Dec 072017

Water is the essence of life. Most of us have come across this rhetorical many a times. Every well-wisher has an opinion or advice to share, each different from the other of course. Why are there so may varied thoughts?

Drinking water is the best way to stay hydrated. Keep aside the hydrating juices, liquids and other stuff. Water is the core for human beings. We cannot survive without water. What could be effect of dehydration? Well, death. While water is essential for life, too much water can also turn detrimental and fatal.

What can be the best way or rather the right way to go about? Let’s Find out!

Water- Nectar of Life

All life forms require water to survive. A human body is made up of 70% water on an average. When we say human body, we denote all the parts; the cells, the glands, the organs and every other component of the human body need water for function.

The brain is made up of 85% water. Any fall in this equilibrium may cause the tissues of the brain to shrink. Water content in blood is 82% and lungs are 90%.

Do you know? Just a 2% drop in the body’s water supply can trigger signs of dehydration. Water is the lubricating oil for the smooth functioning of the engine that is our body.

Right from the moment food enters the body to its final residual excretion, water is a requisite. Water acts as a lubricant in the cartilages and joints gifting us the fluidity in movement. The movement of water within our cellular systems helps to maintain proper body temperature. Water is responsible for the absorption and distribution of nutrition throughout the body. Water is essential to flush out the unwanted toxins from the body as urine, sweat and regular bowel movements.

Going on water fasting for a day, perhaps once a month can bring you miraculous changes in improving your health and immunity.

Nectar indeed!

How much water should you drink?

The most widely circulated recommendation for the quantity of water intake per day is eight glasses, which approximately count to 2 liters.

You can see many charts and calculations to consume specific quantity of water according to your height, weight, etc. But just like any other health requisite, there can be no hard and fast rules as

  • some people live in tropical regions, perspire more, therefore requires more water intake
  • sports person will require more water than an office admin
  • people involved in physical work would require more water

In addition, the body type aka Prakriti also counts on intake of water. If your body type is Pitta (heat) or Vata (air) or combination of any of these, you would need more water intake. Nevertheless, one can always follow a few simple do’s and don’ts to stay out of trouble.


  • Arrange a clean source of water and ensure availability at all times
  • Always carry your water bottle – whether out for a walk or out to work
  • Drink water in sips instead of gulps.
  • Take water at short intervals regularly to answer thirst.
  • Try to keep track of how much water you drink per day.


  • Do not compromise with the purity of water.
  • Do not reuse crushable bottles to drink.
  • Do not force drinking yourself too much water when not thirsty.
  • Do not replace water with beverages. Only water is WATER!

So, what is the best way to drink water?

  • Drink water whenever you are thirsty, don’t skip, don’t postpone, don’t go for alternatives
  • Drink water when you feel hungry, sometimes thirst may appear as hunger
  • Drink a glass of water in an empty stomach to energize the internal organs

The quantity of water you drink or your body require vary with every individual, vary within an individual during different seasons, lifestyle etc. The human body is very much resilient. The body has the ability to health on its own. However, there comes a few things to consider. If you treat you well, giving utmost importance to what you eat, how you drink, and care for your wellness, you will be surprised by your body’s own natural ability to heal itself.

Happy Drinking!

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