Aug 052019

Ever wondered if you have a food intolerance? Do you often suspect that something that you are eating is not quite agreeing with you? Do you get digestive upsets but can’t quite put your finger on what is causing it? Perhaps you are suffering from low energy, brain fog and skin conditions.

It may just be that you are suffering from food intolerances.

Food intolerances occur when your body has an abnormal reaction to certain foods. Symptoms of food intolerances can vary from person to person, and the symptoms are not limited to the digestive system. Common symptoms of food intolerance can include –

  • Bloating
  • Diarrhoea
  • Constipation
  • IBS
  • Cramping
  • Fatigue
  • Brain Fog
  • Joint Pain
  • Lowered immunity
  • Eczema
  • Asthma
  • Dark circles under the eyes
  • Itchy skin
  • Fluid retention
  • Weight gain
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches and Migraines
  • Runny nose and congestion

While food intolerances are not life threatening, they can cause serious discomfort and can affect quality of life. Food intolerances can appear out of the blue. Sometimes after a period of stress or illness when the digestive and immune systems are weaker. Food intolerances occur when particles of food which is not completely digested come into contact with white cells in the blood. This contact occurs when there is a loss in integrity of the intestinal wall due to inflammation.

 How to test for food intolerances

To test for food intolerances, the gold standard is an elimination and challenge diet. To do this we strip your diet back to a very basic low-allergenic diet and then slowly re-introduce foods one at a time and assess your reaction to each food. This is the method that I employ with my patients and we have great success.

The hard thing about trying to identify food intolerances is that symptoms can appear several days after eating to trigger food.

There are blood tests available for food intolerance testing, however there is just not the science behind these tests to rely on them for complete accuracy. I have used these types of tests in the past, and I often find that patients end up on very restrictive diet, with very little improvement in symptoms. Alternatively I have had test results come back showing no intolerances, yet the symptom picture presenting in the patient clearly indicates that there is some type of food intolerance going on. 

I have a food intolerance, so now what?

Identifying the food intolerance is just one part of the healing process. When we eat foods that we are intolerant, they can cause inflammation and damage to the digestive system. Think of a graze on your arm, this is what can happen to the lining of your intestines. The result of this is a condition called leaky gut.

The lining of the digestive system is sealed nice and tight from the rest of the body. Only select and small molecules are allowed to pass from the digestive system to the bloodstream. When this tight lining gets inflamed it becomes ‘leaky’, meaning molecules that are not supposed to enter the bloodstream, get access.

The result of these molecules entering the bloodstream is an immune response. Immune cells find these molecules and start attacking them as they view them as foreign invaders. The sum of all of this is a very overactive and confused immune system.

Naturopathically we view the core of our health to be based in the digestive system. When the digestive system is out of balance, then the rest of the body will be out of balance.

So if you are ready to start your elimination diet, I have put together a comprehensive guide that you can follow from the comfort of your home.

Click for detailed story

Nov 202017

By Dr. Mahesh Nawal , Sexology

Research shows that not clocking the adequate sleep hours can adversely affect your sex life. If you are sleeping for 5 hours or even less, it is time you take notice and fix the problem. Here are a few ways how lack of sleep can wreak havoc in your sex life:

  • Sexual dysfunction can result from high levels of anxiety and tension which often stems from deprivation.
  • Not sleeping enough also makes you restless and it increases your fatigue levels. This in turn, can lead to lower libido and make you disinterested in sex.
  • Sleep apnea (sleep disorder which is characterized by sudden pauses in breathing) can result in lower testosterone levels, thus potentially marring your drive for sex.
  • Mood swings are symptoms frequently experienced by people with sleep deprivation. You will be prone to outbursts and get irritated by small things. As a result, your ability to tolerate stress declines rapidly. In relationships, this translates into increased friction between you and your partner.
  • Sleep deprivation also makes you want to avoid any social engagement. This, in turn, reduces your chances of meeting other members of the opposite sex.
  • Sleeping less doesn’t allow your body and mind to recuperate properly. This can induce depression and thus, subsequently lead you to be disinterested in sex. It can also make you come across as a very irritable person.

When partners resort to separate bedrooms because of sleeping disorders, it pretty much rules out any opportunity for spontaneous action.

So, it’s important that you take professional help before it’s too late and your relationship falls prey to something which be actually dealt with.

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