesterol level, along with the total number of heart disease risk factors.
When is drug treatment appropriate?
High cholesterol doesn’t mean that drug treatment is mandatory. An assessment will include age, family history, and other health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, or a prior heart attack or stroke. Lifestyle changes are important: A healthy diet, an appropriate weight, regular physical exercise, and quitting smoking can also reduce your risk of heart disease. In those at low risk, drug therapy many not be necessary. “Statins” are a class of drugs that reduce LDL cholesterol. In those with a prior heart attack or stroke, the benefits of treatment with drugs like statins are well documented.
What benefits have drugs been shown to offer?
There’s two general uses for statin therapy: primary prevention (avoiding a first heart attack or stroke), and secondary prevention (using a statin in someone that has already had a heart attack or stroke) to reduce the risk of another cardiovascular event. There is good evidence that statins reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes, when used for both primary and secondary prevention. Much of the debate on the usefulness of statins has focused on the net benefit when used in lower-risk groups. This is a fair question, and one that I’ve discussed at length previously. But what is not in question is that statins have been proven to reduce the risk of heart attacks, stroke, and death.
What does naturopathy suggest?
As per Dinsmore:
High cholesterol is blamed for heart attacks and strokes via formation of arterial plaques. But the real culprit is inflammation, without which the plaques wouldn’t form in the first place. Bottom line: You can lower cholesterol all you want, but as long as there is inflammation present, plaques can still form.
Some common side effects of statins include muscle pain, cognitive impairment, sexual dysfunction, and increased risk of cancer and diabetes.
Nutraceuticals are an alternative to statins. These include: Omega-3 fatty acids (best sourced from wild-caught fish oils) and curcumin (the active component in turmeric). Both are excellent supplements to lower inflammation. Garlic extracts have been proven to improve cholesterol levels as well. Another option I discuss with patients is red rice yeast extract, which is the natural compound statins were derived from in the first place, and works in a similar manner. This product may have side effects; I find that it can be beneficial for some patients, but not all, something I deal with on a patient by patient basis.
What evidence supports the use of naturopathic treatments?
The reason we use drug therapy to treat high cholesterol is to lower the risk of heart attacks, stroke, and death. Consequently, that’s the benefit we want to see when we consider taking any treatment – naturopathic or drug. Statins are proven effective, so that’s the effectiveness we should be looking for if we’re going to use supplements as an alternative. There is no published evidence to demonstrate that garlic extracts or curcurmin supplements can prevent heart attacks and stroke, or reduce the risk of death. The data are a bit more encouraging with omega-3 fatty acids (which, incidentally, exist as both a drug and a supplement with different regulatory standards for each), but whether or not these products actually produce a real survival advantage is not clear. There is a Cochrane review on dietary modifications for the treatment of high cholesterol, in which the authors conclude:
No conclusions can be made about the effectiveness of a cholesterol-lowering diet, or any of the other dietary interventions suggested for familial hypercholesterolaemia, for the primary outcomes: evidence and incidence of ischaemic heart disease, number of deaths and age at death, due to the lack of data on these. Large, parallel, randomised controlled trials are needed to investigate the effectiveness of a cholesterol-lowering diet and the addition of omega-3 fatty acids, plant sterols or stanols, soya protein, dietary fibers to a cholesterol-lowering diet.
Red rice yeast extract is effectively a natural but crude source of the statin drug lovastatin (the active molecules are identical). There are questions about its safety that are exclusive to red yeast rice, but not present with prescription drugs. Why red rice yeast extract would be preferred over a drug product is unclear, unless one puts a priority on something “natural” over something that’s standardized, predictable, and demonstrated to be effective.
What approach has the best evidence?
Statins provide proven benefits, reducing heart attacks, strokes, and the risk of death. Even if a supplement reduces cholesterol levels, real benefits haven’t been established. There’s no obvious reason to use supplements for high cholesterol.
“Antacids” (anti-ulcer medications for gastro-esophageal reflux)
Why do we treat it?
The reflux of stomach contents, often called “heartburn” requires medical attention when there is damage to the esophagus, or there are unpleasant symptoms. The objective of treatment is to repair any tissue damage and/or to reduce the symptoms of heartburn.
When is drug treatment appropriate?
So called “lifestyle” modifications are usually recommended first, and they aren’t always effective. Weight loss (if appropriate) can provide relief, as can elevating the head of the bed for those with heartburn at night. Minimizing specific foods or “triggers” is usually not necessary, but some find this approach helpful. Drug treatment with medications like proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), which suppress stomach acid production, are usually appropriate when symptoms are severe, or where there’s esophageal damage.
What benefits have drugs been shown to offer?
PPIs are among the most effective drugs to treat heartburn and heal esophagitis. PPIs are well tolerated over the short term. When acid production is suppressed for long-term periods (months to years), there are concerns this may predispose people to infections and malabsorption conditions. Whether or not PPIs raise the risk of osteoporosis or hip fractures isn’t clear. Many people find these medications highly effective, but some stay on therapy far longer than necessary. Current guidance suggests the lowest dose should be used for the shortest duration possible to minimize these risks.
What does naturopathy suggest?
As per Dinsmore:
It’s said that five million Canadians suffer from heartburn symptoms weekly. Prescriptions for the acid-blocking drugs PPIs (proton pump inhibitors) accounted for $24 million in BC alone in 2013. Risks of taking these mostly involve nutrient deficiencies from poor absorption DUE TO LOW STOMACH ACID (see the problem here?). Examples include bone fractures from poor calcium absorption or anemia from decreased levels of vitamin B12 or iron. B12 deficiency can also cause dementia and neurological damage. There has also been a correlation shown between PPI use and C. difficile infection, which causes life-threatening diarrhea.
Nutraceuticals: Long story short, most people don’t have too much stomach acid. The problem is the acid they have is getting into the wrong place (the lower esophagus) where it burns. This can be from the muscle between the esophagus and the stomach not closing properly, either from poor tone or insufficient stomach acid, which is the signal for the sphincter to close. Limonene (an extract from citrus peel) helps strengthen this muscle and promotes movement of food downward to the stomach. DGL (an extract from licorice root) stimulates mucus production in the stomach, which acts to coat and protect the sensitive lining of the esophagus.
What evidence supports the use of naturopathic treatments?
Limonene is an ingredient in citrus oils, and is considered “possibly safe” as a supplement by the Natural Medicines database. I could locate no published evidence in PubMed it has been studied for heartburn or GERD. I did find a reference to clinical trials in Alternative Medicine Review, but there’s not a lot of information to review: one trial had 19 adults and had no control group. The other had just 13 participants but was randomized and blinded, noting improvements in heartburn symptoms with limonene. There’s not much safety information on limonene, and it appears to have multiple interactions with drugs. How limonene might work isn’t clear. Long-term effects haven’t been reported.
Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) is licorice processed to remove the glycyrrhizic acid, which can cause steroid-like side effects when consumed in excess. Short term use of licorice as a supplement is considered “possibly safe” and long-term use is considered “possibly unsafe”. Some branded supplements combining licorice with other herbal ingredients have been studied for the treatment of acid reflux, stomach pain and cramping. How DGL might work isn’t clear. There’s a lack of evidence to suggest DGL is effective.
What approach has the best evidence?
There’s good evidence to show PPIs work, and they work quickly. There are some concerns when used for long-term purposes. The effectiveness of the remedies suggested by Dinsmore is unclear, as is their long-term safety. Given the lack of good evidence showing they work, I wouldn’t recommend the products, but if someone wanted to try them for mild heartburn, they appear to be low risk when used for short-term use.
SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) for depression
Why do we treat it?
Depression is the most common psychiatric disorder and a major public health issue. It is associated with functional disability and greater risk of death. It frequently recurs.
When is drug treatment appropriate?
We treat depression to put symptoms into remission and to restore baseline (pre-depression) levels of function. The usual initial treatment of depression can include drug therapy or psychotherapy. Psychotherapy alone appears to be just as effective as drug therapy alone. There’s some evidence the combination may be more effective than either approach alone.
What benefits have drugs been shown to offer?
Antidepressants can help with depression, but the magnitude of that benefit has been questioned. The overall advantage of antidepressants over placebo can be modest for mild-to-moderate depression. Selective publication of trials may have led to an overestimate of the efficacy of antidepressants. SSRI’s or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are a popular class of antidepressant medications. No particular SSRI is dramatically and consistently superior to any other antidepressant drug in terms of effectiveness, but the side effects can vary. In severe cases of depression, drug therapy is combined with psychotherapy.
What does naturopathy suggest?
As per Dinsmore:
SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) are the most common class of anti-depressant drugs. One in twelve Canadians will experience major depression in their lifetime, but it’s still one of the most misunderstood conditions. Standard treatment protocols typically target neurotransmitter activity (most commonly serotonin). However, new research indicates the underlying cause may actually be inflammation. Either way, natural medicine has you covered.
Some nutraceuticals to consider are 5-HTP, which is used to make serotonin, with the help of vitamin B6. The herb St. John’s Wort has been studied extensively and appears to work in the same way as SSRIs. Both 5-HTP and St. John’s wort have shown similar efficacy to SSRIs when given for mild to moderate depression. And as I mentioned earlier, omega-3 fatty acids and curcumin decrease inflammation throughout the body, including the brain.
Side effects of SSRIs include sexual dysfunction, weight gain, and worsened/chronic depression. St. John’s wort also has a side effect which should be considered if taking other medications—it impacts liver function, which can result in either higher or lower blood medication levels.
What evidence supports the use of naturopathic treatments?
5-HTP is considered “possibly effective” for the treatment of depression by the Natural Medicines database. It notes:
Overall, despite the preliminary beneficial effects shown in clinical research, the trials to date are generally small and have methodological problems or a lack of generalizability to mixed populations of depressed people. More higher-quality studies in larger patient populations are needed to confirm these result.
St. John’s Wort is considered to be “likely effective” for the treatment of depression by the Natural Medicines database. It’s an interesting natural product that is used widely for antidepressant effects. Trials have many limitations, but the data suggest that SJW may be as effective as SSRIs, but the evidence is less consistent. However, it’s not recommended in most treatment guidelines for many of the reasons discussed before at this blog: preparations of the product are often not standardized, supplement manufacturing quality is not clear, and the dosing may consequently not be predictable. Moreover, St. John’s Wort causes a wide array of drug interactions with other medications, making it difficult to use safely.
What approach has the best evidence?
Overall, there’s better evidence with the SSRIs compared to 5-HTP and St. John’s Wort. However, a decision to use St. John’s Wort is effectively a decision to use medicine, so unsupervised, unmonitored use, when treating depression, should be avoided.
Anti-hypertensives for the treatment of high blood pressure
Why do we treat it?
Untreated high blood pressure, or hypertension, can increase your risk of heart attack, stroke, heart failure, and kidney disease. We treat hypertension to reduce these risks.
When is drug treatment appropriate?
Non-drug treatments are usually considered before drug therapy, and can reduce the need for medication. Weight reduction (when necessary), quitting smoking, avoiding excessive alcohol, a healthy, reduced-salt diet, and regular exercise are all low-risk strategies that can be beneficial. Drug therapy can have side effects. People are usually unwilling to tolerate side effects for a symptomless condition, unless there is a good reason to take medication. There is good evidence that drug therapy provides real benefits to those with hypertension that can’t be controlled by lifestyle changes.
What benefits have drugs been shown to offer?
When drug treatment is considered appropriate (usually when blood pressure exceeds 140/90), there are multiple treatment options that may be appropriate. From Up-to-Date:
In large-scale randomized trials, antihypertensive therapy produces a nearly 50 percent relative risk reduction in the incidence of heart failure, a 30 to 40 percent relative risk reduction in stroke, and a 20 to 25 percent relative risk reduction in myocardial infarction.
The absolute benefit is less impressive, but still real: There’s an approximate 2% reduction in heart attacks and strokes. The benefits of medical treatment are not as clear in those with mild hypertension, those with few risk factors, or the frail elderly.
What does naturopathy suggest?
As per Dinsmore:
Hypertension (i.e., high blood pressure) affects 6 million Canadians, and is responsible for approximately 13 per cent of all deaths. Various classes of anti-hypertensives include diuretics, ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs). Diuretics increase urine output, which can negatively affect sodium and potassium levels, which can cause muscle cramps. ACEIs and ARBs may both cause a chronic dry cough. All anti-hypertensives can cause dizziness, headache and low blood pressure.
Again, there are many nutraceutical options for patients to consider, such as CoQ10, magnesium, garlic extracts, omega-3 fatty acids, L-arginine and vitamin C. All of these have all been shown to lower high blood pressure by various means. Dandelion leaf is an effective diuretic that doesn’t lower potassium levels.
What evidence supports the use of naturopathic treatments?
I could find no published evidence that coenzyme-q10, magnesium, garlic, omega-3 fatty acids, l-arginine, or vitamin C supplements reduce the risk of heart attacks, stroke, heart failure, or kidney disease. There is some evidence to show that eating fatty fish (a source of omega-3 fatty acids) can reduce the risk of heart disease or stroke. Omega-3 supplements (also discussed above for hypercholesterolemia) may modestly reduce blood pressure. None of the products listed are considered both safe and effective for treatment of hypertension by the Natural Medicines database. I could find no published evidence that demonstrates dandelion leaf is an effective hypertension treatment.
What approach has the best evidence?
The only reason to treat hypertension with a drug or supplement is to reduce the risk of a future catastrophic event. If medicine is necessary, there’s little reason to choose a “natural” remedy first, as the real-world benefits of supplements have not been proven.
Benzodiazepines for anxiety and insomnia
Why do we treat it?
The term “anxiety” describes worries and fears that are difficult to control and can cause debilitating effects. Insomnia describes difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. We treat both to reduce the consequences of these conditions, and to restore normal functioning.
When is drug treatment appropriate?
After a workup for underlying causes of anxiety or insomnia, drug therapy might be considered after options like lifestyle changes and cognitive behavioral therapy have been attempted. Benzodiazepines are a class of drugs that can be useful treatments for anxiety and insomnia, though they are usually not the first choice for either condition. There are justified concerns about dependence and tolerance with benzodiazepines, reinforcing the importance of using these medications cautiously and when the benefits are expected to outweigh the risks.
What benefits have drugs been shown to offer?
Benzodiazepines can work quickly and can be effective in anxiety where there’s a poor response to other medications. They are also effective insomnia treatments, with some taking effect within minutes.
What does naturopathy suggest?
As per Dinsmore:
Benzodiazepines are a class of drugs most often prescribed for anxiety disorders and insomnia. They work by binding to receptors for GABA, a neurotransmitter in the brain that calms activity of the nervous system. Interestingly, this is the same mechanism by which alcohol acts in the brain. One obvious effect of benzodiazepines is sedation—great when the treatment target is insomnia. Not so great when you just want to decrease your anxiety but still function. Other side effects include dizziness, loss of balance, and even cognitive impairment at higher doses. They also have a significant risk of developing physical or psychological dependence and rebound anxiety when discontinued.
This is an area where you should have a thorough workup with your naturopathic doctor and consider the options that are right for you. You can take GABA as an alternative (but there’s mixed evidence on whether or not it actually gets into the brain), or herbs such as passionflower (which has the same mechanism of action as benzodiazepines). Other herbs include valerian, chamomile, kava, and many others.
What evidence supports the use of naturopathic treatments?
Up-to-Date has a nice summary:
A variety of herbal products are purported to be useful for insomnia. There is little evidence from randomized controlled trials about the efficacy of many herbals, however, and for those that have been well studied (eg, valerian), there is little evidence of benefit. A meta-analysis that included 14 randomized trials in over 1600 patients found no significant difference between any herbal medicine and placebo on any of 13 clinical efficacy measures of insomnia [94]. The majority of the trials (11 out of 14) studied valerian; chamomile, kava, and wuling were studied in one trial each. Unlike the other herbals studied, valerian was associated with a greater number of adverse events per person compared with placebo. Valerian may also produce hepatotoxic effects [1]. Contamination with undesirable substances poses a problem for many such natural remedies.
And for natural treatments of anxiety, Up-to-Date notes:
None of the herbal remedies described here been shown in clinical trials to be clearly effective or ineffective for anxiety symptoms or disorders. Trials suggest that kava and chamomile may reduce anxiety in some people with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Findings from trials of valerian, passion flower, and St. John’s wort are either mixed or negative. Patients may wrongly equate “herbal” with terms such as “good,” “weak,” or “healthy” in evaluating these remedies. These perspectives underestimate their potential risks; some herbs can be potent, poisonous, or addictive. Potentially serious adverse effects of herbal remedies discussed here include hepatotoxicity with kava and anticoagulation with chamomile. It is not known if these remedies are safe or unsafe during pregnancy.
What approach has the best evidence?
It’s understandable to want to avoid benzodiazepines, but they can provide real and demonstrated benefit in select circumstances with close monitoring from a physician. There’s a lack of evidence to demonstrate the efficacy and safety of any of the herbal remedies recommended for the treatment of anxiety or insomnia.
Conclusion: The evidence simply doesn’t support these natural treatments
Naturopaths claim that they can effectively manage medical conditions with “natural” approaches, but the evidence supporting these recommendations has been consistently shown to be absent or weak. It may be that the treatment goals are not understood, which may explain why therapies without any demonstrated benefit are being recommended before proven therapies. In some cases, avoiding drug therapy and using natural remedies may be harmful. In light of the recommendations above, it seems prudent to discuss any naturopathic advice with a health professional like a pharmacist or physician before making any decision to delay medically-recommended drug therapy, or substitute a natural remedy or dietary supplement.
This is a cross-post from Science-Based Medicine. Comments are open there.
Photo from flickr user Ryan Somma used under a CC licence.

This may happen because you are eating foods that are too heavy for you to digest or perhaps you are eating too much food at one sitting. There are many reasons this could be happening, however, there is one cause for this post-digestion heavy feeling that is often overlooked. It is not connected to the food that is on our plate, but rather what is in our drinking glass. The first thing they give you when you sit down at a meal in most restaurants in the US is a large glass of ice water. By the time our food comes we have already consumed one or two glasses of cold water. According to Ayurveda the 5,000 year old holistic system of medicine, when we drink cold water we weaken our digestion by dousing out our digestive fire (agni). Imagine that you are sitting around a campfire roasting marshmallows and someone comes by and dumps a bunch of wet logs over the flame. The fire would get smothered and become very weak or disappear. The same thing happens to our internal digestive fire when we drink a lot of cold water.
I used to think I needed to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. I would carry around an enormous bottle of cold water with me and chug it throughout the day. Of course, I was just trying to do what I thought was best for my body. I thought I was flushing out the toxins in my body with every glass. I had no concept of Ayurveda at this time in my life, however, now I can see why the digestive disease I had suffered from for so many years was just being aggravated by my excessive water intake. I was literally drowning in all of the water I was drinking. Now I understand that in order to destroy ama (toxicity), one must kindle the agni (digestive fire). Toxicity cannot be "flushed out", it needs to burn.
It can help to think about it like water flowing through a metal pipe. Cold water will cause the pipes to contract, and hot water will cause the pipes to expand. If we want to keep all of the channels (srotas) in our body open and flowing, it is important to not constrict them by drinking ice cold water.
I never imagined that changing the way I drink my water could have such an impact on my physical health, but over time I have witnessed the effects first-hand. Try sipping a small amount of warm or room temperature water during your meal instead of drinking excessively before or after. According to Ayurveda, it is best to sip water throughout the day as you are thirsty as opposed to drinking a lot at one time. Its helpful to carry around a thermos with you, so you can enjoy hot water throughout the day. I also ask for room temperature water or order hot water with a lemon when I go out to eat. Be your own judge, try changing the way you drink water for a week and see how it makes you feel. You may be surprised at how amazing you feel after making this simple change.
There are many reasons why I love my job and since I have used a unique healing modality combining Counselling, Homeopathy and Coaching, I have enjoyed the results even more. Here are 6 reasons why you should consider coming to me for your Counselling, Coaching and Homeopathy.
- Experience Brings Wisdom
Life is about trial and error. If we don’t make mistakes we tend to learn less; and I can safely say I have made prescribing errors in my time as a Homeopath (as have my patients in NOT following their dosage instructions!). I have been a Homeopath for 13 years now and have been using my counselling skills for all of that time completing my qualification in Holistic Counselling and Psychotherapy a few years back. In this time I have treated all ages, men, women, children, families, couples; with varied physical and or emotional ailments; and have tried and tested different ways of working for the most effective results for my clients. Human beings are both complex and exquisite in their design, and the road to healing is sometimes the road less traveled. Therefore, as a practitioner, I need to be inherently flexible to each new client and their needs, and determine as we move into a therapeutic relationship, what road they are on and how I can make that journey both worthwhile and most importantly, assist them in reaching their desired destination of better health.
- My International Client Base
Diversity breeds new ideas and new ways of working. At any one time I can be consulting individuals, families and couples in my Rose Bay, Sydney clinic; whilst also managing and treating overseas clients all around the world. I have treated people in Bali, Hong Kong, Singapore, The UK, Canada, Japan, the USA, Turkey, France, Switzerland to name a few places. This occurs for several reasons. Firstly I am set up for overseas work with skype, automated systems and an online booking system so all my clients can easily send forms, book in and communicate with me. Secondly, I have some specialities as I work with children on the autistic spectrum as well as people with chronic ailments and conditions that I have had great success in treating effectively. I believe there is no such thing as an un-treatable condition there are only un-treatable people, and once a chronic ill health sufferer starts to see their condition as something to do with them, then they are ready to begin to heal. I really enjoy facilitating this deep shift in thinking and the results can be astounding. Thirdly, in my own experience as a cancer patient at 17/18 I get the experience where “nothing has worked”. My aim is to make the road to recovery possible and to smooth out some of the road bumps that recovery often entails. - I am a Facilitator of Your Wellnesss
Since finally qualifying as a Holistic Counsellor, I have found that when I treat chronic health issues with a combination of Homeopathy, Counselling and Coaching, the healing that occurs is often profound and significant. Often the spiritual or personal journey of the client comes to the fore as the physical complaint recedes. It can be very rewarding work for both the client (as they get better) and myself (as they get better 🙂 ); and I am often humbled by the amazing moments of clarity and healing that occur. It seems the Homeopathic medicines not only cure ailments but also open someone up for larger and greater possibilities; and the counselling seems to cement realisations and convert new concepts and ideas to concrete actualities. - Wellness Packages and Discounts
I understand that healing from chronic complaints can sometimes be expensive and realise that there are the practical realities of income, and budget restraints. So I try and assist my clients by providing multi session packages with 10-20% discounts. This helps my clients afford the best care that they both desire and deserve. I also provide a 90 minute combined session of Homeopathy and Counselling as a follow up which has a massive reduction of $70!! Find all my pricing here. - Support For Families:
If you are a current client phone consults are available to you. This means that when you or your child is sick at home youcan call me, get a prescription over the phone and use your comprehensive Homeopathic kit that you have purchased in advance from me to self dose with Homeopathic Medicines. This means as Simone Denny from The Nourishing Hub found out recently, prevents antibiotics being needed for sick kids and means that you feel supported in your choice of natural medicine whilst supporting your child’s immune system.
- Online Learning
Being empowered around health is important to me, so I have designed an online Homeopathic and Natural Healing course for families to learn how to treat themselves with Homeopathic medicines for First aid, Cough, Colds and Flu as well as Digestive issues and Fevers. The course is easy, you can learn in your own time, and refer back to the teaching videos whenever you need to; and feel very confident that you know what to prescribe for your child or yourself. You can see for yourself the amazing effects that Homeopathy can achieve.
If you are a past or current client , thank you for being part of my road less traveled and for allowing me to be part of yours. Long may we continue to grow alongside one another!

It is not rare for people to ask me what exactly it is that I do professionally.
- What is a naturopath?
- Do they use crystals?
- Are you a massage therapist?
- Under what circumstances would I actually book in to see a naturopath?
The following is my attempt to clarify this.
A qualified naturopath is a health professional that is trained to have extensive knowledge of the physiology, anatomy and biochemistry of the human body and the pathophysiology of many illnesses and diseases. They utilise a number of modalities when applying treatment to patients such as nutrition, herbalism, diet and lifestyle modification. Their approach to practice is to adhere to the following naturopathic principles:
- The healing power of nature (Vis Medicatrix Naturae): recognising and removing obstacles to allow the body’s inherent self-healing process.
- First, do no harm: use methods and medicines that minimise the risk of harmful side effects, know when to refer and practice within your scope.
- Treat the cause (Tolle Causum): aim to identify and remove the underlying causes of illness, rather than suppressing symptoms.
- Treat the whole person: Understanding the unique physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental and social factors that contribute to illness and customising treatment protocols to each individual patient.
- Education: share knowledge with patients, motivate and encourage individual responsibility for health.
- Prevention: assess risk factors and recommend appropriate interventions to maintain health and prevent illness.
Naturopaths vary in their experience and areas of specialising however can assist with several health issues including:
- Weight loss
- Detoxing
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Poor memory and concentration
- Fatigue, Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
- Acne
- Digestive disturbances i.e. bloating, cramping, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- Food intolerances and allergies
- Autoimmune diseases i.e. coeliac, Crohn’s, Hashimotos and Graves disease
- Cardiovascular disease i.e. dyslipidemia, hypertension
- Skin disorders i.e. eczema, psoriasis
- Low immunity i.e. recurrent respiratory infections, viruses, Glandular Fever
- Candida
- Urinary Tract infections
- Hair loss
- Pre-conception and pregnancy care
- Reproductive disorders and hormonal imbalances i.e. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Endometriosis, Menopause, Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS), dysmenorrhea, low libido, erectile dysfunction
When deciding to seek treatment with any health care professional it is important that you choose a qualified practitioner in order to ensure you receive the best care possible.
Qualified, credible naturopaths will be a member of a professional body such as National Herbalists Association of Australia (NHAA) and Australia Naturopathic Practitioners Association (ANPA). These associations have certain tertiary requirements before enabling membership and if not visible on the practitioners website or business card, this information should be provided upon request. A credible, qualified naturopath will also be trained on signs and symptoms of when to refer their client to GPs for further investigation deemed appropriate.
In light of recent and I guess long standing controversy regarding conventional medicines vs natural medicines, I believe both have their place in the health care system and people stand to benefit from both. As long as practitioners practice within their scope and there is respect between conventional and natural medicine and additionally, respect between all natural health modalities, all should be able to coexist and continue to do what is important which is place the client’s and peoples’ wellbeing and health first.
Jessica Gorman- Naturopath Gorman Naturopathy has completed a Bachelor of Health Science in Naturopathy requiring four years of tertiary study. She is a member of professional body National Herbalists Association of Australia and is a practicing Total Balance Physiotherapy & Pilates in Black Rock
With 2016 upon us, it’s finally time get serious about your health. You’re resolving to eat better and exercise more. But first, you need to reset your body – and purge yourself of all of your lifestyle and dietary overindulgences. But how? The options seem limitless, and everyone has advice: There’s Dr. Oz, Gwyneth, and even your favourite Kardashian has advice: They’re all telling you how it’s essential to “detox”, “cleanse” and “flush” away all of your toxins. Your local pharmacy has an ever-growing section of products promising a newer, more pure you: supplements, homeopathy, ear candles, and an entire aisle of “detox kits” all promise to suck toxins out of your body. Don’t forget your local naturopath who sells IV vitamin drips as the detoxification solution to your problems. The approaches may differ but all the advocates are completely convinced of one fact: Detoxing will deliver a renewed body and better health. Not only will you look better, you’ll feel better. It is a new year. Wouldn’t a purification from last year’s habits (dietary and otherwise) of last year be the best way to start? Well before you pull out your credit card, there is one fact that “detox” advocates are reluctant to tell you.
“Detox” is a marketing term used to sell you products
“Detox” is a legitimate medical term that has been co-opted to sell useless products and services. It is a fake treatment for a fake condition. Real detoxification isn’t ordered from a menu at a juice bar, or assembled from supplies in your pantry. Real detoxification is provided in hospitals under life-threatening circumstances — usually when there are dangerous levels of drugs, alcohol, or other poisons in the body. Drugs used for real detoxification are not ingredients in a smoothie. What’s being promoted today as “detox” is little different than eons-old religious rituals of cleansing and purification. Framing detoxification in religious terms won’t have the appeal in a world that values science. So use the word “toxin”, not sin, and call the ritual a “detox” – and suddenly you’ve given your treatment a veneer of what sounds scientific. Fake detox is marketed based on three easily-debunked ideas. Once you can spot the flaws, it’s easy to spot the spin and misinformation, and to make smarter, healthier decisions.
Premise one: Our bodies are accumulating toxins, so we need to detoxify
There’s a reason we fall for the marketing of detoxification — we seem hardwired to believe we need it, perhaps related to our susceptibility to ideas of sympathetic magic. Purification rituals date back to the earliest reaches of recorded history. The idea that we’re somehow poisoning ourselves and we need to atone for our sins seems to be a part of human nature, which may explain why it’s still a part of most of the world’s religions. It’s not miasmas or sin that we’re as worried about today, however. As our knowledge of biology grew, these fears manifested as “autointoxication.” Clean out the bowels, went the theory, and you could cure any illness. Science discarded autointoxication by the 1900’s as we gained a better understanding of anatomy, physiology, and the true cause of disease. Yet the term persists today – but now it’s marketing slogan. Today’s version of autointoxication argues that our environment is increasingly toxic, and it’s making us ill. Depending on who you ask, some combination of food additives, salt, meat, fluoride, prescription drugs, smog, vaccine ingredients, GMOs, not “eating clean”, or perhaps not “eating paleo” are causing a buildup of “toxins” in the body. And don’t forget gluten. Gluten is evil and therefore it is a toxin. (Never mind the science.) So what is the actual “toxin” that is causing you vague but apparently real harm? Detox kits and treatments never name the toxins that they remove, because they’ve never been shown to remove toxins. Picking one common drug store detox kit, Renew Life says:
Did you know that we come into contact with toxins every day—from the environment, our food, and even within our own digestive tract? While the body was built to process these toxins, today’s world places increased stress on our elimination channels. Renew Life Advanced Cleansing Programs are powerfully formulated to promote regular elimination and support the body’s natural detoxification process.* They provide targeted support to the body’s pathways of elimination: liver, lungs, lymphatic system, kidneys, skin, blood, and bowel.*
Note the vague language, which is universal with detox kits and treatments. Toxins are alluded to — but not named. It sounds somewhat plausible, but is non-specific.
The colon remains ground zero for detox advocates. Advertisements may argue that some sort of toxic sludge (sometimes called a mucoid plaque) is accumulating in the colon, making it a breeding ground for parasites, Candida (yeast) and other nastiness. Fortunately, science tells us otherwise: mucoid plaques and toxic sludge simply do not exist. It’s a made-up idea to sell detoxification treatments. Ask any gastroenterologist (who look inside colons for a living) if they’ve ever seen one. There isn’t a single case of mucoid plaque that’s been documented in the medical literature. Not one. The same can be said for rope worms. They do not exist.
Premise two: Illness is the result of chemical toxins
Marketing materials for detox treatments typically describe an array of symptoms and diseases linked to toxin buildup: A few that are general enough to apply to anyone (e.g., headache, fatigue, insomnia, hunger) with a few specifics to frighten you (cancer, etc.) Which toxins cause which disease is left out, and how the toxins cause the symptoms is never actually explained. Here again we see the contrast with real science. To establish that even a single chemical can cause disease requires a significant amount of research. Despite the variety of toxins that are claimed to be causing your illness, marketing claims for detox treatments always fail to link specific toxins to specific symptoms or illnesses. That’s because they can’t — there is no scientific evidence to show that detox treatments have any useful medical effects.
The reality is that our bodies are constantly being exposed to a huge variety of natural and synthetic chemicals. Air is chemicals. Food is chemicals. Drugs are chemicals. Herbs are chemicals. The presence of any chemical in the body, (natural or synthetic) does not mean that it is doing harm. Many naturally-derived substances can be exceptionally toxic, and consequently the human body has evolved a remarkable system of defenses and mechanisms to defend against, and remove unwanted substances. The skin, kidneys, lymphatic system, gastrointestinal system, and most importantly, the liver make up our astoundingly complex and sophisticated intrinsic detoxification system.
Advocates for detox typically describe the liver and kidney as acting like filters, where toxins are physically captured and retained. It’s argued that these organs need to be cleaned out periodically, like you’d squeeze out a sponge, or change the air filter in your car. But the reality is that the kidney and liver don’t work this way. The liver performs a series of chemical reactions to convert toxic substances into ones that can be eliminated in bile or urine. The liver is self-cleansing — toxins don’t accumulate in it, and unless you have documented liver disease, it generally functions without any problem. The kidney excretes waste products into the urine — otherwise the substance stays in the blood. Anyone that suggests these organs need a “cleanse” is demonstrating that they don’t understand basic anatomy or physiology.
Premise three: Detox diets and treatments remove toxins
A recent review of detox diets in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics provides the best summary of the evidence supporting detox diets:
To the best of our knowledge, no rigorous clinical investigations of detox diets have been conducted. The handful of studies that have been published suffer from significant methodological limitations including small sample sizes, sampling bias, lack of control groups, reliance on self-report and qualitative rather than quantitative measurements.
The authors could find only a single detox product has been evaluated in the literature. Ultra Clear is a supplement that is claimed to detoxify the liver. The “evaluation” of Ultra Clear, was not blinded, and lacked any controls. The research subjects were 25 naturopathy students. Perhaps not surprisingly, the students reported improvements on a number of measures – but without a properly designed trial, the results don’t provide any evidence that the product is effective.
In general, there was no credible evidence to demonstrate that detox kits do anything at all. While they can be very unpleasant, they have not been shown to remove “toxins” or offer any health benefits. Coffee enemas are commonly promoted as toxin-removers. Coffee enemas offer no medical benefits. Vitamin injections are a popular naturopathic offering that has not been shown to provide meaningful benefits to consumers, as it has no beneficial effect on the ability of your liver or kidneys to work effectively. Chelation injections are touted as a cure-all for all kinds of illnesses, but unlike real chelation that is administered in hospitals for real cases of poisoning, naturopath chelation is not science-based and doesn’t seem to do much of anything (except enrich its proponents).
There is just as little evidence for detox programs. The only one to have been evaluated is via L. Ron Hubbard and the Church of Scientology, called the Hubbard Purification Rundown. It involves niacin supplements, saunas, exercise, polyunsaturated oil consumption, and vitamins, minerals and electrolytes. The protocol was used on a small group of firefighters after 9/11. With small sample sizes and no control groups, any critical evaluation of the results is impossible. Another evaluation with firefighters was equally limited by a lack of proper randomization and blinding. The same protocol was also used in healthy volunteers. Owing to a lack of blinding and placebo, the results are not credible, which is probably why the paper ended up published in Medical Hypotheses.
The bottom line? The onus is on promoters of detox to show their kits and protocols and methods actually deliver as promised — but they don’t, because they don’t have the evidence and they haven’t done the studies. If someone tells you that a detox kit or procedure is effective, ask for evidence.
Detox treatments can be harmful
If they provide no benefit, can detox treatments harm?
When it comes to simple dietary changes, there’s little evidence of harm. Eating more quinoa and kale, and less processed and refined foods is reasonable dietary advice for everyone. Homeopathic “detox” is also likely safe — with no active ingredients, homeopathy is an elaborate placebo system. As you get into more unorthodox detox treatments that actually contain active ingredients, there is the potential for harm. Coffee enemas are a detoxification process that has a real risk of harm. From a medical perspective, coffee enemas are considered unsafe. Rare but serious adverse events like septicemia (bacteria in the bloodstream), rectal perforation, and electrolyte abnormalities have been caused by coffee enemas. Deaths from the administration of coffee enemas have also been reported.
Vitamin injections won’t provide you with any medical benefits but don’t seem as risky, as long as you trust the sterile technique of your alternative provider. However, given some naturopaths seem to be willing to inject products intended for oral use, you might want to think carefully about taking a vitamin injection or chelation treatment, especially when there’s no evidence they do anything meaningful. Glutathione injections, while often touted as a “hangover cure” (among other uses) actually has very little published safety information available to support its use.
What about the detox kits found in pharmacies? Contents vary, but typically contain two categories of ingredients:
- A liver “booster” — typically milk thistle (Silybum marianum). If the liver can’t be wrung out and rejuvenated, can it be boosted to do a better job? Milk thistle is the most popular product purported to “boost” the liver’s effectiveness. Milk thistle has been studied in patients with alcoholic liver disease, and in patients with hepatitis B or C, and it has not been found to exhibit any meaningful effects. There is conflicting evidence on the use of silymarin, a milk thistle constituent, for acute toxic liver damage, but there is no published evidence to suggest that consuming milk thistle will cleanse you of unnamed, non-specific “toxins”.
- A laxative — Typically magnesium hydroxide, senna, rhubarb, cascara, etc. Laxatives are the ingredients in detox kits that give you the effect you can see (and feel). However, these ingredients can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalances if not used carefully. Regular use of stimulant laxatives, like senna and cascara, are ill-advised for most healthy adults due to the risk of dependence and electrolyte depletion. They’re among the most potent laxatives, usually used for short periods to alleviate significant constipation or to clear out your bowels before a medical procedure. With regular use, your bowel can grow accustomed to the effects of laxatives which may result in constipation once you stop using them. It’s a perfect case of the treatment causing the illness: After the detox, you get could conceivably become constipated – just in time for another “detox”.
Side effects can continue once a detox ends. Some people experience post-detox effects like nausea and diarrhea. Advocate call these “cleansing reactions” and will assure you it’s “toxins leaving the body”. A more plausible, science-based explanation is that this is a consequence of restarting the digestive process after a period of catharsis, where, depending on the extent and duration of fasting, little to no digestion occurred, and the normal gastrointestinal colonies of bacteria may have been severely disrupted. It’s the same effect seen in hospitalized patients who have difficulty initially digesting food after being fed intravenously. The detox ingredients, and resulting catharsis, may irritate the colon to such an extent that it may take time for digestion to return to normal.
Immediate weight loss is not uncommon after a detox, especially one that involves a laxative. Unfortunately this is usually due to losses in water and possibly muscle tissue, depending on the how disruptive the detox was to normal body function. Regardless of the weight loss, the body will move back to its pre-detox weight over time if diet and activity levels remain the same.

Image via @statsguyUK
There are no quick fixes
Any product or service advertised with the words “detox” or “cleanse” in the name is only truly effective at cleansing your wallet – of cash. Alternative medicine’s ideas of detoxification and cleansing have no basis in reality. There’s no published evidence to suggest that detox treatments, kits or rituals have any effect on our body’s ability to eliminate waste products effectively. They do have the ability to harm however — not only direct effects, like coffee enemas and purgatives, but they also distract and confuse people about how the body actually works and what we need to do to keep it healthy. “Detox” focuses attention on irrelevant issues, giving the impression that you can undo lifestyle decisions with quick fixes. Improved health isn’t found in a box of herbs, a bottle of homeopathy, or a bag of coffee flushed into your rectum. The lifestyle implications of a poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, lack of sleep, and alcohol or drug use cannot simply be flushed or purged away. Our kidneys and liver don’t need a detox treatment. If anyone suggests a detox or cleanse to you, remember that you’re hearing a marketing pitch for an imaginary condition.
Comments are open over at Science-Based Medicine!

Reiki is as science-based as The Force
Health care systems around the world are being pressured to “do more and spend less”, to make healthcare more cost effective. Owing to aging populations and the growing cost of providing health services, there’s more scrutiny than ever on the value of different health treatments, with the goal of reducing the use of treatments that don’t help. The Choosing Wisely initiative was establishing expressly for this purpose. Regrettably, while well-intentioned, Choosing Wisely hasn’t had as much of an effect as you might expect. Medicine can be slow to change, as David Gorski discussed in a post over at Science-Based Medicine. Unless we ruthlessly scrutinize what we do for effectiveness, and are willing to act on what we learn, self-driven change is unlikely. One way that governments (and insurers) can dramatically reduce the use of a health service or treatment is to simply stop offering it, or paying for it. Yet stopping funding is something that is relatively uncommon in health care. It seems to be much more difficult to stop a practice, possibly owing to inertia, a reluctance to change, and the sometimes-vociferous protests that can emerge from patients or physicians that may feel that their preferred therapy is effective. The formidable challenge of stopping health care funding, once it has started, is one reason why this blog has been very critical of the expanding scope of practice being granted to alternative medicine purveyors – the legislative alchemy that is the first step towards insurance coverage. Because once that’s in place, it will be far more difficult to stop it. So it’s essential to understand the evidence.
Yet sometimes, which the evidence is so stark, insurers and governments face facts and start cutting benefits. Economic circumstances can strengthen that resolve. The most politically-acceptable approach, not surprisingly, is to conduct ruthlessly rigorous scientific reviews. When done effectively, these reviews can lead to solid, science-based decision making. Consider the slow death we are witnessing of homeopathy on the UK’s National Health Service (NHS). The NHS is a comprehensive public insurance system that maintains a “blacklist” of services that won’t be reimbursed if prescribed by a physician. It would seem self-evident that sugar pills should fall into this category, and that’s exactly what we may soon see.
Australia is another country with a fairly comprehensive public healthcare system that is also facing economic challenges and the desire to use its resources more efficiently. It also has a complex system in which the public insurance program (Medicare) is supplemented by private insurance which covers the cost of treatments and service that are not publicly funded. The risk to good care (and choosing wisely) is that there are often fewer incentives to reduce inappropriate costs from private plans, because those costs can be passed right back to the insured, typically in the form of higher premiums.
The Australian government recently undertook a review of natural products covered by private health insurance. It did this for two main reasons: The first was to ensure that private insurance plans were paying for “clinically proven” treatment. The second was based on concerns about tax dollars being used to subsidize ineffective treatments. The government provides a rebate on private insurance, and questions were raised about the extent to which the government was effectively subsidizing “natural” therapies that were not supported by good evidence yet were still being paid for through insurance. So in 2012 the government announced a review of natural treatments to determine if these therapies were effective, safe, and provided good value for money. Perhaps not surprisingly, the report has concluded:
The Private Health Insurance Rebate will be paid for insurance products that cover natural therapy services only where the Chief Medical Officer finds there is clear evidence they are clinically effective.
Such clear evidence has not been found.
The Review of the Australian Government Rebate on Natural Therapies for Private Health Insurance
The reality with many “natural” remedies is that there is often a lack of good evidence with which to evaluate them. Consequently, we’re often left with an “absence of evidence” rather than evidence that points clearly in one direction or another. (This gets to the distinction of evidence-based medicine from science-based medicine). In this review, the authors did not consider plausibility (a problem I will come back to), but looked only for direct evidence, drawing a very strict definition:
- The data set was limited to systematic reviews (i.e., reviews of trials) published in the last 5 years. However, the authors noted that most reviews searched for all potentially relevant primary studies, without date limitations. They also considered literature submitted by stakeholders. Upon examination, both were felt to be low-quality evidence.
- Searches were limited to the English language (which might limit the evidence base for some therapies).
The major problem with this approach was summarized by the authors as part of the quality assessment, and they noted the following:
- A lack of randomized controlled trials. Even trials reported as RCTs didn’t contain enough information to demonstrate that they were truly randomized.
- Poor comparators. Often trials were designed to make the assessment of a particular “natural therapy” impossible.
- Lack of power. Studies were underpowered and not designed to actually answer the question being asked.
- Lack of blinding. With most trials measuring subjective effects, blinding the investigator and the patient was critical. This was rarely observed. It was also observed that some therapies are very difficult, if not impossible, to truly blind (e.g., massage).
What was reviewed?
In three cases, the review had to modify its approach. Multi-modality therapies, like herbalism or naturopathy, needed to be studied differently. One topic, Ayurveda (natural medicine with Indian roots) was dropped owing to the diversity of the treatments and the requirement to translate data. Four others (hypnotherapy, biochemistry, nutrition and psychotherapy) were also dropped as it wasn’t clear which aspects of these therapies were “natural therapies”.
I’ve been blogging for years, but some of these therapies were new to me:
The evidence
Alexander technique
Alexander technique is a type of physical therapy that aims to improve movement and correct posture, with the goal of improving health and reducing pain. Invented by Frederick Matthias Alexander, the process seems to encompass elements of mindfulness in the practice. Nine systematic reviews were identified, but the overall evidence base was poor. The reviewers concluded that the Alexander technique may be effective in improving pain and disability of low back pain in the short term (up to 3 months) but the long-term effectiveness of Alexander technique was unclear. There was insufficient evidence for other conditions to draw any conclusions.
Aromatherapy uses essential oils with the intent of delivering a medicinal effect. It’s used as part of massage therapy, but also on its own. The main uses are to treat stress and anxiety, but the oils are also thought to help reduce pain and nausea. Proponents make very wild claims about the effectiveness of aromatherapy of essential oils, but the actual evidence is lacking. There was limited, low-quality evidence to suggest aromatherapy may be effective in reducing anxiety and agitation in patients with dementia, and possibly in reducing generalised anxiety in some other situations, such as before health-care procedures. However, this observation emerged from data that was judged to be of poor quality. The overall effectiveness and relevance of aromatherapy for these uses felt to be unclear. The effect of aromatherapy on health outcomes with other conditions remains uncertain.
Bowen therapy
Bowen therapy is a form of physical manipulation/massage/bodywork that is described as a soft-tissue remedial therapy or a form of bodywork that primarily focuses on the myofascia. Therapists use their fingers and thumbs to apply gentle rolling movements over muscles, tendons, and connective tissues. Invented by Australian Thomas Ambrose Bowen which he described as a “gift from god”, you can learn to offer Bowen therapy over a weekend. When the limited data were considered, it was concluded that there was insufficient evidence to make any conclusions about the safety or efficacy of Bowen therapy.
Buteyko (the Buteyko method) is a breathing technique developed in Russia for the treatment of asthma. It involves shallow breathing, through the nose, with breath-holding at the end of the exhalation. It is promoted as a treatment for respiratory disorders. It was invented by Konstantin Buteyko in a moment of inspiration when he was dazzled by a bright light (I’m starting to see a pattern here). The quality of the evidence for Buteyko is low. None of the evidence reviewed demonstrated that the Buteyko breathing technique improves pulmonary function, asthma symptoms or quality of life in adults. There is weak evidence that it may decrease bronchodilator use compared with inactive controls, however.
The Feldenkrais method was invented by Moshe Feldenkrais. It is a gentle form physical therapy that focuses on breath, posture, and movement. What the Feldenkrais technique promises is vague and seems to revolve around nonspecific “wellness” rather than any objective effects. While several systematic reviews were found, few contained any RCTs. Data quality, again, was poor. Overall, the effectiveness of Feldenkrais for the improvement of health outcomes in people with any clinical condition was felt to be uncertain.
Herbalism/western herbalism
Herbalism was the basis of modern pharmacology and involves the use of plants and plant-derived substances as medicine. The report identified three main types of herbalism: Chinese, Ayurvedic and “western”. Herbals treatments can be administered in many ways – not just orally. This review looked at the overall effectiveness of herbalism – not just herbal remedies, as the question facing the review was the funding of herbalists as an insured service. Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine were excluded from the review as they were determined to be out of scope. No systematic reviews were found. While there is considerable research on individual plants and products, there was no data on the overall effects of herbalism, and the process of “individualized” treatments as provided by herbalists. Given herbalism is effectively the provision of impure drugs and chemical combinations, the authors noted the significant potential for adverse events with herbalism, particularly when herbal remedies are combined with drug products.
Homeopathy is an elaborate system of placebos where most homeopathic “remedies” contain no active ingredients at all, invented 200 years ago by German physician Samuel Hahnemann. Based on the idea that “like cures like” (which is a form of sympathetic magic) and the belief that sequentially diluting a substance will increase its effect (because the water has a “memory” of the substance), most remedies are inert. The authors looked at the National Health and Medical Research Council report as part of this review. They noted that there is little high-quality evidence, the available evidence is not compelling, and overall fails to demonstrate that homeopathy is an effective treatment for any condition.
Iridology is an alternative health practice that is based on the belief that medical conditions manifest in the iris. Examining the iris is thought to bring insights about overall health as well as specific organs and body functions. Iridology is prescientific pseudoscience, yet is used by iridologists, naturopaths and homeopaths for diagnostic purposes. No systematic reviews were identified that have studied iridology, signaling there is a lack of evidence to demonstrate any effectiveness for the practice.
Kinesiology is the study of body movement that identifies factors that block the body’s “natural healing process”. It is more commonly referred to as “applied kinesiology (AK) or specialized kinesiology, which should be distinguished from the science-based use of the term kinesiology, which refers to studies of mechanics and anatomy. (This portion of the review was poorly done and confusing to parse, as it did not distinguish clearly between the different practices that may be called kinesiology.) AK was invented by chiropractor George Goodheart and is a combination of chiropractic, acupuncture and western biomechanics. Applied kinesiology is pure pseudoscience. Dysfunctions found in AK are addressed by focusing on acupressure points and other specific body movements. The literature search found only a single systematic review on the topic of applied or specialised kinesiology. Not surprisingly, it was observed that there is a lack of evidence showing AK is effective for any condition.
Massage therapy
The term massage therapy or myotherapy encompasses a number of different manual therapies, and this review included remedial massage, sports therapy massage, deep tissue massage, myofascial release, therapeutic massage, myotherapy, lymphatic drainage, traditional Thai massage and Swedish massage. Systematic reviews were sought for any form of massage therapy. This was an extensive review and the data search results for each type of massage therapy are outlined in detail. Overall, the data was found to be of low quality. It’s important to acknowledge that like other manual therapies, blinding for providers and patients is difficult, as is data collection, as most outcomes are patient-reported, subjective measures.
The reviewers noted that there is a lack of good-quality evidence that examines the effectiveness of massage therapy for many conditions, and is actually inconclusive/uncertain for 29 clinical conditions it assessed. There is mixed but promising evidence for low back pain, and for reducing the length of stay in pre-term infants. There were some specific recommendations made about future research which I think are worth noting, as they point to the number of variables that may affect the effectiveness of massage therapy, and our ability to assess it:
In practice, massage therapists often combine various treatment modalities or techniques within a single session, and may also treat patients over longer periods of time than those assessed in an RCT. To allow for more firm and conclusive statements about the effectiveness of massage therapy for a particular clinical condition, more rigorous, multicentre, and well-designed clinical studies assessing the effectiveness of massage therapy for a particular patient population are required. RCTs need to combine treatment approaches so as to properly reflect the way that massage therapy is applied in practice. Also, there is little data about what constitutes an effective massage therapy session. Further research is required regarding optimal treatment parameters such as number of sessions or duration of sessions required, combined with longer-term follow-up of patients to assess the long-term effectiveness of massage therapy. Similarly, further high-quality research is required that reflects the way that myotherapists use various touch and equipment-based interventions in practice, to enable the effectiveness of this therapy to be assessed.
As has been noted many times on this blog, naturopathy is an alternative medicine practice that encompasses a variety of modalities including homeopathy, herbal medicine, and Traditional Chinese Medicine. “Vitalism” is the belief that living beings have a “life force” not found in inanimate objects; as a concept vitalism was disproved by Wöhler in 1828. Despite this, the idea remains the central dogma of naturopathy and informs much of its practice. Naturopathic treatment ideas are all grounded in the idea of restoring this “energy”, rather than being based on objective science. Naturopaths can use conventional medicine as part of their practice, but this tends to occur only when its use aligns with the naturopathic belief system. This review focused on the overall effectiveness of naturopathy and naturopathic practitioners, rather than individual remedies or treatments, some of which are covered separately in the report (e.g., homeopathy, which is a “clinical science” in naturopathy). The reviewers found a single systematic review as an unpublished abstract. Conditions studied included cardiovascular disease, multiple sclerosis, anxiety and various types of musculoskeletal pain. There was no data on acute conditions. The overall quality of the evidence was rated as low. It wasn’t clear if this data was generalizable, as the studies were North American, where many states (and Canadian provinces) licence naturopaths. Naturopathy is unregulated in Australia. While the reviewers concluded that there is some evidence to suggest that naturopathy as a service is effective in improving patient health for a range of chronic conditions, there were numerous limitations noted with that data. And as regular readers to the blog will know, the evidence demonstrating that naturopathy is effective is lacking.
Pilates is an exercise practice that is said to benefit health through improvements in strength, coordination, balance, flexibility, proprioception, range of motion, body definition, and muscle symmetry. It focuses on the body’s core muscles, as well as posture. Invented by Joe Pilates, there are over 500 exercises that may be done on the floor or using specialized equipment. Despite the popularity of Pilates, there is little published evidence that examines its efficacy. A search found 10 systematic reviews that included 18 unique RCTs. Conditions studied included obesity, breast cancer, strength/balance and falls prevention, low back pain, and stress urinary incontinence. Overall the data was quite limited, even for the conditions studied. The authors concluded that the effectiveness of Pilates for the conditions studied was uncertain. The most favourable interpretation was that Pilates may offer some benefit for low back pain, but even this tentative conclusion was limited by poor data quality.
Reflexology is the practice of applying pressure to the feet in the belief that points on the soles correspond to different organs and locations in the body overall. This type of massage is believed to release “blockages” and stimulate healing. Reflexology is another alternative medicine practice that is pure pseudoscience. Like iridology above, reflexology is a homonculus, or mapping-based system. Not surprisingly, this review found a lack of data and concluded that the effectiveness of reflexology was uncertain for all conditions that were assessed.
Rolfing is another form of manual therapy (sometimes referred to as structural integration) that is used to treat different health conditions, both musculoskeletal and non-musculoskeletal in nature. It seems to have elements of massage, yet focuses on the fascia and seems to veer more into beliefs about “energy medicine”. Rolfing was invented in the 1950s by Ida Pauline Rolf who claimed to identify a correlation between muscular tension and emotions. While anecdotal claims of effectiveness exist, there is a lack of published evidence that has critically examined Rolfing. The review concluded that there is a lack of evidence effectiveness of Rolfing for any clinical condition. Consequently, the safety, quality and/or cost-effectiveness of Rolfing could not be determined.
Shiatsu is a form of massage therapy that incorporates acupressure, with origins in Japan. Shiatsu is considered a gentle massage (unlike Rolfing) where pressure is applied to over 150 pressure points on the body. Its aim is to restore and “balance” “energy flows” in the body. Practitioners may also use other treatments, such as moxibustion, cupping, food as medicine and judo therapy/tai chi/qi gong. The researchers found no systematic reviews for shiatsu for any condition, so were unable to draw any conclusions about its effectiveness or safety. They noted that the lack of evidence makes it difficult for consumers and others to make informed assessments of this therapy.
Tai chi
Tai chi, taiji or taijiquan is a mind/body exercise that involves slow, flowing movements. It has origins in China as a martial art and is based on Confucian and Buddhist philosophies. It is thought that tai chi can balance the body’s yin and yang and the overall “life force” or “qi”. While there are several variants of tai chi, all use slow movements and focused breathing techniques. There is a substantial evidence base for tai chi: The authors found 37 systematic reviews that included 117 unique RCTs, and almost 9,000 participants across 16 clinical conditions. Overall, the quality of the evidence was not good however. The reviewers concluded that there was low-quality evidence to suggest that tai chi may have some beneficial health effects compared to control for some conditions. However, owing to the dearth of good data, the magnitude of any benefit was not clear. Tai chi is well tolerated, and the reviewers concluded it could be considered a safe treatment in the populations studied.
Yoga is a traditional Indian mind and body practice that involves a combination of physical postures, breathing techniques and meditation or relaxation. Depending on the form of yoga, there may be elements of stretching, strengthening and mediation. While spiritual elements are important components of traditional yoga, it is more popular as a form of exercise that ignores many of these elements. The reviewers found 67 reviews, 59 of which contained a total of 111 unique RCTs of yoga. The evidence base is limited by small, poor-quality studies that were poorly reported, making interpretation difficult. Consequently, the reviewers could only identify that there is weak evidence that yoga improves symptoms in people with depression compared with control. There was insufficient information available for other conditions.
Conclusion: Absence of evidence and plausibility
A comprehensive Australian review has found that there is a uniform lack of good quality clinical evidence to support the use of 17 different “natural” treatments. While absence of evidence is not the same as evidence of absence, the lack of good data to demonstrate efficacy suggests that these practices cannot be considered evidence-based. While this report gives a comprehensive summary of the current evidence, it is not without its problems. These therapies vary widely in their plausibility. On one end, iridology and homeopathy are pure pseudoscience. Pilates, yoga, and tai chi, however, are physical exercise which are admittedly difficult to evaluate in RCTs, yet are much more likely to have the potential to be beneficial. It’s here that a more clear science-based medicine filter would have been useful, something that the authors seem to acknowledge in their comments on the report, where plausibility is mentioned as a potential guide for future research. Given the very rigorous evidence bar it established, it is likely that insurance subsidies for these 17 treatments may end as a consequence of this review.
This is a cross-post from Science-Based Medicine. Comments are open there.
Photo via flickr user James Deacon used under a CC licence.