To learn more about LifeWave patches and how to use them, check out my Acu-Patching page or set up an Acu-patching consult!
What to know about ordering?
LifeWave patches come in sleeves of 30 patches which will last 30 to 60 days depending on the recommended protocol. The retail price of a 30 day supply costs $79.95, except the X39 patches which are $149.95. I would highly recommend enrolling in a WHOLESALE account. Depending on how many sleeves you purchase, the price per sleeve can be as low as $49.95.
How to set up a wholesale account:
Go to the website: lifewave.com/drdevon
Next select JOIN and enter in the country you live in.
The wholesale enrollment kit options will then load. Choose the enrollment kit depending on how many sleeves needed for your Acu-patching protocol. For example, the BRONZE kit includes two sleeves and the SILVER kit includes six sleeves. Once enrolled, you have a wholesale account for life so you can try new products as you like. NOTE: One X39 sleeve equals two of any other sleeve.
Next fill out the form with basic information and payment. **Do not worry about the binary placement for new members. Just keep whatever is selected.**
Once you click on the option title to begin ordering, your cart will pre-fill with an X39 sleeve. If you do not want to purchase this sleeve, please click the X in the right hand corner and then add your desired patch selection.
If you need assistance, please call the office at 510-998-8027 and we will be happy to help.
To learn more about patching on your own, join my Facebook page at Acupuncture by Devon or LifeWave Team Learning.
Happy patching!