Nov 042020

Diabetes is a kind of disease which depends more on the patient than any other factor in successful  Diabetes management. Keeping your blood sugar levels down to normal in the same range as that of people who do not have diabetes is as good as not having diabetes.

Unfortunately there is no “Absolute cure” concept in the management of diabetes. But it makes sense to live with diabetes without any medication which is essentially equivalent to CURE.

Development of type 2 Diabetes, also known as Non insulin dependent Diabetes mellitus is a gradual process. The body initially becomes unable to produce sufficient insulin and/or the body’s cells become resistant to insulin. So the patient goes from having impaired glucose tolerance (a condition where insulin is reduced but still adequate to convert food into energy) to having diabetes.

As soon as a person is diagnosed with diabetes, he may start some kind of rigorous exercise, lose some weight, cut down his carbohydrates and discover that his glucose levels drop down to normal. But this does not mean he is cured of diabetes or is out of danger from its dreaded complications. If he gains back his weight or scales back on his exercise and diet, his blood glucose shoots up. Also the pathology of reduced insulin production and insulin resistance intensifies over a period of time. This makes room not only for a worsened diabetic profile but for all those serious complications like neuropathy, nephropathy and retinopathy.

Scope of Ayurveda treatments in diabetes management & its complications:

As World Diabetes Day is round the corner approaching let us understand the the scope of Ayurveda treatments in managing them.

Ayurveda approach will be planning required cleansing therapies along with medication to reduce or remove dependency on insulin injections and other medications. Focus would be to bring desired results and lessen diabetic complications with herbal replacements and by establishment of new HEALTHY HABITS in life like exercise/Yoga, diet, timely monitoring of the glucose levels, regular medication and frequent sittings with the doctor to analyze and tackle the problems.

Ayurveda has its mark on managing some of the diabetes complications especially:

A wide range of treatments including Sarvanga takradhara, Shashtika shali pinda sweda, Basti(medicated enema) helps in managing the above said complications.

–        Diabetic Neuropathy

–        Diabetic amyotrophy

–        Diabetic foot

–        Post stroke management

–        Diabetic myonecrosis etc..

There is a saying

“Discipline is a gift that Diabetes gives to use as a tool to fight it”

Thus once diabetes has been diagnosed and the initial treatment started, there is a strong need for a planned routine and regular follow up with the doctor to keep it under control and avoid complication.

Diabetes retreat  program –Treatment Duration: 7 days/ 14 days/ 21 days

For more details contact: 8884133300

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May 022019
Beef Rissoles with Sweet Potato Salad Recipe

Who doesn’t love a rissole? They are an Australian staple at any BBQ. This delicious recipe has beef rissoles, served with a grilled sweet potato salad. Make a few extra rissoles and you can make a healthy homemade hamburger for lunch the next day. These rissoles freeze well, so why not make a big batch to have on hand when then next impromptu BBQ is called.

Beef rissoles with sweet potato salad

Cook Time30 mins

Servings: 4


  • 500 gm minced beef organic/grass fed
  • 1 red onion finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup rice crumbs
  • 1 egg
  • sea salt and pepper
  • handful fresh parsley
  • olive oil for cooking
  • 1 medium sweet potato peeled and diced
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes halved
  • 1 cup mixed salad leaves
  • 1/4 cup feta crumbled


  • In a large bowl combine the mince, ¾ of the onion, rice crumbs, egg, salt, pepper and half of the parsley. Use your hands to mix everything together and form them into 4 patties.

  • Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and place the patties in the pan. Cook the patties for 3-5 minutes on each side until they are cooked through.

  • Meanwhile, bring a saucepan of water to the boil and cook the sweet potato for around 10 minutes, or until they are tender.

  • Strain the potato from the water and whilst they are still warm stir the feta gently through the potato so that it melts and forms a creamy dressing. Season the potatoes with sea salt, pepper and remaining parsley.

  • To make the relish add the remaining onion and diced tomato to the pan that the rissoles were cooked in and sauté the tomatoes for a few minutes until they are tender. Season them with a little pepper.

  • Serve the rissoles topped with the relish and a side of sweet potato and salad leaves.

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