Oct 052020

With the change of seasons and the arrival of cooler and shorter days, the wisdom of Chinese medicine offers us some helpful suggestions for staying healthy during this time of year.

According to Chinese medicine, keeping the lungs strong and healthy is especially important during the fall. Taking walks outside and breathing exercises strengthen the lungs. Protecting yourself from becoming chilled, particularly by wearing a scarf around the neck, is a good illness prevention measure as wind and cold are said to be “the cause of 100 diseases.” Grief is the emotion associated with the lungs, so finding ways to deal with grief such as by allowing yourself to cry, talking with a trusted person about how you feel, getting an acupuncture treatment and/or doing some self-massage and breathing exercises (here’s a great video!) can help you process and move through grief in a healthy way.

Certain types of foods and drinks have beneficial health properties for us during the fall season. In particular, there are several that are warming in nature, aiding in blood circulation and boosting immune function. Warming spices such as cinnamon, ginger, garlic, onion and scallions are especially beneficial for people who tend to become chilled easily. Try a hot Chai tea, adding some cinnamon to oatmeal, or cooking a delicious soup or dish with garlic, onions and/or scallions.

Pears are beneficial particularly when steamed or lightly cooked to relieve cough and cold symptoms. They reduce coughing and excessive mucous/phlegm production while moistening and soothing the throat. They’re also generally good as a tonic for the lungs, so they’re a great choice to eat even when you’re not experiencing any upper respiratory symptoms.

Consuming more cooked vegetables and less raw foods such as salads strengthens the digestion and overall health during this time of year.

Enjoy the season and stay healthy!

Justine Myers, Lic. Ac.

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Jun 102019

These days, symptoms like fatigue, unexpected weight gain, intolerance to cold, muscle aches and cramps, poor appetite or Goiter (enlarged thyroid gland) are very common among men and women. If you are having any of these symptoms, there are high chances that you might be suffering from Hypothyroidism, commonly known as ‘Thyroid.’ According to Ayurveda, the thyroid is located in the 6th tissue level or Majjadhatu and butterfly gland is controlled by Pitta Dosha. Pitta is responsible for all of the metabolic actions carried out by the thyroid gland.

Thyroid Hormones | Ayurvedic Treatment For Thyroid

Thyroid hormones control most metabolic processes in the body. They are produced by the thyroid gland located in the anterior (front) part of the neck. These hormones affect many organs and biochemical systems in your body.

Hypothyroidism | Thyroid Hormones | Ayurvedic Treatment For Thyroid

In Allopathy, Hypothyroidism is explained as Hashimoto’s disease which is an auto immune condition where your immune system attacks your thyroid. The thyroid gland is a part of your endocrine system, which produces hormones that coordinate many of your body’s functions.

As per Ayurveda, blockage in the Rasavaha Srotas as pituitary and thyroid and any other functions are part of Rasavaha system. Aama and Kapha blockage with Ojas imbalance creates under-active thyroid.

Initially, when TSH is higher but T3 T4 is good, doctor would always follow wait and watch approach. If you start Ayushakti’s ayurvedic treatment for thyroid at this stage, you can keep the thyroid function active, so that you will not need take any thyroid medication.

Some of the common symptoms of hypothyroidism & Hashimoto include:

  • Fatigue and sluggishness
  • Increased sensitivity to cold
  • Constipation
  • Pale, dry skin
  • A puffy face
  • Brittle nails
  • Hair loss
  • Enlargement of the tongue
  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness
  • Joint pain and stiffness
  • Muscle weakness, Excessive or prolonged menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia)
  • Depression, Memory lapses


Ayushakti’s approach to treat thyroid naturally is to improve the metabolism and balance the immune system which makes thyroid hormone balance naturally and reduces anti-thyroid antibody. The diet, life style, herbs and detox therapies help relieve all the hypothyroid symptoms like panic, exhaustion, bloating of the body, indigestion, nervousness and anxiety, dryness of skin and hair etc.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Hypothyroidism | Ayurvedic Treatment For Thyroid

To balance thyroid function naturally, Ayushakti recommends detox treatment with customized diet. In general, your food proportion should be 60% Vegetables, 30% protein and 10% carbohydrates. Food items like dairy products, red meat and wheat, sour and fermented foods should be completed stopped and you should include more of green vegetables and mung in your diet.


One can also try the below mentioned home remedy to treat thyroid naturally.

  1. Make one glass juice from Carrot, beetroot, pomegranate or apple juice.
  2. Add one table spoon fresh turmeric juice or one teaspoon of turmeric powder with ¼ teaspoon of black pepper powder in it
  3. Drink this daily every morning on an empty stomach.

If you are suffering from severe thyroid, Ayushakti’s recommend herbs like Suhruday, Ojas, Niramay and Granthihar, which helps to balance thyroid.

Ojas (for immune balancing)- Contain extracts of herbs like Haldi, Guduchi, Yashtimadhu and Shatavari

Ayushakti Ojas | Ayurvedic Medicine For Thyroid | Ayushakti Herbal Medicines

Suhruday (for metabolic balance)- Contain herbs like Pushkarmool, Guggul, Amlavetas, Chitrak, Chavya, Arjun, Karchur and Jaharmohra Pisti

Ayushakti Suhruday | Ayurvedic Medicine For Thyroid | Ayushakti Herbal Medicines

Niramay (anti-oxidant)- Contain extracts of herbs like Brahmi, Ashwagandha, Yashtimadhu, Amlaki and Shunti

Ayushakti Niramay | Ayurvedic Medicine For Thyroid | Ayushakti Herbal Medicines

Granthihar (If there is inflammation and nodules)- Contain herbs like Shuddha Guggul, Kulinjan, Bharangi, Shunti, Punarnava, Kanchanar, Triphala and Trikatu

Ayushakti Granthihar | Ayurvedic Medicine For Thyroid | Ayushakti Herbal Medicines

These herbs as a combination helps to calm down and balance the immune system by improving Rasavaha Strotas functions as thyroid functions are part of Rasavaha channel. In just couple of months, most people experience reduction in swelling, good digestion, stable emotions. Within couple of years, they see positive change in their thyroid functions.

Ayushakti Ayurved has 30 years of excellence in providing proven health services worldwide with 100% safe and effective ayurvedic products.

Visit http://bit.ly/2X6XcD1 to know more about Ayushakti’s ayurvedic treatment for thyroid. You can book an appointment with us by calling on our toll-free numbers 1800 266 3001 (India) and 1800 280 0906 (Global) or by emailing us at info@ayushakti.com

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Nov 282017


Digestion is the process by which the food you ingest is broken down into a simpler and absorbable form. According to Ayurveda, Agni is considered as the key factor for digestion and it is responsible for good health of an individual and Ayurvedic medicine for indigestion aims at correcting the agni.

The definition of health in ayurveda goes like this “Samadosha, samagni, samadhatu malakriyah Prasannatma indriya manah swastha ityabhidhiyate”- Sushruta.

A person is said to be healthy when there is balance in his doshas (Vata, pitta and kapha), metabolic factors (agni),  tissues(dhatus), excretory products (malas) and harmony in mental factors like senses  (indriyas), mind (manas) and the soul (atma). This signifies the role of agni in maintenance of normal health.

What are the different types of digestive fire or Agni?

In Ayurveda, there is description of 13 types of agni in the human body:

  • Jatharagni – Jatharagni is the biological fire in the body which is responsible for digestion of food which you eat. It is only one and is present in the abdominal region.
  • Bhutagni – Bhutagni refers to the agni attributed to each panchamahabhutas ( Akasa, Vayu, Agni, Jala and Prithvi). The food we eat is made up of five elements and even our body, this bhutagni transfers the energy from the food to your body into simplest form and support the panchamahabutas in your system. .It is five in number.
  • Dhatvagni – Dhatvagni refers to tissue metabolism. According to Ayurveda, our body is made up of seven dhatus- Body fluids like lymph (Rasa),Blood and its components (Rakta ), Muscular system (Mamsa), adipose or fat tissue (Meda),Skeletal system ( Asthi), Bone marrow(Majja ) and reproductive system(Shukra Dhatu). The nutrients absorbed from the intestine is processed in each of these system by respective dhatvagnis for their nourishment, proper functioning and development. It is seven in number.

Jatharagni is further divided into 4 types according to the dosha dominance and intensity of  agni:

  • Vishama Agni Dominance of vata dosha manifests vishamagni in an individual. It is characterised by varying or irregular digesting capacity. Sometimes the digestion will be fast and good, sometimes it will be slow and weak.
  • Teekshna Agni– Dominance of pitta dosha manifests teekshna agni. It is characterised by intense and quick digestive capacity. Whatever you eat gets digested very soon and it starts burning the body tissues leading to weakness.
  • Manda Agni- Dominance of kapha dosha results in mandagni. Majority of the diseases are characterized by mandagni. In this digestion is very slow and sluggish.

Ayurveda quotes that “sarve rogaapi mandagnau sudaraamudarani cha”  which means all the diseases are due to the mandagni and it starts from the abdominal region. Thus agni plays an inevitable role in the ayurvedic treatment and those herbs that have the property of agni deepana and pachana (appetizing and carminative -metabolic properties) are included as ayurvedic medicine for indigestion.

  • Sama Agni- Balance in all the doshas manifests sama agni. It is responsible for healthy development and normal functioning of the body. In this the digestion is neither slow nor fast.

How do you identify that you have indigestion?

Sounds silly! But one may neglect any of these symptoms usually:

  • Acidity, sour belching
  • Bitter or sour taste in the mouth.
  • Constipation or diarrhoea
  • The smell of food while burping.
  • Bloating or gas in the abdomen.
  • Stomach pain/pricking sensation
  • Discomfort or fullness in the upper part of the abdomen.
  • Fatigue.
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea / vomiting.

What causes indigestion?

Before anybody takes any Ayurvedic medicine for indigestion one should know the cause.

    • Are you Skipping breakfast,eating a late night dinner or taking food at irregular timing?
    • Are you over eating or eating before the previously consumed food is digested?
    • Are you a drinking large amount of water or juice immediately after food?
    • Do you drink a lot?
    • Do you take leftovers, refrigerated or frozen foods?
    • Do you Eat too fast or slow, eating while driving, standing, just before going to shower?
    • Do you consume either dry or oily (deep fried) foods very often or foods prepared after soaking for longer duration in water and very spicy foods?
    • Are you emotionally disturbed?
      • “The food you eat can be either the safest medicine and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison”– Ann Wigmore.

What are the different types of indigestion (Ajirna)?

    • Vistabdha ajirna caused due to vitiation of vata dosha. It is characterized by pain abdomen, bloated stomach or gaseous distension, pain all over the body, fatigue, non elimination of stools and flatus.
    • Vidagdha ajirna caused due to vitiation of pitta dosha. It cause burning sensation in the chest and throat region, different kinds of pain, increased feeling of thirst, sour eructation or belching, tiredness, fainting and giddiness.
    • Ama ajirna caused due to vitiation of kapha dosha. The feature of this are puffiness of around the eyes and face, frothy and increased salivation in the mouth, nausea, repeated belching having the smell of the food you ate and feeling of heaviness in the body.
    • Vilambika – caused due to vitiation of kapha and vata along with accumulation of ama. Person suffering with this, feels very lazy and discomfort in the chest region.
    • Rasa sesha ajirna This is caused due to heavy and late night dinner. In this, you will feel that the food consumed last night is not digested when you wake up in the morning.

What is ama according to ayurveda?

In Ayurveda there is a concept called Ama, which is considered as the main reason for majority of the diseases. Ama is a toxic substance formed due to any of the above said ajirna. This ama is circulated all over the body through minute channels and gets lodged in different parts of the body causing diseases.Constipation is common for all types of ajirna and it is the sign of weak digestion. Ama pachana (metabolising the toxins) is the first step in Ayurvedic treatment for indigestion.

What are the Characteristics of good digestion (Jeerna ahara lakshana)?

  • Clear belching without any smell or taste of the food.
  • Feeling energetic devoid of heaviness and lethargy.
  • Proper and timely elimination of waste products devoid of constipation and loose stools.
  • Sense of lightness.
  • Feels hungry and thirsty after stipulated time.

How to manage indigestion at home?

Ayurvedic treatment for indigestion with home remedies:

  • The first line of treatment for all types of indigestion is fasting (Langhana) . Skip the meal if you feel your previous food is not digested and eat only when you feel hungry.
  • If you are feeling nauseous or vomiting, vomit it out. Never suppress the sensation by taking antiemetic drugs. To ease vomiting, you can drink 2 large glasses of lukewarm water with ½ spoon of rock salt.
  • A pinch of sendha salt with a spoon of lemon juice and ginger juice taken together cures indigestion and increases appetite and taste perception.

Home remedies for Abdominal Pain

  • If you are having pain and gaseous distension of the abdomen, keep hot water bag on your abdomen for few minutes.
  • Chew ½ tsp of jeera with pinch of salt and asafoetida, followed by cup of hot water.
  • Dry roast equal quantity of fennel seeds, coriander seeds and jeera. Grind to a fine powder and take ½ tsp of this powder with warm water thrice a day.
  • Boil 1 tsp of ajwain in 1 liter of water, fill it in a flask and keep sipping this water often.

An ayurvedic medicine for indigestion is not required will not be required for a person who consumes cumin seeds, asafoetida and ajwain on a daily basis.

5 Important must Do’s for a good digestion:

  1. Chew food properly while eating.
  2. Always prefer light food and in moderate quantity. It is advisable to eat only 3/4th of your stomach capacity, never eat full stomach.
  3. Regularly use jeera, pepper, asafoetida, garlic and ginger in your cooking.
  4. Drink water sip by sip along with the meal. Always luke warm water is preferred if you have weak digestion.
  5. Chew a small piece of fresh ginger with pinch of salt just before meals.

How to Naturally Improve Your Appetite and Digestion? Read here

6 Important Things you should NOT DO for Improving Digestion:

  1. Do not take the food stuffs that are incompatible to one another (viruddhahar). See the infographic below on viruddhahar to know about the incompatible food combinations. None of the ayurvedic medicine for indigestion works if a person is continuously taking viruddhahar.
  2. Do not indulge in raw salads. Uncooked foods are difficult to digest. Take soups instead.
  3. Do not eat food if you are not hungry.
  4. Do not consume cold food or reheated food.
  5. Do not take curd  if your digestion is weak. Opt for buttermilk instead.
  6. Do not eat with an anxious, fearful and depressive mind.


Ayurvedic medicine for indigestion (Ajirna)

  • Churnas – Hingvastak churna, trikatu churna, vaishvanara churna.
  • Vatis – Chitrakadi vati, agnitundi vati
  • Kashayas – Usually in weak digestion kashayas are not preferred. one may be given Gandharvahasthadi kashayam, Indukantham kashayam according to the nature of indigestion.
  • Arista –  Dasamoolajeerakarishta,, pippalyasavam and ajamoda arka. In children, Aravindasavam is ideal choice as an ayurvedic medicine for indigestion.

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