Nov 012019

Dengue is a mosquito-borne disease that is caused by ‘Aedes Aegypti Mosquito’ that spreads DEN virus. The mosquito is a primary vector that transmits the virus that causes dengue. This virus is passed on to humans through the bites of an infective female Aedes mosquito; any other mosquito becomes infected when it bites a person with dengue virus in their blood. It is the fastest-growing disease across the world.

Ayurvedic Home Remedies To Cure Dengue | Ayushakti Ayurved

The early symptoms include rashes on skin due to mosquito bite, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, nausea, vomiting, high fever, etc. If the fever lasts for more than a week and goes up to 104F, then the person should consult a doctor immediately. If ignored, the symptoms may worsen and can become life-threatening. It can damage the blood vessels, reduce the white platelets, give you severe abdominal pain, make you vomit, cause internal bleeding, make breathing difficult and make you feel fatigued. Severe dengue can damage the lungs, liver or heart, which can also lead to death.

However, there is no specific medication or home remedies for dengue, but one should seek medical advice after observing similar symptoms. But some Ayurveda methods can overcome the symptoms of dengue. Ayurvedic herbs are the safest medicines to treat any kind of diseases, that too without any side-effects. Ayurvedic herbs can boost immunity & can increase platelets.

Here are some home remedies that can help in the relief from dengue:

  • Drink one teaspoon Papaya leaves juice twice a day
  • Drink half a glass of Pomegranate juice twice a day
  • Chew 10-15 fresh Tulsi (holy basil) leaves daily to strengthen the body’s immunity
  • Drink Ginger tea to improve appetite

Along with the above remedies, one can take Ayushakti’s D-Vyro tablets. It is a combination of herbs like Tinospora Cordifolia (Guduchi) that boosts liver function and improves immunity, antivirals like Pomegranate Peel, immuno-stimulant Andrographis Paniculata (Kalmegh) which blocks the viruses from spreading, Solanum Xanthocarpum (Kantakari), Ginger that targets respiratory and liver infections, Hollarrhena Antidysenterica (Kutaj), Holy Basil (Tulsi) which modulates immunity preventing and bringing relief from both viral and bacterial infections.

Ayushakti D-Vyro | Ayurvedic Medicine For Dengue

Apart from the above medication, there are certain measures that you need to take care of like proper solid waste disposal & proper water storage practice, boiling the water before drinking, covering the containers with a lid, throwing away old water stored in pots or balcony to avoid mosquito breeding, using mosquito net while sleeping, keeping your surroundings clean & dry.

Want to read more home remedies and ayurvedic tips for good health? Follow Ayushakti on Medium and read our Ayurveda related articles that will provide you the best ayurvedic home remedies and tips for chronic diseases, viral infections, healthy lifestyle, etc. You may also follow Ayushakti on YouTube for regular updates about ayurvedic treatments and health tips. If you have any questions, queries or doubts about health, lifestyle or Ayurveda, Ayushakti is there on Quora to assist you. Simply head over to Ayushakti’s Quora profile and ask us your question. Our Ayurveda experts will guide you with the best suggestions and tips.

Ayushakti is a global leader in providing ayurvedic treatments for any type of health problems, chronic ailments, and viral infections. Ayushakti’s proven ayurvedic therapies have helped thousands of people in relieving their ailments like asthma, diabetes, arthritis, psoriasis, acidity, infertility, cold-cough, obesity, hair fall, blood pressure, thyroid, etc. Visit to know more and to book an appointment online. Find the nearest Ayushakti Clinic simply by searching ‘Ayushakti’ on Google! You may contact us on our toll-free numbers 18002663001 (India) & +18002800906 (Global) or email us at for more details.

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Jul 102018

According to Ayurveda, during monsoon, Vata (air) is aggravated and pitta (heat) is accumulated in the body. Too much humidity creates fermentation and acidic mucous or a cough and congestion. During monsoon, many people suffer from vomiting and diarrhea because of high pitta or a cough and congestion because of humidity. By the end of monsoon, many people start feeling a lot of gas formation or joint pain, because of aggravated Vata (air).

How to balance your Prakruti during Monsoon to stay Healthy?

1. For cough, cold and congestion:

Diet: Avoid taking wheat items and milk.
Home remedy:

  • Fresh Basil leaves – 20
  • Cinnamon sticks – 1 inch long
  • Black peppercorns crushed – 3
  • Fresh ginger crushed – 2 inches long
  • Fresh turmeric – 2 inches long (or 1 tsp. turmeric powder)
  • Jaggery (optional) – as a sweetener
  • Water – 4 cups
  • Boil the ingredients in water and reduce it to two cups. Filter and drink warm, 3-4 times a day.

2. For vomiting and acidic feeling :

Diet: Avoid spicy, sour and fermented foods and pickles.
Home remedy:

  • Black Raisins (Manuka) 20 Nos.
  • Liquorice (Jeshtimadhu) powder ½ Tsp.
  • Mirobalan (Amla) powder 1 Tsp.
  • Cumin seed (Jeera) powder ½ Tsp.
  • Fennel seed (Badi saunf) powder ½ Tsp.
  • Dry Ginger (Sont) powder ¼ Tsp.
  • Cardamom (Elaichi) powder ¼ Tsp.

Soak black resins in one glass of water overnight. In the morning, smash the raisins well and filter. Add all other ingredients in the filtered raisins water and drink in the morning on empty stomach.

3. For Diarrhea:

Diet: Stay on khichadi

Home remedy: Pomegranate juice (3-4 glasses daily).

4. For Joint Pain:


Diet: Avoid wheat, maida, fried and fermented foods, red meat. Have lots of vegetables.

Home remedy:

  • 1 tsp cumin seed powder
  • 1/2 tsp dry ginger powder
  • 1/4 tsp ajwain seed powder
  • 1/2 tsp Black Salt
  • 1 pinch of asafetida
  • Mix well in half a glass of water and drink 2-3 times a day.

General Dietary Guide Lines for Monsoon


Spice up your food, not just with chillies, or by reducing the chillies. Use garlic, ginger, cumin, coriander, asafetida, turmeric. Keep the gas away and the keep the immune system normal.

Many people get swelling in the body during monsoon. Hence, avoid wheat, rice, and sour food, as they create more swelling.

  • Have more of Mung Daal, Chickpea lentil, Oats, Corn, Ragi, Khichadi, Millet Rottis.
  • Vegetables like snake gourd, bottle gourd, green gourd, soft gourd, pumpkins.
  • Fruits: Seasonal fruits like pomegranate, apple, litchi, cherry, Banana, papaya.

Good Lifestyle

  • Fasting 3-5 days in a month only with mung and vegetable is very much recommended.
  • Once a week, follow only-water fasting. This burns all the toxins and keeps digestive fire active.

These were some proven natural monsoon health care tips which can safeguard your body.
Stay safe this monsoon, with our monsoon health care tips, backed by the power of Ayurveda!

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